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Corrupt Carnal Conjugality

Even Blessed Beings Craft Demons

By Thavien YliasterPublished 2 months ago 2 min read
Image by Square Frog from Pixabay | |

“Oh Mither, I’ve never met a woman as generously pleasing as you.”

“Oh Nevin,” she moaned, “I’ve never been with a man that’s appreciated me like you.”

“I’m more than just a man, Mither. I am a fae after all.”

“That’s why our time together feels so magical,” she swooned.

“Naturally, being with a goddess always feels fantastical.”

As the moon rose as its apex in the night sky, her waves lapped against the shoreline. Though there be no storms, the sensational, sensual, ecstasy that Nevin sent through her rocked the ocean’s waters with smooth undulations.

Leaving early that morning, Nevin traversed up a river. No longer sensing him in her salt, Mither sent Delaney, a dolphin, after him. Though her body ached from their love making, her heart ached when they were apart.

Sniffing him out, Delaney followed Nevin from the salt to the brackish to the fresh into a lagoon.

There, Nevin spied a beauteous woman bathing, combing her luscious long locks. Seeing him, she giggled, leapt up from her rock, and her locks became a mane as she galloped away.

Chasing after her, Nevin eventually threw himself upon her back, but he couldn’t dismount. Diving into the water she wondered if he’d dance for her without realizing she’d be dancing for him.

The water roiled and boiled from their merry making much like a couple’s bed sheets do.

“Who are you?”

“Niamh, and you?”


“Do you like riding me, Nevin?”

“I wish I could ride you endlessly.”

Hearing this, Delaney reported back to Mither. Feeling the betrayal, her heart pumped a tidal wave in all its ache, pulling Nevin and Niamh towards her domain.

“You love being ridden?” Mither pressed Niamh, “then remain a horse for the rest of your existence, you whoring kelpie! You love riding her,” Nevin felt her wrath, “then ride her forever!” She severed his torso, placing him atop Naimh. “BE TOGETHER FOREVER!” She flayed them, melding their muscles together.

“The fresh shall reject your infedility, burning you with guilt. Only in my salty womb shall you feel comfort.” Mither broke down crying.

After fighting her for months, they escaped, spreading famine and disease. Thus, birthing the nuckelavee.

Thavien’ Token: This story was crafted for L.C. Schäfer’s “Fucked Up Fairytales - An Unofficial Challenge.” Does it count as a fairytale? In all honesty, I have no idea. L.C. Schäfer will be the judge of that. The nuckelavee is a highly niche monster.

P.S. Shamefulless plug ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), feel free to check out my limerick, “Left Feeling Salty” that was made for Mother Comb’s Limerick Challenge.

Keyword: “WAS.”


Young AdultStream of ConsciousnessShort StoryMicrofictionLoveHorrorHistoricalFantasyFan FictionFableClassical

About the Creator

Thavien Yliaster

Thank You for stopping by. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'm a novice poet, fiction writer, and dream journalist.



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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (6)

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  • Donna Fox (HKB)2 months ago

    Well this really out the Fuck in fucked up fairytales!! Great work Thavien, you certainly were right!! I did thoroughly enjoy this!! Thank you for the recommendation!!

  • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

    Fairy tale like story. You have excellent choice of words and story telling abilities.

  • Shirley Belk2 months ago

    Thavien, this was awesome! Consequences of betrayal

  • Whoaaaa, this was such a cool origin story! Whoring kelpie hahahahahhahaahaha!!

  • JBaz2 months ago

    Fairy tale or not I liked it. the style you wrote this in is a fitting tribute to ye ole classics. Great story telling

  • L.C. Schäfer2 months ago

    "I wish I could ride you endlessly" - gosh! 😁 Shared!

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