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Redefining Empathy.

Empathy with boundaries.

By M FPublished 2 months ago 5 min read

People will always say they are empathetic or possess empathy, but few truly understand what it actually means.

Empathy isn't emotional exhaustion.

Empathy isn't how in tune you are with how others feel.

Few truly understand what empathy requires from us in its rarest form, embraced at its core.

Over empathizing is not healthy empathy.

Empathy is often defined and thought of as something that is felt and found in us absorbing the feelings and energies of others but that is the farthest thing from what true empathy should be, what evolved empathy is...

True empathy is learning how to support without sacrificing your own emotional regulation in the process.

Empathy is not approval, it is understanding.

Empathy is learning how to feel without being the pain, embracing without engulfing it.

Empathy is learning to appreciate feelings and emotions for what they are and what they need to show up.

Empathy is the humanity inside of us that must evolve as we do.

Empathy isn’t absorbing feelings that aren’t ours when someone else refuses to take responsibility and accountability for their own.

Empathy is action.

Empathy with acknowledgement and no action is meaningless. It is validating without trying to truly understand. It is caring without caring enough to do anything.

Empathy is shown. Empathy is thoughtfulness. Empathy is consideration. Empathy is mindfulness.

Empathy is a proactive verb, not an active one.

True empathy is alignment with our intentions.

Empathy isn't having to vocalize our "intentions" after the fact.

Empathy isn't manipulation.

Empathy should never feel toxic.

Empathy should never feel conditional.

Empathy isn't gaslighting.

"Empathy" should never leave you feeling invalidated, unseen, and not heard.

Empathy is being able to acknowledge the sensitivity without absorbing it within you.

Empathy needs boundaries.

Boundaries to honor yourself. Boundaries help you hold space without taking on responsibility. Boundaries allow you to hold without keeping. Boundaries allow you to let go of what is not yours to not be held down.

Empathy is not allowing someone emotional energy to intertwine with your physical energy.

Empathy is learning emotional regulation within yourself and protecting that.

Empathy is prioritizing protecting your inner peace.

Empathy isn't accepting other people's emotions as your own.

Empathy isn't emotional burn out.

Empathy is learning the difference between absorbing and acknowledging..

Healthy empathy should be sustainable.

Empathy is the sensitivity to not only feel what others feel but the awareness to comprehend and think before acting so that our actions are in line with how we feel our actions will affect others.

Empathy is what you choose to do, what you think to do to try to show up.

Empathy is the ways that you show up to validate someone else's feelings.

Empathy is thinking before acting.

Empathy is planning ahead. Empathy is caring enough to consider.

Empathy is the kindness to consider how our actions affect others and do our best to align the outcomes with the feelings of those they affect.

Empathy is saying "I'm sorry that my actions made you feel that way" instead of "I'm sorry you feel that way" regardless of if you meant to or not.

Empathy is taking the time to truly be present in trying to understand.

Empathy is perspective. Empathy is clarity. Empathy is comprehension. Empathy is communication.

Empathy is learning how to hold space for someone else while you also can hold space for yourself without feeling consumed, without feeling overwhelmed.

Empathy doesn't mean sacrificing your own feelings being validating just so someone else’s can.

Empathy isn’t receiving projected lack of accountability from someone’s fucked up definition of needing their feelings validated while using yours as a doormat.

Empathy shouldn’t be enabling.

Empathy is recognition for the feelings and emotions being felt regardless of if we agree or not.

Empathy isn’t enabling someone’s ego at the cost of inability to accept responsibility.

Empathy is responsibility for the things that are the result of the things we meant and didn't mean.

Empathy isn't deflection. Empathy isn't projection.

Empathy is not a debate for intentions or who is right.

Empathy isn't woe is me.

Empathy is not sympathy.

Empathy is to be ever experiencing, ever feeling.

Empathy is a moment for connection.

Empathy is reflection. Empathy is expression.

Empathy not met with accountability isn’t connection, it’s an ego boost. It’s allowing someone else to feel better at the cost of yourself. It’s you neglecting yourself while someone deflects any responsibility. Empathy doesn’t mean acceptance.

Empathy isn't ego. Empathy is over ego.

Empathy means being both seen and seeing. True empathy with the goal to connect will be a two way street.

Empathy isn't excuses. Empathy is understanding. Empathy is learning.

Without first being empathetic to ourselves, we are unable to fully offer a true sense of empathy to others.

Your capacity to give without sacrificing parts of yourself starts with how well you hold understanding within yourself.

Our ability to convey empathy is dependent on our ability to have awareness within ourselves, to bring mindfulness into our connections with others, and lead with maturity in our decisions and actions.

Empathy is respect, always. Empathy is comfortability.

A healthy sense of empathy is being able to feel without allowing it to feel too much.

Healthy empathy is not absorbing to the point of becoming a mirror and thinking that is you being overly sensitive and caring too much.

Empathy is not allowing someone else's emotions to affect your state of being or your life.

Empathy is understanding others boundaries and privacy.

Empathy is not placing the emotional needs of others ahead our own emotional needs.

Empathy is not betraying our own emotions at the cost of someone else's.

Empathy is learning how to be selfish but also selfless at the same time.

Empathy should be empowering without being emptying.

Empathy is embraced when it is first given to ourselves. Understanding how to show empathy for yourself is self love before you can show it to others.

Empathy is feeling to find without losing ourselves in the midst of it.

You operate from a difference place of empathy and with a whole new perspective on how to love more wholesomely and show up emotionally for people when you have healed and gained perspective and awareness to truly have clarity to see through people’s action, words, and understand your own in turn. You approach things differently because there is a big shift in mindset.

Empathy is emotional reciprocation.

Empathy is openness. Empathy is vulnerability. Empathy is intimacy.

Empathy is active engagement. Evolved empathy is a verb.

A healthy sense of empathy is knowing there’s a way for empathy and love to exist without it meaning acceptance, validation, and approval of someone’s disrespect of our boundaries and standards we have.

Empathy should always be a safe space not a draining one.

Empathy is perspective to learn to love, care, and show up better for the people we love most.

Empathy is insight into how to be better, for ourselves and for others.

Care is change. Consistency is connection. Communication is clarity.

Empathy is ever evolving behavior. Empathy is to exhale.


About the Creator


Your Feelings Are Valid Author. Chainsmokers and Fletcher fanatic. Quote lover. More emotional than your typical Capricorn. TPA. ISTJ. Lesbian. Asian.

Insta: @garnishdaddy. Owner of Native Cocktail Events

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