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Combs & Underland Down The Rabbit Hole With..


By Proud ViM ProductionsPublished 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 10 min read

Born and raised in the Canadian Prairies, J Baz currently resides on the West Coast but he likes to call both places home. J Baz joined Vocal in February 2021 and since then has been delighting us with the delicate touch of his keyboard. Not only is he a talented writer but he is a super positive supportive force in the V community; raisng up others with his gentle words of encouragement and kind comments.

You can read his wonderful work here:

We had a plan. A well laid plan. But things didn’t quite go to said plan. So, in this here first ecition of, ‘Down the rabbit hole with...’ Celia in Underland threw themselves in first and Mother Combs followed…zzzzzzzzz

...sometime later...

Underland: Hi JBaz, thank you for taking the time to join us today, we really appreciate it!

JBaz: My pleasure!

Underland: So, tell us about writing? Was there a moment when the dollar dropped and you knew that it was the thing for you?

JBaz: Like most of us, I would say I always dabbled, I've been an avid reader since I was a kid and the imagination from the stories grabbed my attention. But I didn't take is seriously until Vocal -'The little black book challenge' actually. My daughter called me up and mentioned it and said I should give it a try, It's been a ride ever since!

Underland: Oooo what was that challenge? I missed it! JBaz: It was the one that brought them to the forefront in my opinion, winning $20,000 write a story about a black book. I submitted "Cost of Freedom'' and another that didn't really go anywhere

Underland: So, back to Inspiration…what are you reading when you’re not penning?

JBaz: Reading ...I started with fantasy then expanded. Lately I enjoy Historical Fiction. Simon Scarrow etc

Underland: Do you have an 'all time great?'

JBaz: Dune and LOTR were my two favorites when I was in my late teens

Underland: I keep meaning to get around to both. For some reason I just never have! Which I kick myself for frequently!

JBaz: They still are along with the STAND and as the Crow flies by Jeffery Archer Both - Dune and LOTR are deeper than the basic plot they reflect society

Underland: Now that you're writing on Vocal do you read the same as you did? I mean can you still immerse yourself in the story or are you distracted by the 'craft?'

JBaz: Ooh that is a good question. I tend to read more on Vocal then books now, to be supportive and to get a range of works. I do not believe I focus on Craft when I am reading. I love to get lost in a story and feel if I think about it as a craft I will short myself on the content. But I do love learning- when you read someone like DJ Reddall or Morgana Miller you see craftsmen ship. Very much like your own works, Celia. You have a beautiful way of turning a phrase.

Underland: Aw thank you! Yeah I hear that! And there are so many stories to get lost in on Vocal for sure! So, which piece would you say most represents you as you would like to be seen as a writer?

JBaz: ha ha...Ok, let me think...I think ‘Cost of freedom’ as it was my first and still my most read, (I see the errors in it but like the story) ‘Two of a kind equals a pear’, ‘Broken' and. Down the Rabbit Hole’. I would also like them to read a comic attempt ‘The Best date’ I never had. Oh one more if that is ok, one that I liked because it was where I learned to be descriptive "Legend of Foggy Waters" other writers from different forums thought it was really good, and until they mentioned that, I was unaware that it was good.

Underland: I genuinely appreciate how different your piece are but what kind of centres them as a JBaz is this delicate human balance that you capture so well.Like 'The Tale of the Wren' blew me away, In that its so culturally different but it has this beautiful quality of humanity about it.

JBaz: Thank you, I would say a strength of mine is emotion, I try to capture the characters feelings and share them with the reader

Underland: You really do...where do the ideas come from?

JBaz: Memories and life in general. I have come to realize that if I do not add a bit of me to the story I seem to fail and they miss the mark. so in some way ever story that I am pleased with is because I know the character and can relate to them

Underland: That makes sense for sure. So, have you ever done any formal writing courses or anything like that?

JBaz: I took a Write for children's books once because Many of the stories I have were once I made up and told my children when they were young. But No, I have not had formal training and I see the difference with my style and trained writers. I realize I may never be that polished

Underland: Well to be honest, it wouldn't have surprised me in the slightest if you said you had! Do your children write?

