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The Innocence of Murdaugh

Sir, We Are Here, Those Who Support You

By Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle AuthorPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 12 min read

Innocent Until Proven Innocent Series

I was drawn to this story almost at the last moment. I hadn't read about it in the media as it unfolded like some stories. I am in Canada is why.

Always one to support the underdog, the undervalued, the people who have been done wrong, I decided to be an extension of reason for the over-sensationalized, the press everywhere stories that have some fundamental wrongs. I am not afraid of ridicule or being dis-believed. There are valid reasons for my perspective and I know I am not the only one who shares this perspective. I believe strongly that innocent people should not spend a second in jail. Alex Murdaugh is one of them.

Accused of murdering his wife, Margaret, and his son, Paul, who passed away on June 7, 2021, this man is literally dragged through the mill where everything that happened to him since then as in matters that have nothing to do with the crime, was twisted and used as a motive.

Why He Is Innocent - The Integral Video

The video at the top of this page where he is seen at the time of discovering the bodies where he is clearly and genuinely in shock leading to hysterics but trying to keep composed. You don't need to be an expert in body language to see that. This was actually interpreted by some, against him, as a blatant attempt to accuse him, to mislead the public into ignoring that crucial aspect of his being distraught. When a person is in that state of mind and immediately being questioned, what is a lie, did he, seriously? What is shock...he was obviously processing many factors including the violent death of his wife and son.

Try the fact that he is would anyone think at that moment? In this video, which is very important, he mentions who he believes could be responsible and that his son had been involved in an accident and had been threatened since - yet this is completely ignored for investigation or trial.


He was on video at the kennels, near where the crime was committed at 8:44 pm. He was at the place of his alibi (his mother's) and back by 10 pm. The time of death for his wife and son was between 9 pm and 9:30 - therefore he wasn't there. It's a 20-minute drive so do the math, it left him 20 minutes approximately to visit which is what he said. He would have been already gone from the property at the time of their deaths. He arrived at home, saw that his wife and son weren't there and went to look for them at the kennels and called the police at 10:07 pm.

There is evidence of him talking on his phone and speaking to several people during the drive to where he was going. There is a witness of a medical staff who was caring for his mother, also. Why was this left out as evidence leads one to really, seriously question what was going on through this trial? Was a speedy outcome more important than any concern that the killers are still out there? This would be a key point of evidence but it was skimmed over and details wrongly referred to, in fact, changed in meaning when the prosecution referred to the importance of him being there 20 minutes to 45 minutes before the murders even happened. He is seen just after arriving home and he called the police in the video.

The reference to his "lying," about his presence at the kennels. This detail seems to get greatly distorted in the Press - he didn't deny being there earlier that night, he stated he was not there when it happened. On the police body cam he refers to being there earlier then going in the house for a nap before going to his mother's and he texted his wife prior to doing that but she didn't get back to him.

At some point during the interviewing before the trial the media refers to him as apologizing and referring to him lying - when did he lie? Did he? Was he coerced into saying he lied because clearly on tape he did not. Why is the media putting a spin on details?

Dissect the actual communication and his psychological state: is he a clarifying or trying to remember? Post trauma details can be forgotten or confused.

Similar to his response when the Judge asks him to reiterate if he lifted a chicken before leaving that night, wanting him to again clarify if he had lifted the chicken onto the top of a crate or not, Murdaugh replies, "if you say it was on top of the crate, then it was," an answer that indicates he is still showing signs of shock when going through memories of the night and cannot remember exactly and trying to be accommodating in his answer.

He was supposedly heard on the phone prior in the background - again, a significant time prior to the murders, after which time he left. What does that matter? He already said he had been there before leaving later. Since that was called a"lie," when it wasn't, that left an impression on the jurors. Evaluating the context of his apology as admittance to what he is fitting into an accusation. Why is a Snapchat video being used as evidence? Those can be edited and/or times changed.

Alex Murdaugh has consistently stated throughout the trial and to date, that he was not there when the crime was committed and would not kill his wife and son who he loved. He is clearly seen in the video above saying where he was that night and was at the kennels before leaving so he did not lie. Yet the media sensationalized and harped on that point as if it was a fact admitting to something else.

Guilty people do not cry - fact. This is referred to in law circles. Murdaugh has been publicly grieving and distraught and still in shock throughout the entire court process. This is something he might never get over.

