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The 13 Best Outdoor Side Hustles You Can Do In Your Free Time

Want to make some extra money while being outside?

By Jay KobayashiPublished 6 months ago 8 min read
The 13 Best Outdoor Side Hustles You Can Do In Your Free Time
Photo by Domo . on Unsplash

In today's fast-paced world, many people are looking for ways to boost their income and pursue their passions in their free time. Outdoor side hustles offer a fantastic opportunity to make extra money while enjoying the great outdoors. Whether you want to explore a creative side hustle that will take you outdoors, or simply earn extra cash on a weekly basis, there's a side hustle for everyone. In this article, we will explore the best outdoor side hustles that can help you maximize your free time and income.

1. Pressure Washing 

Pressure washing is a versatile and lucrative outdoor side hustle that involves using high-pressure water to remove dirt, grime, mold, mildew, dust, mud, and other contaminants from various surfaces. From decks and driveways to exterior walls and sidewalks, there's a constant demand for these services because it improves cleanliness and overall aesthetic. 

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With the right equipment, you can effectively remove dirt and restore surfaces to their original condition. While building a successful pressure washing business may require some upfront investment in equipment, but it can quickly pay off as word spreads about your quality work, especially if you offer your services to residential and commercial neighborhoods that value that kind of service. 

Average Earnings: Pressure washing can bring in around $50 to $100 per hour, depending on your location and the scale of the job.

2. Car Detailing 

Car detailing is an outside side hustle that caters to car enthusiasts and everyday vehicle owners alike. Detailers go beyond basic car washes, offering comprehensive cleaning, polishing, and interior detailing services, so cars maintain their pristine look for a significant amount of time.

By Deniz Demirci on Unsplash

Attention to detail and skill is paramount in this business, because customers often seek a showroom-quality finish for their vehicles. By marketing your services effectively and building a strong customer base, this outdoor side hustle can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Average Earnings: Car detailing rates vary widely, but on average, you can charge between $50 to $150 per vehicle.

3. Nature Photography 

Nature photography is a highly rewarding outdoor side hustle for those who are passionate about both photography and the great outdoors. It allows you to capture the beauty of nature, wildlife, and landscapes through your lens.

By Jakob Owens on Unsplash

While getting started might not require significant upfront costs if you already own a camera, success in this field often involves honing your photography skills, building an impressive portfolio, and marketing your work through stock photography websites, art galleries, or direct client relationships.

Average Earnings: Earnings as a nature photographer can vary greatly, as beginners may earn $100 per sale for prints, while established photographers can earn hundreds for limited-edition prints or by licensing their work.

4. Window Cleaning 

Window cleaning is a straightforward yet profitable outdoor side hustle. Many homeowners and businesses prefer to have their windows professionally cleaned to maintain a sparkling appearance. However, the best part of this outdoor side hustle is that anybody with a charming personality and a good sales pitch can do this.

By Clay Banks on Unsplash

You can start small and gradually expand your services as your client base grows. You can start off going door to door and eventually build a weekly route that can become a reliable source of income. It's a business that thrives on reputation and consistency, so providing consistently high-quality service is key to building a loyal customer following.

Average Earnings: Window cleaning rates often range from $4 to $10 per window pane, or $40 to $150 for an average-sized home.

5. Pool Cleaning Service 

Operating a pool cleaning service can be a seasonal but lucrative outdoor side hustle, especially in regions with warm climates. Pool owners need regular maintenance to keep their pools safe, clean, and inviting. This side hustle requires a good understanding of pool chemistry, as well as the proper equipment for cleaning and maintenance. 

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Building trust with clients is essential, as they'll rely on your expertise to ensure their pools are enjoyable throughout the swimming season. So depending on your cleaning skills and professionalism, this outdoor side hustle can also become a great summer side hustle you can do in your free time!

Average Earnings: On average, pool cleaning services charge $75 to $150 per visit.

6. Lawn Care/Landscaping 

Lawn care and landscaping are timeless outdoor side hustles that offer a steady income throughout the year. Services can range from mowing lawns and trimming bushes to designing and installing entire landscapes. Depending on your work ethic and clients, this outdoor side hustle is sure to keep you busy out in the sun.

By Rick Whittle on Unsplash

Building a reputation for reliability and quality work can lead to long-term contracts with homeowners and businesses in your local community. However, you really have to put in the legwork for this outdoor side hustle to significantly pay off.

Average Earnings: The earnings potential for lawn care and landscaping can be vary from $50 to $200 and above.

7. Selling at Flea Markets 

Selling items at flea markets or local craft fairs can be a rewarding way to turn your passion for hunting treasures into a profitable venture. Starting small by sourcing unique or vintage items from garage sales or thrift stores, you can gradually expand your inventory and set up shop at various flea markets. 

By Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Success in this side hustle often depends on your ability to find valuable items that resonate with customers. Best part is, there is a number of ways to find valuable items to sell at flea markets. From purchasing abandoned storage units or window shop at your local pawn shop, you can literally turn this outdoor side hustle in your own reality show that might appear on the History channel. 