JBaz: My son has been writing a lot lately. He has published two books. I will say that both my children are talented artists. (He loves horror but in a very different fashion)

Underland: That is so cool! -Runs in the family then! Brilliant, did you ever write together? RM Stockton mentioned the other day that he and his kids had a family writing session sometimes

JBaz: I have asked both my son and daughter to illustrate a book I am currently writing. Every so often my son and I ( and sometimes a friend) will sit and write together . with prompts , but to date we have not written together. I have to ask, what wine are you drinking?

Underland: Alibernet- It's a Slovak red…why are my questions that bad?

JBaz: No, no…My wife and I like reds so I'm always curious, like asking "what book you reading?"

Underland: Phew! I'm super nervous about this! Hence the Dutch courage And why MC wasgoing to hold my hand!

JBaz: You are doing great, I think i should be the nervous one, having two brilliant writers ask to do an interview is nerve wracking you and MC are incredible and I really enjoy your stories and poetry

Underland: Aw and us too yours!. Hence first on the list. Though truth be told, it wasn't just that actually. You are undoubtedly a fantastic writer but your supportiveness of other creators was really the deciding factor. It means a lot and your comments are always really sincere and you can tell you've actually read and thought about the work which I think shows a lot of who you are as a person

JBaz: I honestly believe in supporting others. As writers we put ourselves out there, hoping to have someone appreciate the effort we put into our work. I hope people read my work and therefore I will do an honest read of theirs. I do however find myself fading from the social media aspect

Underland: Why do you think that is?

JBaz: I was never a social media buff, although I see the strength it has. Until Vocal I wasn't on it at all. I have enjoyed the Vocal inspired groups, because I feel we became closer. But in truth it is time consuming and i wish to enjoy other parts of my life as well. Having said that , i would miss the people and interaction if i left completely

Underland: Yeah I get that!... Alright I have a few silly questions to round off

JBaz: Go ahead!

Underland: .What ‘Gets your goat?” like really grinds your gears irritates you?

JBaz: Oh do we have enough time? Ok, in general I do not like complainers, or people who tend to blame others for their misfortune and demanding things without earning it first. You have to work for what you want.....whew

Underland: Drop the mic! If you knew it was your last day on earth, what would you eat?

JBaz: I love food, eating cooking so this is tough. I think I would like to eat up every fond memory I have locked away.

Underland: awww What an answer! Do you have a favourite cuisine to cook? I love Indian food, cooking and eating!

JBaz: I do like spice, I think I tend to go for the east Asian flavor. My daughter and I used to do Wine Wednesdays where we cook a different dish from around the world Also I am very fond of my heritage so Ukrainian food is a must

Underland: Oh I didn't realise you had Ukranian heritage! Kiev is hands down the most beautiful city I have ever visited!

JBaz: Wow, it would be nice to see it one day.

Underland: It really was stunning, And the people were phenomenal, just so open and contagiously enthusiastic about their heritage. I just hope things stop sooner rather than later. This ridiculous world of ours..So if you wanted to give someone a flavour of the Ukraine what dish would it be?

JBaz: The entire 12 traditional dishes served at Christmas, and a nice loaf of bread

Underland: Of course!

JBaz: you have to go big

Underland: Yeah you do! Alright I think that's all from me, sorry if i was a bit awkward! I've never interviewed anyone before, especially a writer I admire!

JBaz: Not awkward at all. This has been a pleasure and I want to thank you for having me as your first guest. Give my best to MC when you contact her. now go finish your wine.Have a great night. Cheers

Underland: Thank you so much for your time!

Meanwhile…somewhere in ‘merica. MC wakes up and dives in head first...

MC: I'm so sorry I missed the interview.

JBaz: No worries, if there is a question you would like to ask , especially for a philosophical debate feel free to ask and I shall answer

MC: I had a couple I wanted to ask, if that's ok with you and you have the time? If you could be 1 character from a book or TV, who would it be?

