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Where am I?

Chapter 1

By Antoinette L BreyPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Where am I?
Photo by ANHELINA OSAULENKO on Unsplash

Sara gazed around her in wonderment. Where was she? How did she get here? She heard the wrestling of leafs and a soft whisper from somewhere in the forest. The forest appeared to be welcoming her. She looked down afraid to see what she was wearing. Minutes before she had been in her apartment, in PJ's watching TV. She wondered if this was reality. She closed her eyes and then reopened them. The forest was still there. She was also amazed to see that she no longer wore pj's. Instead she wore a maxi white dress.

Looking around her she noticed an athetically dressed dog. He stood on his hind legs. He was wearing, sneakers, shorts and a sweatshirt. " I don't usually see you on my jog" the dog commented to Sara. "I've never been here before" she answered " Actually I don't even know where I am." The dog laughed. "How did you get here? If you don't know where you are? Got to go I've got three miles to run."

The dog quickly departed, before Sara could inquire more about her location. He had never even shared his name or asked her's.

In frustration she yelled out "What is this forests name?" Someone responded "Whatever you want to call it." Sara looked around, nobody was there. Sara spoke again, trying for some clarification. " What state am I in?" "You appear to be in a confused state." came the response. Sara felt frustration, she wanted to know her location not her state of mind.

Suddenly a odd shaped little man appeared. " Well nice to meet you, We have never met, right?" "No we have never met" Sara responded. "My name is Sara", she offered. The man chuckled " I have never heard of a Sara, What kind of creature is that?" Sara was speechless, but the man appeared not to notice. He continued with his train of thought " Well we are having a lunch if you would like to come. I'll see you later." Then the man was gone.

Sara wanted to cry. She closed her eyes and prayed that she would be back home. She was shaken out of her stupor by a loud whistle. She looked up and saw a fox coach. "Oh, you are not part of my team." the fox informed her," Come and watch our game." and then he was gone. No mention of the place and time of the game. The forest was whispering hello but her heart was screaming goodbye.

Sara headed in the direction that the others. had been going. She saw no path or roads, A hour later she was still walking through the forest. Although the density of the trees had decreased , And then suddenly there was a huge green field. She saw the coach she had met earlier,but this was not a typical saturday morning game of childrens soccer. The teams each sat in-front of a computer. What they were typing was controling the movement of the ball. Sara was intrigued

It reminded her of football. Each team entered their teams program into the computer. The team with the ball typed in a offense run or pass and the other team a defensive play, and then the results of the play appeared on the field. She wondered how they had come up with this. Their were no spectators. It would most likely be more fun to play then watch.

Both teams ignored her, even as she peered over there shoulders. The coach was more of a cheerleader than a play selector, but he seemed to have forgotten their earlier encounter. For a minute she enjoyed the moment and stopped focusing on finding a way home. But then the game ended, and the participants faded. She stood alone in the now empty field. She lay in the green grass and took a nap. Her stomach was growling , but she pushed the discomfort aside and fell asleep.

Her dreams, as her body soaked in the sun, were peaceful. Weird since she had no food, no money, and no idea where she was. She dreamed of flying with the birds, she felt the wind brushing by her. It was as if she was flying to a new destination. She was curious where she would wake up. Where would the birds lead her?



About the Creator

Antoinette L Brey

I am an elder in a time of freedom. I am now retired. All i want to do is have fun. Without a daily routine, my imagination is one of my only salvations. I am not planning on writing a book, it is just for my own pleasure

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Comments (1)

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  • Tiffany Gordon 2 months ago

    You're so GIFTED Antoinette! Fantasy is definitely your genre! This story was brilliant!

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