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My Email address

It's being used wrong

By Lena BaileyPublished about a month ago 3 min read

So we need to talk. When I started to write on here a few years ago I created an email address for you guys to ask all your questions. I also wanted my readers to have access to me if need. It has been an issue here and there. In 5 plus years it has only been an issue 4 or 5 times 2 or 3 of those times have been this year.

This year I had one or 2 emails from PayPal about my bitcoin. Yes, I have a PayPal, but I have never used it for Bitcoin. So, it was weird, and I knew it was a scam. So, I deleted them and moved on.

Then the day I started writing this I got an email from a dating site I never signed up for. The email was saying I had matches. How can I have matches if I never used? So I think someone used mine by accident or because they didn't have one of their own to use. I reached out to the dating website to have the profile shut down. I almost changed the password but I thought this was better. They ended up taking it down. I looked at the profile to see what was on it and they listed themselves as living in the Philippines. So it wasn't even trying to pretend to be me.

If you use it because you don't have one of your own warn me on here. Better yet make your own so you can use. If you're going to have profiles on the internet you should have your own.

I've also had a pedophile reach out to talk to me about why I thought it was wrong. I wrote a whole post about this interaction. They (I don't assume gender) had so much anger towards me. They also sent me several emails before I even answered. When I did reply I didn't get a reply back, not that I was expecting it.

Then one of the first emails I got was a woman who asked me about sugar babies. She asked me if it was normal to only get paid for sex. I said no and that what she was doing was considered prostitution. She got mad and I did a post about it. It wasn't that she got mad that bothered me it was the whole "I will report you" thing that bothered me. If you actually look up the definition of prostitute you will get some version of "a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment."

I also had people who reached out to possible enter into a sugar or kink relationship with me. I politely turned them down saying that my email is to be used for writing questions or conversations about topics. I haven't heard from these people after I told them this.

I say all of this to say the email I set up for guys is to be used for questions about a topic, suggestions for topics or even to ask me where to find me on social media. Social media is how I deal personal things, this is my professional site. How I talk on here is slightly different than how I talk or act in real life or on social media.

I will treat you with respect if you tread me with respect. Telling me that I am a vile human when all I did was tell you the truth is disrespectful. If you don't want the truth than that does not make me vile.

Do reach out but do so with understanding and respect.

Stream of Consciousness

About the Creator

Lena Bailey

Georgia born writer. Specializing in dating and true crime

If you have any questions or comments please email [email protected]

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