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Benefits of Using React Native for Cross-Platform App Development

React Native Benefits for Cross-Platform App Development

By Rohan SinghPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read
Benefits of Using React Native

Android apps are high in demand with a large chunk of the mobile app usage market in its court. Businesses are reaping a great set of profit from the Android apps, whereas iOS gives a specific segment that does not seem to move anywhere away from the legacy of the iOS platform. The increase in usage of smartphones gave a great chance for new startups to grow, whereas the cost of development goes higher for different apps usable on different platforms. As per reports, Android captures 72.44 percent of the market, whereas iOS covers 26.75 percent.

The app plays an important role in easing the task, but from a business perspective, it is not a prudent choice to build two separate apps for two major platforms. Not! When you have cross platform app development framework like React Native. The framework reveals a great advantage and this could be the reason why businesses like Airbnb, Walmart, and Audacity switched to react-native. Easy maintenance, reduced team size, swift code, and clean development are the push factors for huge traction RN absorbs. Let’s understand why react native is a kind of hero for cross platform app development.

What is React Native?

React Native is also known as RN and is used to develop cross platform apps using JavaScript. React native allows the developer to build natively-rendered apps for both major platforms iOS and Android. The framework allows creating the mobile apps using the same code which otherwise eats up a lot of time for redundant code.

What is a Cross-Platform Mobile App Development?

Cross-platform apps as the name denotes, are apps that can run on multiple platforms. For many years, cross platform app development has been snatching the attention of developers. Cross-platform apps are the future of mobile app development and the number of benefits is pushing the customers and developers to approve the efficacy of the approach. Cross-platform app development is considered to be the best, because it eliminates the redundancy of code, saving time in result.

Why Choose Cross-Platform App Development?

Building an app is a great initiative, and it must be taken seriously with long-term aspects in mind. There are a few reasons why cross platform app development is favored by the developers or users.

Wider Audience Base: Cross-platform apps are not limited to any particular platform. These apps enjoy a wider user base and enhanced functionality for leveraging the services, because of receiving the crowd of both platforms altogether.

Native-like Apps: With cross platform app, the developers get able to deliver the same level of the app with native-like features.

Reduced Cost: Keeping costing factors at scale, cross-platform mobile app development service is a beneficial path to go for. We will look at the reasons later in this article.

Easy Maintenance: Cross-platform apps require an equal level of maintenance as the android and iPhone app, but it is always better to cure a single app than two apps at the same time. Also, the deployment of the new version demands less time.

According to mobile app development experts, cross-platform development brings many benefits. Here we will understand why to react-native must be the first choice to go for.

What are the Benefits of Using React Native App Development?

React native is the preferred choice for stability and transposable architecture. React Native is the cost-effective method an offer user’s optimal performance. The native components are fully utilized by react native app developers, in comparison to other frameworks. Also, the framework supports analytical and demonstrative coding ensuring the clean code.

Benefits associated with the react native app development services are:

  • React native is more stable than competitor frameworks.
  • RN offers optimal performance and modular architecture.
  • The app development is flexible.
  • Many pre-loaded elements make the coding easier
  • A better coding system eases development.

Let’s discuss the detailed benefits of react native app development:

1. Hot Reload

Expert mobile app developers consider hot reload, one of the most shining factors of React Native. During the development, hot reload increases the code delivery by an automatic refresh of the code, wherever the code changes. Also, it allows living to track the changes given by the developer in real-time. Hot reload fetches the real-time data, while used by the developer. Updated UI content and structure content are loaded first while the user changes the script.

2. Third-party Plugins

Security is a big concern today and the concern somehow makes frameworks compromise with the features. React Native allows the third-party plugin for customization and feasible interfaces. Developers can customize the third-party theme and templates making the app stand out of crowd. React Native one in-house development framework of Facebook is made publicly available as open-source with all arrangements of third-party API and plugin, which is accessed by React Native app Development Company for optimized development.