What motive?

Again, conjecture is used to lead. This is a man who is well off financially so how is money a motive? If he needed money he could sell assets, land, cash in investments, borrow or take on a case.

Then from out of nowhere, they throw at him no less than 99 accusations of money mismanagement as if this had something to do with the murders. There are NO 99 Accusations - there were 7. Big difference. At this point, all accusations are not proven. 7 to 9 were actual charges however again these details are lacking some serious consideration. Separate bank accounts do not mean fraud and is it technically theft for money that was never paid out but he still has? Were these earnings or settlement money yet to be given. He apologised also for a point on this - but define mismanagement, was it really? Sometimes business deals just go wrong or don't work out, yet lately, this seems to be a big consideration in other media cases as well, as fraud. As for client settlements, maybe he just didn't pay it out yet seems more likely.

It seems nearly impossible that these crimes would have gone completely unnoticed until after a court case started. If he supposedly stole all kinds of money there is no evidence of him having it, his financial worth is 1 million, so where are all the funds? He doesn't have it. Maybe they had AI do the financial reports. Important is why is this being brought up as a tool for prosecution in a murder trial?

Even if he is guilty of stealing money that doesn't make him a murderer or place him there at the time of death. If he had that amount of money how does this work into a motive to murder people to get more or hide it? That argument as a smokescreen motive makes no sense. He supposedly killed people to hide the fact that he owed money. How would that hide anything? At this point, one has to wonder - who is out to get this guy??

His addiction to prescription painkillers is also not a motive. His large use of it is due to immunity. Even 60 pills a day adds up to a few hundred dollars a week, not many thousands a month. Again, a sidetrack and a sad one.

Then a totally unrelated death is thrown in, which also confounds and confuses. The housekeeper had fallen and hit her head and died. Somehow this has to do with it, now alluding to what, that he is a killer - seriously?? The housekeeper's family said that he offered to pay her family members but it was taking too long meant he had stolen it? This somehow is proof of something? Why would they get millions of dollars from a slip and fall accident and why would he have to pay it? Maybe something was wrong with their insurance plan.

How are finances proof of a double homicide?

At this point, it is starting to look like he is being thrown under the proverbial bus for anything. Why that dastardly rich guy, lets's get him! If he didn't commit those murders then we'll find some excuse for raising a kafuffle and all these accusations made. Often opportunists come out from behind the bus pushing it along as if it's going somewhere. Initially thinking he was a rich lawyer, but he also has a settlement to pay out for an accident that his now deceased son was accused of causing. So now what, whoever started pushing that bus along, now what.

An innocent man is sitting in jail for a murder he didn't commit, his name dragged through the mud, a jury looking like they lack basic comprehension skills, and the news looks like most of them are the national enquirer-ish with headlines that are wrong information! While a woman and son are buried and their murderers are still out there.

Let us not forget those murder victims need their own type of closure. The law is about finding out who did it. This wasn't supposed to be all about Alex Murdaugh, who would never do that.


There really is no evidence linking him to the crime or being there when it happened. How was he even arrested and held in jail for a year and a half before the court date?!


Anyone could have a grudge against a rich, prominent family with a solid legal professional background. Vengeance for a court case, a business deal that possibly went bad, a jealous colleague, or a malicious public. This is a normal family that didn't know gangsters but anyone can find a reason to intimidate, extort or just simply bully is another possible side to this. Who was known to be unhappy with the family or members? There is a couple of scenarios also that could fit that have already been mentioned in the news.

  • The son had been involved in an accident where his girlfriend had died and since then had been harassed and threatened. Murdaugh felt strongly that this had something to do with it when discovering the bodies, as can be witnessed in the video. He even mentioned the son recently being punched over the incident. The murders took place just months after the accident and the same week that it was supposed to go to court.
  • All of this could have to do with the family being targeted by a gang for any reason. It happens all the time. Absolutely anyone who could have found out where they lived, drove there to rob them, they refused to give them money and were shot. People collectively can stalk, access phones or devices, and track people's schedules, all as a means to eventually get at their money. You would also be surprised by what is a perceived slight that could be a reason for a psycho to go off on a tangent and follow someone.
  • Was there any surveillance from any neighbours showing vehicles in the area any time that day or evening or days prior? The estate is surrounded by woods and the kennels are right next to the woods, it would not be hard to hide there. Plus at the end of the row of kennels, there are bullet holes in the back window.

