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The Cult of Red Triangle

Chapter: 5 The Final Ritual

By RitvizPublished 26 days ago 4 min read
The Cult of Red Triangle

End of Story...., Detective Sarah Grey sat in the hospital room, watching over Jasmine Reyes as she slept. The young athlete had been through a horrific ordeal, and her parents were just outside discussing her care with the doctors. Sarah felt a wave of relief knowing that Jasmine was safe but the echoes of the underground chamber still haunted her. The ritual, the chanting, the ominous symbols—everything pointed to a darkness that lingered, even after their escape.

Sarah's partner, Detective Mark Stone, entered the room, his expression grim. "We found more evidence at the lumber yard," he said quietly, handing her a sealed envelope. "It looks like the cult wasn't just about ancient rituals—they had a list of targets. Your name was on it."

Sarah felt a chill run down her spine. The envelope contained photographs, notes, and surveillance images of her taken from outside her home, her office even the gymnasium where the investigation had started. The Cult of the Red Triangle had been watching her and she knew this meant the danger was far from over.

Mark leaned in closer. "Victor Kane is still out there. We need to be careful. The cult might not have completed their ritual, but they're not going to stop."

Sarah nodded, her resolve hardening. "We need to find him before he finds us. Any leads?"

"One," Mark replied. "We found a hidden passage leading to the old church. It's heavily guarded, but it's likely where Kane is hiding."

Sarah stood up, her expression determined. "Then that's where we're going. We need to end this, once and for all."

They gathered a team of officers and headed to the old church, a decaying structure on the outskirts of town. The building was overgrown with vines, and the stained-glass windows were shattered, casting eerie patterns of light on the ground. As they approached, they could hear the faint sound of chanting, a haunting melody that grew louder as they neared the entrance.

Sarah and Mark led the way, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. Inside, the church was a labyrinth of crumbling walls and broken pews. The chanting seemed to echo from every corner, as if the very walls were alive with the voices of the cult.

They moved cautiously, searching for any sign of Victor Kane or his followers. The air grew colder, and the smell of decay filled the church. As they reached the altar, they saw a figure standing in the shadows a tall man in a dark cloak, his back turned to them.

"Victor Kane!" Sarah called out, her voice echoing through the church. "It's over. You're under arrest."

The man turned slowly, a twisted smile on his lips. "You think you can stop the ritual? You have no idea what you're dealing with."

As he spoke, the cult members emerged from the shadows, their hoods covering their faces. They surrounded Sarah and her team, their hands reaching out with a menacing intent. Sarah knew they were outnumbered, but she wasn't about to back down.

Victor Kane raised his arms, chanting in a guttural language that seemed to vibrate the very air. The candles around the altar flared to life, casting a blood-red glow across the church. The cult members closed in, their movements slow but deliberate.

Sarah signaled to Mark, who nodded in response. They had a plan—one that would put an end to the cult's reign of terror. As the cult members advanced, Sarah reached into her pocket and pulled out a small device, a flash-bang grenade. She threw it toward the altar, and the resulting explosion filled the church with a blinding light and deafening noise.

The cult members staggered back, disoriented by the flash-bang. Sarah and Mark moved quickly, taking down the cultists who tried to regain their composure. The chaos spread, and Victor Kane stumbled toward the altar, his eyes filled with rage.

Sarah confronted Kane, her gun drawn. "It's over, Kane. Surrender, or I'll have to use force."

Kane laughed, a maniacal sound that echoed through the church. "You think you can stop me? The ritual will continue!"

He lunged at her, a ritual dagger in his hand. But Sarah was ready. She sidestepped his attack and struck him with the butt of her gun, sending him crashing to the ground. Kane lay there, stunned, his dagger clattering across the floor.

Sarah and Mark quickly restrained Kane, placing him in handcuffs. The other cult members were subdued, and the chanting had ceased. The threat of the Cult of the Red Triangle was finally over.

As they escorted Kane and his followers out of the church, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The nightmare was over and Pinewood could finally return to a semblance of normalcy. But she knew that the memories of the cult and its rituals would linger in her mind for a long time.

Outside, the sky had cleared, and the stars shone brightly overhead. The sound of sirens filled the night, but it was a welcome noise a sign that order had been restored. Sarah looked at Mark and smiled. They had saved Jasmine and stopped the cult's plans, and that was a victory worth celebrating.

As they drove away from the church, Sarah glanced in the rear view mirror and saw the building slowly fading into the darkness. The horrors of the Cult of the Red Triangle were behind them but she knew that other mysteries and challenges awaited. But for now they had found a moment of peace a moment to breathe and remember that, even in the darkest of times, there was always hope.

--End of The Story--

Thank You!

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About the Creator


I write gripping short stories that blend suspense, horror and romance. With a flair for creating thrilling plots and unforgettable characters, I captivate readers from start to end. And also share insights on some general topics.

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