3. Cost-effective

In the perspective of cost, React Native gives no reason to worry. This is a cost-effective medium for cross platform mobile app development services. At the time of app development, almost half of the code can be used on different platforms. The elements to be used in different platforms have a common code base, which also reduces the time of testing and debugging the code. React native app development services are widely popular because of the cost-effective development, leveraged by a common code base for different platforms.

4. A Single Team of Development

With cross-platform mobile app development services, you keep a single team for both Android and iPhone. There stays less chaos and a single chain of commands is applied. Again, a single team reduces the cost of development, a significant benefit for React native app Development Company.

5. Wider Reach

As per experts, mobile apps are the best medium for spreading awareness. A cross-platform app created with the help of react-native possesses native-like features, which are suitable for large audiences and help in gaining business profit.

6. Large Community

React Native is available open-source, which is why it has a large community. Whenever a coder is stuck at something, the open-source framework gives the help of React Native experts. Developers can also make work briefcases which helps write better code and gives improvement. A growing community also gives better innovation through the GitHub react-native community, where developers can also stay in cahoots with fellow developers present in the community.

7. Code Reusability

React native is most preferable among the cross-platform development frameworks because of the code reusability. According to react-native expert programmers, around 90 percent of the react-native code is reused between two major platforms iOS and Android. The reusable code reduces the time and effort of development while leveraging faster production.

8. Prebuilt Components

The react native app development is assisted by the pre-built components in the RN library. The code written by some developers for some functions can be reused by others without any cost of development. This has brought a huge attraction of businesses to react to native app development. Walmart is a prominent example of businesses shifting towards React Native for the desired outcome. The act was motivated more by the reusability of the code for android and iOS platforms.

9. Simple UI

The front-end development with React Native is appreciable. The open-source JavaScript framework is simple in UI and takes less loading time with responsive design.

React Native Apps are Not for

No platform is suitable for every kind of app. Regardless of features, a framework is always built for some specific goals. Similarly, React Native is also oriented to build cross platform app development on a smooth road.  Before choosing RN, always ensure, does your project actually requires it.

Let’s understand, why React Native is not suitable for:

  • Apps with Complex Customization

An app with a great level of data transferring and sophisticated development rivets is not suitable for react native app development. After almost half-decade, react-native does not entertain platform-specific features such as Camera, GPS, Touch ID, etc. There is a great difference between the subsystems of Android and iOS and therefore the code must work accordingly. These kinds of features are widely used in IoT software and not best to work with React Native.

  • Apps using Native APIs

If you are working with the apps such as antivirus, junk cleaner and similar kinds of apps, which require communication with the platform components. Native app development is preferred by developers for such tasks. Many cross-platform development experts suggest utilizing the API wrappers for platforms, but it takes a lot of effort for the same.

  • Extreme Computation

For small apps, and simple-quick transactions, react native is good to go for. But for the high level of computation such as stock trading apps, and apps demanding real-time calculations, react native is not the right wagon to fit into. React Native apps are used, when the loading time of structural components is more important than the computation speed. Any Mobile app Development Company uses the framework accordingly.

  • Apps Demanding Same Behavior

When you develop cross-platform apps, your codebase stays almost the same but the app behaves differently on both platforms. This happens because both platforms have different styles and views, which need to be kept in mind.

  • Apps Demanding Quick Testing and Implementation

Debugging is a great issue when established developers used RN. React Native offers the in-built code inspector, but it is not a versatile choice for developers. React Native services are popular now and there is a large community of RN, but the lack of capable testing and implementation sometimes annoys developers.

Wrap Up

React Native is the proud open-source framework of Facebook and undoubtedly the framework is growing constantly. Cross-platform app development is the demand of time and react does its work amazingly up to an extent. A person needs to determine the needs before selecting the framework, but for the non-technical stakeholders, it is better to leave the task to mobile app development companies.


About the Creator

Rohan Singh

This is Rohan Singh, Chief Executive Officer at SemiDot Infotech, Top rated multi award winning software development company providing a full suite of services and solutions like website development, mobile application development

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