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Overcoming The Fear Of Losing A Partner: 5 Useful Tips

Reducing anxieties

By Elaine SiheraPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

When we love someone, if we feel they might not love us as much, that they are attracted to someone else, or they seem distant and detached, it can lead to many anxieties as to how to keep the love intact. It is natural to wonder why a date or partner might be behaving that way, and whether you might lose them. But the first thing to do is to understand why you feel like that, and then take any remedial steps you believe might apply in your specific case, because every situation is likely to be different.

To begin with, the fear of losing someone, especially when it is very strong, comes out of a lack of self-love. This makes us terribly insecure and apprehensive. Many people do not really love themselves and expect partners to love them instead, to compensate for that lack of love. They tend to be watchful, anxious, and worried in case they are not loved anymore, because losing the person who loves them would be hard to bear. The object of their love thus becomes the centre of attention, the focus point of their life, which can make it hard for that partner to live up to expectations. That kind of imbalance is what often drives partners away because they tend to find the intense attention hard to deal with and take their attention outside. Understanding that kind of fear will help to put other things in perspective, like what you could do in the situation.

1. The first action to take is to acknowledge and accept your fears: Ignoring or suppressing your fears will only make them stronger. Instead, acknowledge them as normal and natural human responses to the possibility of loss.We all tend to fear losing what w are used to; what keeps us feeling valued and enhanced. Nothing wrong with that, except the degree to which we are controlled by those fears.

2. You could begin to vale yourself. Get rid of the fear and start to live life in a way that, if your guy/gal goes, it is not the end of the world. Ask yourself what is the worst that could happen if they left, then face this scenario in your head. What would you do, exactly? By facing the possibility and making contingencies for it, you will find the prospect easier to deal with, even if it doesn’t happen, because you will feel more in control. This is important to do, because if a partner wants to leave, for whatever reason, nothing will stop them. There is really nothing you can do about it, especially if he/she has found someone else. By getting detached from that fear, you also loosen their power over you. Deciding on options that you would have available, should they leave, actually empowers you to deal with the prospect without too much pain, regardless of the initial hurt or pain.

3. Next, communicate as much as possible. Often relationships begin to fracture because people grow apart, they take each other for granted, or partners have changed in their ambitions and aspirations; they have been too busy to reinforce and affirm each other, or they have just not listened to one another. Talking and listening are essential if you sense something is wrong. If you find out what the problem could be, there might be a chance of saving the situation. However, ironically, this is the time when people dread talking together, because they also fear what they might hear, or they fear upsetting the other party, so they are likely to clam up instead. Yet, open and honest communication is essential for strengthening addressing your fears together. Try to share your concerns and anxieties with your partner, and listen to their perspective.

By Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

4. Third, take the focus off your partner and place it on yourself. That might initially make you feel even more anxious, but it will gadually change the situation. The simple fact is that the more anxious and worried you are is the more detached and unattractive you become. How do you physically look? Are you as attractive as you used to be, or have you let yourself go? This is the time for a makeover, perhaps; for doing things differently; for getting back to what you both used to be before things became too routine. You were attracted to each other for certain reasons, and if you have both changed, it means that the original attraction is waning. Time to overcome your fear and anxieties by socialising more, widening your circle of friends and activities, especially taking up new hobbies/groups, and becoming much more self-loving and independent.

People who have their own life, and who give enough space to each other to develop and grow, tend to keep their love alive in a more effective way. The best way to keep your partner is to show that you still desire that person, you love her being in your life but you don’t ‘need’ her; that you will still be functioning at full capacity if he weren’t there. That’s a very important point to note.

5. Finally, people leave relationships when they are not happy and mainly because they do not feel valued or affirmed. If that is the case, both parties need to begin to appreciate each other, to be expressive, caring, loving and affectionate; to show mutual value and respect. That is not always easy to do, especially if things have been allowed to slide into a rut.

When we truly love we love without conditions. We acknowledge that we come first, and the love starts within us, not outside of us. If we don’t love, respect and value ourselves, it is difficult for others to love us, too, because they simply cannot love what we ourselves reject.

Relationships are meant to aid our development on our personal journey, and not necessarily to last a lifetime. If the person goes, we will still be wonderful, still be desirable and still be valued. All we have to do is to learn the lesson and move on. Most important, should your partner leave, especially if you have done all you can to encourage them to stay, don’t forget that there is likely to be someone even better waiting for you, if you care to look ahead, instead of just looking back in regret.


familyselfcarehow toanxietyadvice

About the Creator

Elaine Sihera

British Empowerment Coach/Public speaker/DEI Consultant. Author: The New Theory of Confidence and 7 Steps To Finding And Keeping 'The One'!. Graduate/Doctor of Open Univ; Postgrad Cambridge Univ. Keen on motivation, relationships and books.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Jay Kantor6 months ago

    Dear Elaine - You touch me with everything you write. 'Loss' can be derived within all of us - Surviving it can be difficult at best - I know that you've read 'Victims Too' - it took a lot out of me to write. But, hearing from so many that could relate to it made it so worth it. - I always 'relate' to you - Jay, Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California 'Senior' Vocal Author - Vocal Village Community -

  • Test6 months ago

    This is such a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of love and relationships. Thanks for sharing such meaningful advice!

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