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The Cult of Red Triangle

Chapter 1: The Break-In at Pinewood High

By RitvizPublished about a month ago 3 min read
The Cult of Red Triangle

Detective Sarah Grey was eager to start her first day at the Pinewood Police Department. The small town had always been quiet, with its tree-lined streets and friendly community, but Sarah was ready for action. She had moved from the city, hoping to bring her skills to a place where she could make a difference.

As she sat at her new desk, a siren blared, breaking the calm of the office. It was the alarm from Pinewood High School, signalling a break-in. Sarah grabbed her coat and rushed to the scene with her partner, Detective Mark Stone, a veteran with years of experience. He had a reputation for solving complex cases, and Sarah was determined to learn from him.

They arrived at the high school just as other officers were setting up a perimeter. The gymnasium was the point of entry, with a shattered window and scattered debris. The school was eerily silent, the only sound being the crunch of broken glass beneath their feet.

Sarah's eyes darted around the darkened gym, taking in the scene. The gym floor stretched out like a vast ocean of shadows. Mark pointed to the far corner, where a trail of scuff marks led toward the locker rooms. "Looks like they were in a hurry," he said, shining his flashlight on the marks.

They followed the trail into the locker rooms, where the air was damp and cold. The sound of dripping water echoed off the tiled walls, adding to the eerie atmosphere. Sarah felt a shiver run down her spine. Something about this break-in didn't feel right.

As they examined the lockers, they found one that had been pried open. Inside, they discovered a crumpled piece of paper with a strange symbol scrawled in red ink. It was a triangle with an eye in the center, and it sent a chill through Sarah. She handed it to Mark, who examined it closely.

"What do you think it means?" she asked.

"Not sure, but it's not just a simple break-in," he replied, his brow furrowing. "We need to take this back to the station and analyze it."

They continued to search the gymnasium for clues, but the more they looked, the more it seemed like the culprits had vanished without a trace. The security footage from the gym was too grainy to make out any details, and there were no clear fingerprints or other signs of the intruders.

As they were about to leave, Sarah noticed something unusual on the gymnasium floor—a faint trail of burned rubber leading to the exit. It suggested that something had been dragged across the floor. She made a note of it, knowing that every clue could be important.

Back at the station, they ran the symbol through their databases, but it came up empty. There was no record of a cult or group using that symbol. It was as if it had appeared from nowhere, adding to the mystery.

Sarah spent the rest of the night poring over the evidence, trying to piece together what had happened. She reviewed the break-in report, looking for anything they might have missed. The more she read, the more questions arose. Why would someone break into a high school? What was the significance of the symbol? And why did it feel like they were being watched?

As dawn broke, casting a soft glow through the office windows, Sarah knew that this case was just beginning. The small town of Pinewood had secrets, and she was determined to uncover them. This was her chance to prove herself, and she wasn't going to let it slip away. She grabbed her notepad and prepared to dive deeper into the mystery, knowing that the answers wouldn't come easily.

To Be Continue…


About the Creator


I write gripping short stories that blend suspense, horror and romance. With a flair for creating thrilling plots and unforgettable characters, I captivate readers from start to end. And also share insights on some general topics.

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