Introducing the Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard

The evolution of Bonuses: Celebrating creativity, engagement, and community building on Vocal

By Justin @ VocalPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read

Two years ago, Vocal introduced Bonuses as a means to celebrate the accomplishments of our talented creators. These Bonuses have served as a way to recognize the hard work, dedication, and creativity displayed within our vibrant community.

But the time has come to evolve...

Rewarding Good Behavior and Encouraging Community Building

We have decided to sunset certain bonuses that no longer align with our goals. Bonuses given for # of published story milestones, while initially meant to encourage productivity, has inadvertently incentivized the creation of lower-quality content and fast-paced publishing. We recognize the need to prioritize substance over quantity and discourage bad actors from trying to game the system with subpar content.

So we are going to try something new, something a bit different, in order to incentivize positive behavior and reward creators. For the foreseeable future, Bonuses will be sent only for the following actions:

  • If your story is selected as a Top Story
  • If you place in our new Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard
  • If you complete the requirements of our Bonus Boosts campaigns

What are Bonus Boosts?

Bonus Boosts are timely Bonus campaigns around specific tasks that we will announce exclusively on the Vocal Discord in the #bonus-boost channel.

In celebration of the launch of our four new communities on 6/5/2023, we're inviting all Vocal+ creators to participate in Vocal's inaugural Bonus Boost campaign.

Vocal+ creators who publish in all four new communities (Art, Humor, History, and Men) before 11:59PM EST on 6/20/2023 will be eligible to receive a $10 Bonus. Please be aware that the Bonus Boosts will be promptly sent to your Vocal Wallet at the conclusion of each campaign.

Introducing the Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard

With the new Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard, we are placing a renewed emphasis on community engagement, quality storytelling, and genuine interactions. By focusing on specific milestones, we aim to reward creators who actively contribute to the platform and foster meaningful connections with their audience.

Starting next week, we will be releasing a roundup every Wednesday of the most active and successful creators of the week. Those highlighted creators will receive Bonuses based on their accomplishments.

Our goal is to be more transparent while championing and shining a spotlight on the individuals who have been making waves and leaving their mark on Vocal.

Please take a moment to read our disclaimer and commitment to ensuring a fair and safe environment for the Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard:

Disclaimer: Maintaining Integrity and Fairness

At Vocal, we are dedicated to maintaining the integrity, fairness, and transparency of our leaderboard. We want to ensure that all participants have an equal opportunity to showcase their talent and engage authentically with the community. Please note that we reserve the right to update, modify, or change the leaderboard structure or associated policies at any time. To uphold these principles, we actively monitor the results and reserve the right to take necessary actions against any attempts to cheat, manipulate the system, or violate our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.

Suspicious activities or actions that compromise the fairness of the rankings may result in the removal of individuals or accounts from the leaderboard and/or the platform at our discretion. Our priority is to provide a platform that rewards genuine engagement, high-quality content, and positive community contributions. We deeply appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our valued creators as we work together to create a vibrant and trustworthy space for all.

Here are the milestones that will receive a Bonus as part of the new Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard:

Most Discussed Stories this Week

We recognize the importance of sparking meaningful discussions and conversations. The top three creators whose stories are published within the weekly timeframe and that generate the most comments will be rewarded, encouraging you to create content that resonates deeply with your audience and sparks engaging dialogues.

Note: We will be monitoring comments, and only comments of substance will qualify. A simple 👍 or "Congrats on your top story" won't count. We're looking for conversations and feedback.

  • 🥇 First Place: $20
  • 🥈 Second Place: $10
  • 🥉 Third Place: $5

Popular Stories with the Most Likes this Week

Likes are a powerful indicator of appreciation and connection on Vocal. Creators whose stories are published in the weekly timeframe and receive a significant number of likes will be celebrated, motivating you to craft compelling narratives that captivate and resonate with readers.

