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Embracing a Meatless Lifestyle for Good: Health, Morality, and Environmental Benefits

My story of veganism, with connected studies

By Alice B. Schellinger. Published 9 months ago 3 min read
Embracing a Meatless Lifestyle for Good: Health, Morality, and Environmental Benefits
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

In today's world, more and more people are exploring the idea of going meatless for various reasons - ethical, environmental, and health-related. This post will delve into my journey—the journey of an individual who, after experimenting with different dietary choices, found their way back to a meatless lifestyle. We'll explore the moral and ethical dimensions of this choice, its impact on personal health, and the broader environmental benefits it brings.

🥬The Journey Back to Meatless Living🥕🥦

The decision to go meatless is often a deeply personal one, shaped by individual experiences and convictions. In my case, I’ve embarked on a meatless journey twice before, initially adopting a pescatarian lifestyle before slowly moving more and more towards a vegan lifestyle. I even oscillated between veganism and the pescatarian diet, choosing to include fish due to it giving me more options when dining out or visiting with friends and family who didn’t follow a vegan lifestyle. However, external factors like situational depression and family social pressures led me back to a meat-inclusive diet, only to realize that my health took a significant hit.

The Health Connection 🧘🏻‍♀️

One of the most compelling reasons to adopt a meatless lifestyle is the profound impact it can have on personal health. After a year of having meat back into my diet, I experienced a resurgence of health issues, such as gastroesophageal reflux, higher levels of gut inflammation, and irritable bowel syndrome. Many individuals report similar experiences when they switch back to a meat-based diet after being meatless for a period of time.

1. Digestive Health: Going meatless often means consuming more fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This dietary shift can improve digestive health, alleviate issues like bloating, and promote regular bowel movements.

2. Weight Management: Although a plant-based diet isn’t recommended for everyone, it is typically lower in saturated fats and calories, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. It can also contribute to a lower risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

3. Better Sleep: Many people report improved sleep quality when they adopt a meatless diet. Eating lighter, plant-based meals in the evening can reduce discomfort and promote better rest.

🙏🏻Ethical Considerations🙏🏻

For many individuals, the decision to go meatless is driven by ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of animals in factory farming. The mistreatment, overcrowding, and inhumane conditions in these facilities have led people to question their meat consumption.

1. Animal Welfare: Adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle aligns with the belief in compassion towards animals. It avoids the contribution to a system that subjects animals to suffering.

2. Reducing Demand for Factory Farming: By choosing plant-based alternatives, individuals can reduce the demand for products derived from factory farming, pushing for more humane and sustainable agricultural practices.

Environmental Benefits

Beyond personal health and ethical considerations, a meatless lifestyle also has profound environmental benefits. Factory farming and meat production are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution.

1. Reducing Carbon Footprint: Adopting a meatless diet can substantially lower an individual's carbon footprint, as plant-based foods generally have a lower environmental impact.

2. Preserving Natural Habitats: Less demand for meat means fewer resources devoted to livestock farming and more land available for preserving natural habitats and biodiversity.

3. Conserving Water: Meat production requires vast amounts of water. A meatless lifestyle can help conserve this precious resource for future generations.

The journey to a meatless lifestyle is not always straightforward. However, it's essential to recognize the positive impact such a choice can have on personal health, animal welfare, and the environment. By embracing a meatless lifestyle, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable world while aligning our actions with our values and convictions.

wellnessweight losshealth

About the Creator

Alice B. Schellinger.

Hostess of the SchellingtonGrin Podcast. Writer of poems, short stories, articles, and reviews. Support the SchellingtonGrin Podcast on Spotify and connect with me here and on other socials to be part of the Community

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  • Donna Renee9 months ago

    Yes!!! Loved how you didn’t come at readers with a sledgehammer but with information and personal experiences!! I’ve been vegetarian, vegan, or somewhere in between for over 20 years now but still never know how to discuss it with curious friends or family. This article is so good! 👍👍

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