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A Story of Fake Agile Expert Selling "Release Early, Release Often"

IT executives, don't get fooled by fake 'agile experts'.

By Zhimin ZhanPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
image credit: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/impostor-syndrome-tips

This is excerpt from the original article "Release Early, Release Often Clarified" on my Medium blog, 2022-10-20.

Most IT professionals have heard IT executives talking about “Release Early; Release Often” a lot, typically in company's so-called town hall meetings. However, for most software companies, this phrase has become an ideal slogan, which is meaningless in everyday life. Therefore, it's unsurprising that impostors will discover ways to deceive IT executives. This article shares one faker that I personally witnessed.

The Story

Almost a decade ago, I worked as a test automation consultant at a large tech company. At a company town hall meeting, the CEO and CIO spoke passionately about the ‘Agile Transformation’ the company was currently doing. Inevitably, both of them mentioned “Release Early; Release Often” a few times.

The company invited a guest speaker who was the CEO of an Agile Consulting company (the headquarter in Melbourne). He was a passionate speaker, in Steve Ballmer’s style.

Instead of talking about “Developers”, this CEO repeatedly said, “Automation, Automation, Automation” and “Testing, Testing, Testing” (please note that this was a cunning trick, and explanations will be followed later). Towards the end of his speech, he told us a story: recently, his consultants helped an organization achieve 45 production releases a day”. The audience applauded, including my project manager Mark.

As Mark was sitting next to me, I whispered to him: “It must be a lie!”. Mark looked at me surprisedly, “Why? ”(by the way, Mark has worked with me on two projects, both of which achieved production deployment every sprint thanks to the daily automated regression testing I implemented)

I replied: “A simple math. 45 production releases per eight hours, that is, ~10 minutes per release. How long will the regression testing take? What are the reasons for a release? If his company could do good automated regression testing, surely he would talk about it a lot and show stats. But he didn’t. What is the value of deploying again and again without code changes? ”

Mark understood instantly and agreed with me. Like many other people, he was influenced by the atmosphere and forgot about logical thinking.

I continued: “If 10 minutes is pure deployment time, it will be meaningless. The typical deployment time for all my web apps is about 20 seconds. If we follow his logic, we will do thousands of production deployments per day, but for what? The main cost of a production release cycle is automated regression testing (via UI)! He did not mention end-to-end test automation at all but only said the words ‘testing’ and ‘automation’ repeatedly and separately. That’s cunning”.

After the town hall meeting, this "agile" consulting company was engaged to help improve the agile process of the company’s flagship product, i.e. to make it ‘Release Early; Release Often”. There was no more news after that. To my knowledge, there had not been any changes implemented (the teams, with the exception of mine, were still doing manual testing) by the time I left the company.

A few months later, I had a LinkedIn chat with a former colleague who was working at a large bank in Melbourne. I learned from him that the agile consulting company’s CEO was previously this bank’s division CIO, who had terrible track records: buggy and behind-schedule releases. As a matter of fact, he was let go of the bank with shame. However, he figured out the software industry's needs, set up his own company, and talked himself up to fool others. I have to admit that he was an excellent salesman. He started his company with two associates to offer ‘solutions’ to those tech companies in need. According to him, his company was one of the top 10 fastest-growing Australian IT companies by BRW and now has over 100 employees.


Related reading:

  • "Daily Production Releases” Clarified

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About the Creator

Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer.

A top writer on Test Automation, with 150+ articles featured in leading software testing newsletters.

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