Alex Murdaugh was a normal man with a normal life. His wife and son are brutally murdered and he gets blamed for it, based on nothing. A mistake was made at the beginning of this case to fuel it forward. Innocent people cannot go to jail or the judicial process means nothing.

The Psychic Reading

An Amateur Sleuth I may be but an experienced Psychic I am. I have approximately 20+ years at it. I have done many readings about stories in popular media. I started a page where I was doing Lives for personal readings. Then I gravitated to missing persons reading since 2017, thinking what better way to use my gift.

I felt a strong pull to read this one, whether that matters to anyone it matters to me. What about this case, it's important. The first thing I read psychically was that there were two shooters, this fits with evidence that two different guns were used. They knew the layout of the land, where the kennels are and the approximate time they would be there. They had either been there before or someone told them the layout or they had scoped out the place. They were on foot. They were thugs, Asian men. It had something to do with the son. The mother just happened to be there. Money also had something to do with it. I believe the son had a gambling debt or owed money, whether that has something to do with the murder or not. They knew where the Murdaughs lived because someone told them.

I will keep reading this one for anything that might lead to a bit of evidence because I am convinced that Alex Murdaugh did not commit these crimes. Also, people may try to go after his money after the fact now, and maybe that was a reason all along.


By Clairvoyance the image I had was of an older model, long car, like a big rectangle-shaped boat type of car, I believe burgundy or red, parked at a plaza where there is a convenience store. Near where the Murdaughs lived. This vehicle should be on several surveillance cameras there at the plaza and the two asian men I believed killed Margaret and Paul Murdaugh in that car. There is also a female who drives for them. They also drink and get their alcohol in stores.

Now, before you go thinking that I am associated with criminals, or must know someone who lives in that area - don't worry I am not and I don't know anyone there. I get that sometimes, "well she must know some other way." Psychic ability is evolved intuition with its own set of skills. Many psychics read these types of cases. I live like a monk. I pray and meditate much of the day, do my writing work and small business and barely get by since the pandemic.

Murdaugh was labeled guilty before the court process was even started because he was put in jail and comments from even the jurors seem to show that belief. This can happen to you or anyone and media and courts have to pay better attention, be objective, be questioning, and always display the other view. In my humble opinion, the court should be investigated and this trial and judgment thrown out and another investigation, no matter how long it takes.

People have to speak up and stand up when any injustice is done and this is one of those times. Never be afraid to express your opinion or to back it up. Don't be a sheep, be discerning. Being a critical thinker can keep innocent people out of jail.

An appeal was filed on March 9, 2023 and may there be wisdom and faith guiding the conclusion this time because there is no way that Alex Murdaugh pulled a gun on his own family members. That is the the work of cold hearted thugs, not crying fathers.

I predicted the Covid Virus, the Ukraine War, various large storms, earthquakes, etc. No psychic guarantees a hundred percent accuracy but I have been many times. I have also been consulted by law enforcement on occasion. I have 20+ years of experience, and a Seer with the range of psychic skill set.

My other articles of similar topic:

In My Spare Time I Find Dead Bodies

Missing Person Jonathon Wayne Critser

Missing Person Naomi Irion

The Iconic Mechanization of Evil In Society

I do not set a fee for these Readings. Any donation is welcome. I read for any person who asks whether they have money or not and Readings are done in order of request. I will do personal "everyday," Readings, for gratuity for time, or more in-depth readings. PayPal: [email protected] or E-tfr: [email protected]

Copyright © 2023 Lisa A Lachapelle. All rights reserved.

Lisa Lachapelle’s links: Website & Vocal Stories & Psychic Readings Page on Facebook

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About the Creator

Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle Author

Published Poet and Author. Making rainy days feel like Sundays with words.

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Comments (2)

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  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    Reading about your , evidence from your reading give me goosebumps. Will the real murders be put to jail is the big question in this case for sure .

  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    I agree something is a miss in this court case. The puzzle is not complete. I felt the investigation was rush . The court system is really blind to giving the truth. How many people put in jail wrongly and how many people set free from a crime they really committed because of lack of evidence?

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