Average Earnings: Sellers can make anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per day.

8. Work at a Garden Center 

If you have a green thumb and enjoy spending time outdoors, working at a garden center or nursery can be a fulfilling side hustle. Your responsibilities may include assisting customers in selecting plants, offering gardening advice, and caring for the plants on the premises. 

By Steve Adams on Unsplash

This opportunity allows you to deepen your knowledge of horticulture and landscaping while earning money in a pleasant outdoor setting. For those who just absolutely love gardening and plants, this is an absolute perfect opportunity to turn your hobby into a profitable outdoor side hustle.

Average Earnings: Seasonal work at a garden center typically pays around $10 to $15 per hour.

9. Food Delivery 

Food delivery has witnessed significant growth where almost every restaurant has a delivery service installed in their business model. As such, food delivery is a convenient outdoor side hustle that is sure to bring in some hard earned income. Whether you choose to work with a restaurant, or a delivery app, you'll have the flexibility to work outdoors while setting your own schedule. 

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Food delivery is especially in demand during peak meal times, making it possible to earn extra cash during lunch and dinner rushes. By understanding and utilizing some of the best tips and tricks for food delivery apps like Uber Eats, you can make the most of your time driving around and delivering food. 

Average Earnings: Delivery drivers can make $15 to $25 per hour on average.

10. Dog Walking 

For animal lovers, dog walking is an enjoyable way to spend time outdoors while earning money. Many pet owners have busy schedules and rely on trustworthy dog walkers to ensure their furry companions get the exercise they need. Getting started on this outdoor side hustle is arguably one of the easiest on the list, as you can sign up for dog walking apps like Rover.

By Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

If you put in enough time and effort, you can build a strong client base that can provide a consistent source of income. Eventually, you can become a trusted companion to your neighborhood to walk every single dog on the block and you'll never have to worry about walking alone on a bright and sunny day. 

Average Earnings: Dog walkers can charge $15 to $30 per walk, depending on the duration and the number of dogs.

11. House Painting 

House painting is a physically demanding yet financially rewarding outdoor side hustle that is sure to test you physically and mentally. Skilled painters are always in demand, particularly during the spring and summer months when homeowners want to freshen up their home exteriors. 

By Ricky Singh on Unsplash

To succeed in this business, you'll need painting skills, the right equipment, and a keen eye for detail to provide top-notch service. The best part about this outdoor side hustle is that house painting is not limited to exterior painting. If you got the creativity and the skills to paint murals, then you can offer more your services to those who are interested and increase your revenue potential tenfold!

Average Earnings: House painters often charge per square foot or per hour. Earnings vary but can range from $20 to $50 per hour.

12. Snow Shoveling 

In regions with snowy winters, snow shoveling can be a profitable winter side hustle that is also applicable as a great outdoor side hustle. As a snow shoveler, you'll clear driveways, walkways, and sidewalks for homeowners and businesses following snowfalls. This physically demanding job can be especially profitable during heavy snowfall seasons, making it an ideal way to earn extra income during the winter months.

By Seiya Maeda on Unsplash

The fact that you only need a snow shovel, warm clothes, and a friendly attitude, makes snow shoveling one of the easiest outdoor side hustles to do on any given day. However, it essential to note that this outdoor side hustle is only applicable to regions that experiences snowy weather.

Average Earnings: Snow shoveling can earn you $20 to $50 per hour, depending on location and the size of the area to be cleared.

13. Work at a Music Festival 

Music festivals are a fun and exciting experience that brings thousands of people together from all walks of life. It also serves as a great opportunity as an outdoor side hustle that combines both work and play. Many music festivals hire temporary staff for various roles, such as ticket scanning, security, and event setup. By getting a job at these festivals, you are set to work outdoors and be able to take part of the experience. 

As you enjoy live music and the vibrant festival atmosphere, you can earn money and make new connections in the entertainment industry. Best of all, working at a music festival is always going to be a different experience depending on the genre. 

Average Earnings: Wages for festival work vary by role and festival size, so on average, you can earn $10 to $18 per hour.

Ready To Make Some Money Outside?

Whether you prefer physical labor, have a creative flair, or simply want to spend more time in nature, there's a side hustle to suit your interests and lifestyle. By acquiring the necessary skills, equipment, and marketing know-how, you can turn your free time into a profitable venture that provides both financial stability and personal fulfillment. 

By Josh Appel on Unsplash

Each of these outdoor side hustles offers its unique rewards, so explore your options and find the one that aligns best with your passion and goals. With dedication and hard work, these outdoor side hustles can be a pathway to a more financially secure and fulfilling future.

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About the Creator

Jay Kobayashi

A starving writer from LA who aspires to be plagiarized one day. I like to write about academic pieces that identifies philosophy and psychology in pop culture, and sometimes random fun pieces that interests me or the algorithm!

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