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Unraveling the Brain of Friend: The Greatest Manipulator

Deciphering the Machiavellian Tactics of Friend: Lessons in Manipulation and Control

By Arnav DixitPublished 2 months ago 3 min read


In the intricate tapestry of psychological manipulation and global control, one character stands out as the epitome of cunning and influence: Friend from "20th Century Boys." Friend's mastery of manipulation is unparalleled, as he orchestrates events on a global scale with surgical precision. To comprehend the depth of his capabilities, we must dissect the origins of this enigmatic figure and analyze the techniques he employs to wield power over the masses.

Origins of Friend

Friend, originally known as Fuku Hatori, emerged from humble beginnings, born into a modest family. His childhood was marked by intelligence and imagination, yet marred by neglect, fostering a deep-seated desire for recognition and influence. His transformation into Friend was catalyzed by childhood friendships and shared fantasies, which laid the groundwork for his grand design.

Techniques of Manipulation:

Friend's ascent to power was a calculated orchestration of fear, influence, and charisma. He mastered the art of manipulation by exploiting human desires and fears with surgical precision. Key techniques in his arsenal included:

1. Establishment of a common enemy:

Friend recognized the unifying power of fear and used it to his advantage. By fabricating external threats and positioning himself as the sole protector against these perceived dangers, he manipulated the masses into rallying behind him. Through propaganda and misinformation, he instilled a sense of urgency and solidarity, effectively consolidating his power base.

2. Exploitation of nostalgia:

Leveraging collective nostalgia, Friend tapped into shared memories and symbols from childhood to establish trust and legitimacy. By evoking sentiments of warmth and familiarity, he cultivated a sense of belonging among his followers, fostering unwavering loyalty. This manipulation of sentiment allowed him to blur the lines between reality and fiction, reinforcing his narrative as the rightful leader of the people.

3. Prophetic manipulation:

Friend's ability to predict and orchestrate disasters lent him an air of divine authority. By engineering crises and then appearing as the prophesied savior, he manipulated perceptions of reality, positioning himself as a messianic figure capable of guiding humanity through tumultuous times. This manipulation of faith and belief bolstered his control over the psyche of his followers, cementing his status as an omnipotent leader.

4. Cultivation of dependency:

Through strategic initiatives and technological advancements, Friend engineered a society reliant on his benevolence. By providing essential services and portraying himself as the sole provider of security and stability, he ensured a sense of dependency among the populace. This reliance on Friend's goodwill created a feedback loop of obedience and gratitude, further solidifying his grip on power.

5. Control of information:

Friend maintained an iron grip on the dissemination of information, manipulating media and communication channels to serve his agenda. By censoring dissenting voices and controlling the narrative, he shaped public perception to align with his interests. This manipulation of truth and reality enabled Friend to mold the collective consciousness, effectively erasing opposition and dissent.

6. Fear and relief cycle:

Friend orchestrated a cycle of manufactured crises and subsequent salvation, exploiting the innate human desire for security and stability. By alternating between instilling fear and offering reassurance, he maintained control over the emotional state of the populace. This manipulation of emotions kept his followers perpetually reliant on his leadership, ensuring unwavering loyalty in times of uncertainty.

7. Charismatic leadership:

Friend possessed an innate charisma and oratory prowess that enabled him to captivate audiences and sway opinions with ease. Through persuasive rhetoric and magnetic charm, he inspired fanatical devotion among his followers, transcending rational thought and logic. This manipulation of emotions and beliefs allowed Friend to cultivate a cult-like following, where loyalty to him became synonymous with salvation.

8. Psychological isolation:

Friend fostered an "Us versus Them" mentality, dividing society into loyal adherents and perceived enemies. By demonizing dissenting voices and ostracizing non-conformists, he created an echo chamber of unquestioning loyalty. This manipulation of social dynamics ensured a cohesive power structure, where opposition was silenced and conformity was rewarded.

9. Rewriting history:

Friend meticulously crafted a narrative that elevated his own role while erasing dissenting voices from history. By controlling historical records and disseminating propaganda, he distorted reality to suit his interests. This manipulation of truth and memory ensured that his legacy would endure, immortalizing him as a revered leader in the eyes of future generations.


In the annals of psychological manipulation, Friend from "20th Century Boys" stands as a chilling testament to the power of influence and the fragility of human perception. His methods, deeply rooted in an understanding of human psychology, serve as both a cautionary tale and a dark template for manipulation on a societal scale. While Friend may be a fictional character, his archetype resonates throughout history and literature, serving as a timeless representation of the dangers of blind faith and the allure of power. As we unravel the intricate layers of Friend's psyche, we are reminded of the importance of critical thinking and vigilance in the face of manipulation.

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About the Creator

Arnav Dixit

I'm a multi-passionate writer. I love writing about finance, Book Review, mental health, human psychology, stories and anything else that sparks my curiosity.

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