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Ghana & The Culture of Bullying Part 2 - 'Obolo' A Woman Shared Her Story & Ghanaians Bullied Her More Like Her Own Husband

What the Hell is wrong with people? I will never understand this culture

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 16 days ago Updated 16 days ago 6 min read
Created by the author using CANVA

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

By: TB Obwoge

Many Ghanaians don't love themselves and will never love others, this same bullying is seen in the xenophobia in Ghana. Tribalism is accepted as if this hatred is normal in the country, this is much like Nigeria.

The constant talking about Nigerians and blaming them for the rising crime in Ghana. Now Ghanaians are blaming Black Americans for all their issues. Since I arrived in Ghana, I have never in my life seen peaceful Ghanaians in Accra.

Maybe in Tumu or Wa, or even Ho, the Volta Region of Ghana is totally different than most parts of Ghana.

I don't understand, I can't understand Ghana, I have tried but even find Ghanaians who can't hold a conversation without bullying or speaking very rudely. I can't get it, as a person who has talked to people from all over the world, on my travels, even today.

I was on my way to my current location, I'm in a library, I just talked to a 66-year old white woman, she was walking up the hill I was walking down. We talked about the hills in this area and how difficult it was to walk them.

She shared her life, she had lived in several areas of the United States, even in countries in Europe. I always have the best conversations with people.

However in Ghana, when you ask questions, for some reason you are annoying people.

No one freely teaches you anything about their country or their culture. You will get screamed at, but they don't scream according to many of them, when you do something that is considered rude.

Using your left hand to interact with people in Ghana is a big no-no, why they won't tell you. They will site it's our culture or tradition. Which is very common in Islam. Why in Ghana, when it is a mostly Christian country you would ask?

Well I did a lot of research, they just were raised and taught to do everything they consider dirty with their left hand. Ok, got it, even if you're a foreigner you don't get a pass.

Even if you want to use your right hand because you are right handed, don't because being a foreigner even doesn't give you a pass, not at all. Children are beaten for using their left hand for things they shouldn't, even adults have, shared their beating stories growing up.

Screenshot from Facebook

Maybe this explains why so many restaurant tables in many of the places I've eaten in were so gross. Wiping a table would be a left handed thing, however if your right handed I would prefer you clean my table well with that hand but that is just stupid foreigner me.

Just like stupid foreigner me, can't understand how grown adults think calling you fat in public is polite. Hanging from TroTro's even to scream 'OBOLO' while everyone in ear shot looks, laughs, points and sometimes takes photos and videos.

What would one expect from a country that also bullied other Africans for using their mother tongue with words that just happen to mean odd things in Twi.

Not once but twice, bullied one woman so much that she made her accounts private. Accounts that she needed to promote her music from Cabo Verde.

Here you can read all about that in the Ghana & A Culture of Bullying Part 1 , at the time I had no idea I would post a part 2 but here I am again.

I wanted to show that I'm not the only one that finds this shit to be so rude and that there is a culture of bullying that is ignored in Ghana.

Below is a video from a few days or weeks ago, this woman might have been on this UTV News Ghana page before. She's a larger woman, she can dance so well, she makes you smile and her videos are usually posted on Friday, as a welcome to the weekend from UTV News staff.

I didn't think this before, however perhaps UTV News, which is not really a news outlet, posts her for Ghanaians to bully her. I don't know why they would but they have an Instagram account, where they have posted videos which are rather insulting and body shaming about even Akufo-Addo the president of Ghana.

UTV News has also posted, every year during breast cancer awareness month jokes about women's breasts. Not only that they sexualize one of their own female hosts, to which many Ghanaians said that the post should be removed. They didn't in fact remove the post, you can read about that by clicking here.

Here is a longer video I posted with my comments about bullying in Ghana.

In the video Ghanaians told the dancing woman to go to the gym, in this post from a married woman in a Ghanaian Women's Confession group, they did the same. This is a group, for women to share their issues, mostly all are about relationship issues.

Like you can imagine, there are over 200,000 followers and they come often to pour out the insults.

Screenshot from Facebook Group

Every country around the world they have bullies however in Ghana they claim to be the most welcoming people on earth. Many have told me that they're the most politest in Africa, even never having left Ghana they will swear by it.

Writing and sharing my stories, has gotten me stalked on social media, called a racist (I'm Black), I've never written anything racists about these Black people. I only tell my story and share when others have the same issues like now.

I will get threats and stalked from this post as well. I don't care, after almost 2 solid years and bullying, everyday in Ghana, several times a day, I don't care any more.

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A Ghanaian I really admired and even adored insulted ALL Black Americans. He called us all lost and he said that Africans don't consider us Black people, no I didn't let him finish explaining why. I don't care! He did though call me a "Typical, Angry, Black American, Woman!" Which I wrote about here as well.

He never said sorry and he doesn't to this day think he is wrong, this man has a masters degree and he doesn't think his comments about Black Americans or Black American woman are wrong. This is not an education thing, this is clearly bullying and hatred in their culture.

Screenshot from Facebook

Ghanaians bullying a child over her saying she's Ghanaian, which is a nationality and not a race of people.

Screenshot from Facebook

I can't understand, its almost like Ghana is made up of mostly children, you would think that these aren't adults. There is a narrative that Africans don't have high IQ's, there are very insulting posts that claim Africans as being stupid and unable to govern their own countries.

I get so angry about this narrative, then you live in a country where people argue with you when you tell them you're Black and not white. But your skin color, is always the reply, instead of learning that not even every African is Black or darker in skin color, you get the arguing with you about your own race.

I have a YouTube video, it is poorly shot as I didn't tell her I was recording and she is telling me why Black Americans aren't really Black people.

Her reasoning was that we don't speak her languages or have an accent that she found aceptable for a Black person.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights.

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved

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About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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