  • 🥇 First Place: $20
  • 🥈 Second Place: $10
  • 🥉 Third Place: $5

Most Read Stories this Week

Stories have the ability to transport and inspire. Creators whose stories attract the highest number of reads will be recognized for their ability to create immersive and captivating experiences for their audience. Only the stories published within the weekly timeframe and the number of reads they receive will be taken into consideration for that week's leaderboard.

  • 🥇 First Place: $20
  • 🥈 Second Place: $10
  • 🥉 Third Place: $5

Most Subscribed to Creators this Week

Building a loyal and engaged audience is a testament to a creator's impact. Those who gain the most new free subscribers in the weekly timeframe will be rewarded, acknowledging your ability to consistently deliver content that keeps readers coming back for more.

  • 🥇 First Place: $20
  • 🥈 Second Place: $10
  • 🥉 Third Place: $5

Most Supportive Commenters this Week

Community building and positive interactions are fundamental to our platform. We value creators who actively engage with others, leaving thoughtful and constructive comments. The top three creators who provide the most support and encouragement to their peers will be acknowledged for their dedication to fostering a vibrant and supportive community.

Note: We will be monitoring these comments, and only comments of substance will qualify. A simple 👍 or "Congrats on your top story" won't count. We're looking for comments that create conversations, provide feedback, and help make Vocal a more meaningful experience.

  • 🥇 First Place: $20
  • 🥈 Second Place: $10
  • 🥉 Third Place: $5

Most Social Stories this Week

The power of social media cannot be underestimated. Creators whose stories are widely shared across social platforms will be recognized and rewarded. This Bonus celebrates the ability to create content that resonates beyond our platform, extending the community's reach and impact.

Note: Tracking engagement on third party platforms isn't easy, so to make this fair, we will be monitoring the referral traffic to your stories based on the social source, i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, etc.

  • 🥇 First Place: $20
  • 🥈 Second Place: $10
  • 🥉 Third Place: $5

Bonuses for Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard will be sent within 72 hours after being announced for the week.

We look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions in the comments below.

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About the Creator

Justin @ Vocal

Founder/CEO of Vocal. COO/President of Creatd ($CRTD), the parent company of the Vocal platform.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (60)

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  • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

    Oh I just read it today, thank you so much vocal team, as you sent this link via email response to me. It is well discussed story about rewarding the bonuses. And I also endorse that only publishing the article is not worth of bonus. But a healthy competition is good for weekly bonus. I am excited to see more on this platform. Thanks for the email and updates.

  • Mark Graham4 months ago

    Justin I was wondering about a readers community from another creator who suggested maybe letting readers earn say anything for one cent to maybe a nickel a read. I am a very happy writer/artist here, but I would not mind earning a little bit more just for reading. If this is possible I would read more on other communities.

  • E.B. Mahoney6 months ago

    While I love the motivation behind this change, it's pretty disappointing to have the other bonuses removed. I have spent over two years creating content on this platform and the 50 stories bonus was something I was really looking forward to receiving in celebration of an important personal milestone as a growing creator. I'm not a fantastic writer, but I only publish work I'm satisfied with sharing, so the 50 published stories was a big goal to finally reach. Unfortunately I found out way too late about the change and was led to believe otherwise by out of date content explaining the bonuses. I think the new system is lovely for fostering a supportive community, it's just a bit heart breaking to have the goal be so anticlimactic.

  • Riches Avenue7 months ago

    This was indeed a helpful information. I love it

  • I just want to put in my two cents. My intention here is not to down talk anybody or to degrade anybody's ideas or thoughts. I just want to make some clarity here. I see several people talking about quality not being rewarded with these new bonuses. Unlike statistics such as most reads or most hearts, most engagement and so forth quality is subjective. I might think that my story is of the utmost quality but maybe the people reviewing our stories may not think so. It's hard to judge exactly which story was the best written story of the week. I think that would lend itself to playing favorites. I feel Vocal is on the right track by using the statistics that are available which are verifiable and conclusive. Judging quality is neither verifiable nor conclusive it is an abstract notion based on human emotion rather than verifiable data.

