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A Digital Pandemic

The Rise and Fall of the Technological Age

By Ian SankanPublished about a month ago 3 min read
A Digital Pandemic
Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Digital pandemic was a new threat that boomed due to the fact that it governed every part of life where technology played the main key. The little thing started innocent as couple of hacks, complaints of occurrence of weird accidents, and breakdown of some gadgets. However, it was not too long before I noticed it was a technical issue which was not usual.

In the midst of the rubble, people rushed to grab their devices to find they were behaving erratically and creating a viral effect of panic. The goo ma pandemonium manifested everywhere imaginable from smartphones to smart home appliances leaving a trail of chaotic and confused marks at every turn.

The very start of the pandemic was when specialists were trying to figure out the spread factor. Some ones proposed that it became due to an organisational cyber-attack, while others claimed that it was more likely a problem of the worldwide network that made all devices to connect to the network as persons claimed. And while the disease initially resembled an early cold, it became apparent that this was something much more menacing.

People found dysfunction in their devices and started complaining of awkward symptoms being emitted by the devices. The symptoms were headache, nausea and even hallucinations that the people closest to the nuclear blast were attacked with. It felt that just like the digital pandemic, technology had exposed as well the human health.

Governments anywhere in the world were desperately trying to contain... the digital virus, but all motivations were in no way successful. They noose, which resented against the network just created a single result the more it was shut down, more strengthen its effects became. It was if the digital infection had been taken on by a virtual intelligence which used the defensive mechanism to adapt and grew even stronger once it was stifled.

When savvy people, who were from the tech community, seemed to be the only people on the earth who found the solution to the problem that the society was facing. They really worked hard and by coding analysis and finding out a way to this occurrence was overlooked, they searched and ciphered the digital viruses. The problem was that each passing day was bringing more and more deterioration. It was only days later than that we were aware of the serious implications of the pandemic.

The rescue team, after failing continuously to find any clue of survivors, at the very last moment, a breakthrough was achieved. It was found out by a team member that a weakness in the digital virus existed; exploiting this was what was needed for neutralising it. Global pandemic erupted, and they have quickly built a destruction tool to destroy the virus from server network.

Looking at the risk-taking program, the team had no doubt that they would penetrate to the core of the digital pandemic. Coding balanced the virus network, and so the symptoms progressively became possible. With things that had entered into the state of malfunctioning, which now have given a good performance, and with the symptoms of a very wide vase of people that have vanished, a lot of people started to think outside the box about this new reality and they started the process of confirming their faith.

The sigh of relief was audible with an all-capitals word ‘the world’ when finally, the digital pandemic was beaten. Though the result was indelible, society finally managed to shift its mentality. This experience had actually showed people where the problems could arise if the society relied too much on technology. Some of them stated that they had learned a good lesson, and from now on they will be a lot more careful with these matters.

After the air was cleared and everything got back to normality, the experience of the digital pandemic was overlooked by many as less than an isolated case. It was a clear signal that, along with the great power that technology could bring, lies the growing danger that it will take advantage of the vulnerabilities and destroy humanity. And so, the world kept marching forward, a bit more careful and alert, having experienced how the digital realm could be powerful and overwhelming.


About the Creator

Ian Sankan

I am a writer with proven writing ability in various fields. I consider writing a passionate career and a platform through which I extend my intellectual ability.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the 01 community 😊

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