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The Beginning chapter 1

By Antoinette L BreyPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Claire wraped her arms around the trunk of the tree. The tree melted into her grasp. She could feel it shudder slighty. Moments later she heard it. The inner voice of the tree was warning her.. "The black queen had riden through the woods the other night. It had been dark but the queen's bright red eyes had glared through the night. The queen had been surrounded by a herd of warriors, and her three pet wolfs. They had been riding quickly and none of the trees had heard anything about their plans or destination."

The tree spoke in a whisper as if she was afraid to speak her information. Claire wanted to calm the tree. Although she felt the trees fear, Clairt did not feel scared.

Claire was cold , but burning the hands of whispering trees always made her feel as if she was taking a life. She made a pile of trees and cast her magic. Suddenly a branch fell into her fire. She fetched her supplies off of Georgie (her horse). The horse went over to the fire. After the horse had eaten, both lay down and slept. Claire using Georgie's stomach as a pillow.

The sky was a bright red when she awoke. The fire was out and not the cause of the red sky. She noticed there was a odd smell. She was curious if the tree had any knowledge. She wrapped her atms around the tree.

"The black queen, is back in the forest. It might be good for you not to run into her?" Claire shifted nervously, she had no reason to avoid the queen, she had never met her. All she knew was the rumors.

She wondered if the self-absorbed Queen would even notice her. But still she rushed to start her journey.

She sang softly as she rode Georgie through the forest. The air was warm but crisp. She always wore pants when she traveled. Not the traditional women's attire. But she did not belong anywhere.

Today she was carring a written sealed message. Anne's messages were usually delivered to Sir Thomas , but todays note was going to a woman. Claire was curious. The letter had Anne's official seal, not the traditonal heart or arrow symbol she usually used. Claire had been told to wait for a written response.

Claire's thoughts were interrupted. She heard a troop of riders. Branches were crashing. And a woman was cursing. Claire hid behind Georgie.. She prayed the horse would remain quiet.

Moments later the silence returned. Claire knew it would be a few minutes before the trees gathered their imformation.

She placed her arms around a nearby tree. The tree related to Claire. "The black queen had left the forest. Before she exited she had been. cursing, Something about locating some letters"

Claire wondered if the letter she was carring was one of the letters the queen was looking for.

The lady's house was hard to find, but they had been waiting for her. A servant rushed out to lead her to the house. The house was camouflaged into the forest. They had heard about the path of the black Queen. The servants lead Claire to the kitchen, she sat and ate the fried bird which had been prepared for her, while waiting for the lady's written response. To Claires suprise the woman had her servants lead Claire to a shower. Claire shivered in delight.. She soaked in the oils and creams provided for her. She cringed at the idea of putting on her dirty cloths, but there lay a change of clothing.

Claire had expected to take a return message to Anne, but the next letter was going to Sir Robert. She never met the recipient of the original letter, all contact was thru her servants. They also gave Claire a map and a wallet of cash. She noticed that again the letter was sealed. She wanted a nap but this message she was told was urgent, so she after studing the map she returned to her freshly fed horse, and began their journey.

She placed her arms around a nearby tree. The forest had no foreigners except for her. Claire smiled it would be a save trip


About the Creator

Antoinette L Brey

I am an elder in a time of freedom. I am now retired. All i want to do is have fun. Without a daily routine, my imagination is one of my only salvations. I am not planning on writing a book, it is just for my own pleasure

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