  • Alexandria Stanwyck12 months ago

    I like that you are trying to encourage more beneficial commenting. It is encouraging me to set a goal of leaving a comment, first of all. Second, making sure it is meaningful. And third, making sure I really read the story (not that I don't anyways). It's more of taking my time and 'highlighting' the parts I really like or could use approvement. Which leads to this. Do you think they'll be a highlighting option someday? Just wondering.

  • Is there a start date for this? I am sad that it's all about quantity and not about quality. Awards for MOST read / likes/subscriptions, not best stories/ideas/work in promoting Vocal. This will encourage scammers to find ways to scam the system while the real talents will have to take the reads they can get. I have a high reads and subscriber base but I doubt I will qualify for any of these bonuses and some real talent will be left in the wilderness. I hope this can be properly evolved to include all the best talent on Vocal

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    Considering the fact that this discontinuation of milestone bonuses seems to have coincided with my battle with support over mine for 50 stories, which happened to have been met during the creation of my microfiction series, I can't help but think that the "discourage bad actors from trying to game the system with subpar content" is a slight that I and many of my fellow creators don't deserve. Speaking only for myself, I can definitely say that the quality of the stories was exactly what started the series in the first place and the reason it continued. You opted to keep my bonus. So be it. Don't insult my creativity and my application of the challenge that Vocal issued.

  • Mohammed Darasi12 months ago

    Vocal has grown quite a bit in the last few years, and of course I understand that with growth comes more stories, and the need for more moderators keeps increasing, which makes automation a more cost effective option. But when I first joined vocal I really did like that my work was being reviewed by someone before approval (it helped me improve the quality of my work), so hopefully some version of that can come back because I'm mainly here to express thoughts and improve my writing (I've learned a lot of things from other creators on vocal and it's been fun writing). I'm sure many people on here would prefer having human moderators instead of more bonuses, if there was a choice between the two I mean.

  • Thavien Yliaster12 months ago

    Quick question, what are You going to do about people that copy other people's comments, and those that will even use AI to generate comments based upon comments that they've copied and pasted into AI text generators? I know for certain that one of my comments was copied and pasted into somebody else's comment section. Before I had my comments deleted due to somebody clicking the "Report" button 18 times saying that I "Violated Community Guidelines" You can clearly see one of my comments that was copied and pasted in the comments' section of this article. If it's happened before, it's more than likely to happen again. I use myself as an example since I can provide the example that's occurred.

  • Very interesting concept(s).

  • Colleen Millsteed 12 months ago

    Unfortunately this is not going to be any different to the Vocal ‘favourites’ list for Top Story. It’ll just means those ‘favourites’ will win all these bonuses and the rest of us don’t stand a chance. When every story, article, poem was reviewed by a human, I used to get regular Top Stories. I know my writing has improved and not gone backwards but since no one reviews each story now, I’ve struggled to get any recognition. Not being a Vocal ‘favourite’ anymore has hurt my reads and engagement and sadly I think this platform has gone severely backwards. It’s all about bias now and not quality writing, hence why I cancelled my V+ membership after two years. Good luck to those that aren’t a ‘favourite’ as I don’t see this changing for you at all. I’m not even interested in trying for these bonuses as I know I don’t stand a chance.

  • Liz Sinclair12 months ago

    This is a simply a subset of the problems that writers and creatives face in the real world. The more traction and reaction your work gets, the higher you rise and the more you get paid. This doesn't really speak to quality or dedication to the craft of writing—it speaks more to having a lot of time or enough financial support that you can put in the time without needing money for it. I've read some amazing writers here who have totally gone unrecognized. Vocal has some amazing quality writing right here on the site which it is missing - frequently. I don't know what the answer is - more variety in the moderators and judges, as at the end of the day, what people like is highly highly subjective. Not going for trendy pop cultural topics but looking at evergreen themes. Recognizing a broader range of writing not just stories that fit a narrow style spectrum.

  • Eloise Robertson 12 months ago

    Is there a link to the discord server somewhere?

