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By “M”Published 3 months ago 3 min read

Do you think that challenging what some consider to be an insurmountable reality is a good or bad thing? Tell me what you think in the comments after reading this article

I published an article yesterday wondering how and how long it takes to achieve the first 1,000 views on Vocal, and this is that article


Those were some of the comments there and I appreciate every word they said

  • Mark graham After a few years, sorry, I just made my first 1000 reads. I have subscribed to authors, read and commented on many articles, poems and stories.
  • Shirley Belk I would just say to subscribe and read the works of others and leave comments. Let people get to know you. You will get your own fan base like that. Time? I would say about 6 months to a year?
  • Sapphire Ravenclaw I have been writing here for 7 years and have over 30,000 views (I am quite proud of that while others would think it not that good). Some stories are more popular than others. I remember getting quite excited when I reached my 1000 views milestone, but I couldn't tell you which story or how I got there! One thing I always try to to, though, is share. Anything I write here, I will share on social media. My most viewed article is one that inspired me to create a series of similar articles .There is, however, always an element of luck.

I am proud and very appreciative of these comments and opinions ,I wish the best of luck to all the wonderful writers on Vocal 🫶🏻

But I have always had another opinion. In my view of anything in life, what you put in your mind you will achieve it. For example, if I say that I need 6 months or a year, then I may be lazy about what I do and give myself this long period of time to reach my goal, but if I put in my mind that I will achieve this. In about a month, I will make a greater effort during this month, and I will find the result of my effort, which is reaching my goal in this month

What is on your mind today and what you are thinking now, you will see as a reality in the future of your days. Let say that a person thinks that he is sick and convinces her/his mind of this. She/He will feel the effects of the disease in the reality of her/his life even though she/he is not really sick.

On the other hand, there is another person who convinces herself/himself that she/he is successful and that she/he is happy, even though the surroundings and reality of her/his current life do not say that,she/ He will become successful and happy with effort and work in the future. I hope you are all this happy person who is proud of everything she/he does and optimistic about her/his future

So be happy, optimistic, confident and proud of yourself and everything you do now , to see the results of all this in the future In the form of successive successes that will make you better and better in everything

That’s why I will challenge this and try to reach my goal during this month 🚀 If I couldn’t do so within a month, I will not give up and I will continue trying until I reach my goals

Thank you for your attention ,reading, comment and like 🫶🏻 I appreciate every moment you spent reading my article

I hope you enjoyed and benefited

healinghappinesssocial mediaVocalsuccessself helphow toHolidaygoalscelebritiesadvice

About the Creator


Be happy and grateful for everything you have in your life

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  • ROCK 3 months ago

    I have written as a way to heal myself and sometimes, now that I have joined the Vocal, to challenge myself. I have begun to see I may make a change in how other's feel or think, at least, that is what I hope to believe. As far as the amount of reads, money or fame, I do not make this part of my personal goal or I would give up. I hope your challenges come from within you and not from some AI promotion or another person's "idea" of you. Your fellow scriber, ROCK

  • Asad Message3 months ago

    great motivation

  • Andrea Corwin 3 months ago

    M, I agree with your bolder comments. I see many times people let others create their reality (it could be a teacher making g them feel ignorant, a doctor making them feel “sick”). Thoughts are things - negative or positive. Good luck with your goal!!

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