JBaz: Bilbo Baggins (Frodo had it really rough) for a fantasy character. And Indiana Jones - because i love archeology and anthropology

MC: Bilbo had an exciting life, and lived a long time. I love Indiana Jones movies. archaeology is one of my interests too.

JBaz: See we can be go dressed as them together for Halloween

MC: That would be awesome!! Halloween is one of my fave holidays lol Moving on, what author do you most consider your writing style like?

JBaz: Morgan’s Miller once commented ( on the story Haven) that she really couldn’t think of any one to compare me with But I would say I follow early Canadian style authors . Like Farley Mowat and w,o, Mitchel

MC: I don't think I've read them, I'll have to look them up and order books to read

JBaz: I also would like to write adventure Like Nelson Demille or lee child’s

MC: Them I've heard of!

JBaz: There are so many authors I admire and would like to write like.

MC: I understand, there's several I admire also. What type of music do you listen to while writing? Or do you listen to music while writing?

JBaz: If I listen to music while I write it has to be just music or soundtracks . Right now while I am swearing over this last piece I am trying to write I am listening to the soundtrack of Gladiator. But mostly quiet, I do get inspired by songs though.

MC: Is your musical preference different when you are not writing?

JBaz: I like all genres . Really . The only one I am not fond of is dark or death metal . But give me some good blues or classic rock I’m happy…And Reggae don’t forget the Reggae now that is my summer vibe!

MC: You have such a wide interest in music. I wasn't expecting that. If I were to listen to your fave song, what would it be?

JBaz: Two Into the West - Annie Lennox and Over the Rainbow / wonderful world by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. If you were stranded on the island and could only listen to one artist who would it be?

MC: I would probably pick Journey, tbh, I know all of their songs just about

JBaz: Good one I would go Bowie because of the range and variety

MC: Another good one

JBaz: Sorry to do this I will have to leave , we are just about to eat supper- Thank you this was pleasant and I really am honoured to be asked . You and Celia are two great creators on Vocal. Please reach out for any thing you may need or wish to ask. Cheers!

MC: I appreciate you giving me some time this evening and apologize again that I missed the interview earlier.

JBaz: No worries . I am glad we connected tonight

What an absolutely wonderful man! It was truly a pleasure to get to know our fellow creator JBaz a little more and we sincerely hope that you enjoyed it to!

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You can also catch up with Mother Combs and Celia Underland on their respective profiles on Vocal.

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About the Creator

Proud ViM Productions

Alone, we are letters floating in the wind. Combined, we are an Opus. We hold community in our core, "We all rise when we lift each other up"

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Queer Vocal Voices

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  • 𝐑𝐌 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐧4 months ago

    Fantastic! I love this Community, and JBaz represents all that is good and right about it! His writing is, of course, brilliant, and his integrity and depth of character really shine through in this interview!

  • Gerald Holmes4 months ago

    I am so glad that you interviewed Jason. I am a true admirer of his writing. I never knew that he was a fellow Canadian, that just puts the icing on the cake for me.

  • Great interview!

  • Poppy 4 months ago

    Awesome interview! I'm loving the images at the end of all these too btw! "Meanwhile…somewhere in ‘merica. MC wakes up and dives in..." was so funny

  • J. Delaney-Howe4 months ago

    Great interview!

  • JBaz4 months ago

    A huge shout out to Celia and MC for asking me to do this. There are so many wonderful creators out there i am honored to have been asked to participate. And thank you to everyone who has ever read one of my pieces.

  • Heather Hubler4 months ago

    Always wonderful to learn more about Jason :) He's such an incredible talent!

  • Such fun to get into the heads of some of our favorite creators. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  • Cathy holmes4 months ago

    Great job on this interview. fantastic, one of my faves in Vocal.

  • Kenny Penn4 months ago

    This is a wonderful interview! It’s so cool getting to know fellow authors. JBaz is definitely one of the good ones!

  • Mother Combs4 months ago


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