  • Chantae Hardingabout a year ago

    I am here to write and share my work. I didn't even know about bonuses being a thing on vocal because I only joined so I could share my work. I like the incentives for feedback. I am here to become a better writer. My stuff is all really raw right now but I know I can watch my page grow as my writing improves. Hopefully, I can find a community of people here for that because that is my goal. To find my people.

  • Call Me Lesabout a year ago

    Honestly I'm feeling rather discouraged with this. It doesn't back track and reward any of us who paved the way by starting the building of these communities that the smaller ones have now branched off of. I mean will Judey Kalchik be recognized? Hers is massive. Any of the founding VSS admins? Some of us don't do much as much now because of our jobs but it would have meant a lot to have been noticed and rewarded this way previously. It seems to only reward those who can pound the pavement endlessly rather than holistically look at our number of reads and subscribers in total. Those that have the time to do this already collect the rewards. Also no one has responded to my comment asking to have input in the community Tom and I came up with. Between this and the plagiarism I'm not as in love with this platform much as I used to be and that breaks my heart because my profile is filled with Vocal positive PR articles. Vocal has a history of overlooking those who write well but quietly. It's why we did the Fab 5 years ago. The leader board for a lot of folks is going to feel like yet another place to be overlooked. What meant something to us was handpicked top stories from a moderator who cared about quality. More moderators would solve the plagiarism problem and make top stories feel like more genuine achievements again.

  • Kimabout a year ago

    Ooouu, thoughtful comments are my jam. Let the games begin.

  • Elisandro Pedroabout a year ago

    Amazing. Can´t wait to start posting on these new communities. Lovely. Keep up the good work Vocal. A big shout out from Angola, Africa. One Love.

  • Asma Qamarabout a year ago

    I’m trying my best to write the best stories but I’m not receiving any rewards but I’m patient with my work. Will get to iy

  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    Adding a humor category was my idea, maybe a few others too. How come I did not receive any kudos or even a mention or an 'atta girl', while others got honorary mentions for their ideas. I once got over 2500 reads for a story. How come I didn't get a mention. "The facial recognition dilemma", was the story. There were other ideas which Vocal just took for granted that they could use. Is it fair to ask for retroactive benefits as someone else mentioned. All my hard work just went up in smoke without an 'atta girl'. Very disheartening. I have mixed feelings about the new plans. Only time will tell if it actually changes anything. Let us hope for fairness and not the same old, same old, wrapped up in pretty words.

  • MT Poetryabout a year ago

    Very Happy to hear this! Thank you so much

  • Natasja Roseabout a year ago

    What about people whose stories get a lot of reads, but from people who aren’t Vocal members, and this can’t like or comment? I write a lot in the Geek community, but a large bulk of the people who read those aren’t members.

  • aly suhailabout a year ago

    from these 1st,2nd, and 3rd place bonuses, my conclusion is it will only benefit those writers who have the most subscribers here and whose stories often rank as top stories, sorry to say but these bonuses won't benefit much to new writers with few subscriptions and no top story at all.

  • Naomi Goldabout a year ago

    “With the new Vocal Weekly Bonus Leaderboard, we are placing a renewed emphasis on community engagement, quality storytelling, and genuine interactions.” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Thank you! This made my entire day. As a writer, nothing is more disheartening than the low effort comments. I also really appreciate that quality over quantity is being recognized. Being rewarded for generating traffic to the site sounds fun, and like a win/win for everyone. I had a lot of success getting views for my personal blog via Reddit, but never tried it with Vocal. We could all use a wider audience.

  • Lilly Cooperabout a year ago

    To be honest, I'm a little disappointed by this. I understand what Vocal is trying to achieve. However, I feel like this is going to let many Creators, like myself, fall through the cracks. I have a day job that I work more than 80hrs a fortnight and I'm a sole parent. I engage and create as often as I can, but I am SEVERLY limited in time. For the time I have available, I spend a massive percentage of it trying to build networks and readership. I dedicate as much of my as I can. Which still comes up short compared to others. I really feel like my contributions very likely will never be recognised. I feel like this also has the potential to be misused, with some people choosing to only read many shorter word count peices. This feels very discouraging to me and I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way.

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