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Time To Learn Spanish!! Chap. 2

Who the Hell are We Talking to!?

By Amargeaux RaiPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Bonjour!! Comment ça va!?

Wait, wrong language.


I just wanted to say that I am SOOOOO looking forward to yelling at people some more about what I want to eat!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!

But here's the thing: what's the point in arguing if you don't have anyone to argue with?

More than that, who the hell are you talking to?

This is something your therapist can help you with later, but in the meantime, let's make you look less crazy...

Like honestly, can you imagine screaming at the wall about it giving you bread instead of bananas!? LOL!!!

By the way...

Let's give y'all something to argue about!!!

I'll give you a little recap:

Translate these:

Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco

Banana, Comer, Como, Quiero, Pan

A la/A las, Un/Una, Y

Don't know what I'm talking about? Or maybe you just forgot?

Well, my dear, You should CHECK OUT THE LAST LOVERLY EPISODE for all your recapping needs...

You can also GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING and get to know me a little.... if you want to.


Arguing makes a little more sense with someone else...

Check this out:

Tú ....................................... You (familiar)

Usted .................................. You (formal)

La Mujer ............................. The Woman

La Niña ............................... The Girl

Cocinar ............................... to cook

Quieres ............................... (You) want (familiar)

Quiere ................................ (You) want (formal)

Okay, let's drill these suckas;

Don't forget to bark these to the moon!! OUT LOUD, MAN!!!

Tú quieres

Usted quiere ---

Okay, hold up --

I just want to make sure that that you notice the difference...


Usted QUIERE (no "S" )

Plus, remember that you're using "Usted" with somebody you don't know...

Get what I'm sayin'? A'ight, let's keep it goin'...

Say it in SPANISH and ENGLISH, now...


Tù quieres comer

Usted quiere comer

Yo quiero, Tù quieres y Usted quiere comer

La mujer quiere

La niña quiere

La niña y la mujer

La niña quiere comer una banana

La mujer no quiere comer una banana

Usted no quiere comer pan y banana

Tù quiere cocinar

Tù quiere cocinar una banana

Okay, How 'bout some more food?

Let's do three at a time:

La naranja ....................................... The Orange

El Sándwich .................................... The Sandwich

La Comida ....................................... The Food

Got it? Now for some sandwiches-- SENTENCES!!! I meant-- I meant sentences...

SPANISH AND ENGLISH, you know the drill!

Yo quiero comer la comida

La mujer quiere comer la comida

La niña quiere comer la comida

Tú no quieres comer el sándwich

La mujer y la niña quiere cocinar

Usted no quiere cocinar la comida

La mujer y usted quiere la naranja

La niña y tú quiere comer la naranja

Yo quiero la naranja

Yo quiero comer la naranja

Yo no quiero cocinar la naranja

How's that feelin'? Let's drill some more, But tell the time, this time:

A la una, Yo quiero cocinar

A las dos, tú quieres cocinar

A las tres, usted quiere cocinar

A las cuatro, la mujer quiere cocinar

A las cinco, La niña quiere cocinar la comida

I think that's enough for today!!!

Do you know how smart you are!? You learned all that in a matter of three lessons!! Imagine what you'll be able to do after ten more!!! KEEP IT UP!!!! You brilliant thing, you.

ANYWAY, now for the show of the day:


It's called "Control Z"!

It's set in a high school in Mexico where everything seems alright on the surface, but it's ABSOLUTELY not... Oh... oh how it's not.

Sofia is the outcast of a girl who's perfectly fine being an outcast because her best pastime is observing people and catching on to things that no one else notices... to the point of people calling her a freak because of it.

She always noticed a group of popular people who, from her perspective, barely have it together. And for a good reason... they all have secrets.

Well one day, Their secrets get out... by a hacker who is blackmailing and terrorizing everyone. He/she will blackmail one person or a group of persons into exposing someone else, so you can't really immediately trace who it was, and it's TOTAL chaos!!!

And the only one who can catch up to all this and figure out who's doing all this, is Sofia.

And even she has her own secrets.


Anyway, that's it for now. I will be posting Spanish Language post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

Thank You So much For Stopping By!!!

You can find out more about me and the things I do here:




And of course, if you're into what I write and you'd like to see more ('Cause I do more than act like a Spanish teacher), You can have a gander at the rest of my works HERE on Vocal.Media.

Okay, see you next time!! Adios!!


About the Creator

Amargeaux Rai

I am a freelance writer, blogger, poet and artist who studies Holistic medicine, palmistry, herbalism, and astrology. I also love interpreting dreams, eating chocolate and giving hugs.

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