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Jeremy Hunt: IS Attack Real.

Chancellor Hunt Speaking to Sky's Trevor Phillips

By Nicholas BishopPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Close Up of Jeremy Hunt.

Moscow on Friday witnessed an explosion killing 130 - 133 people. In the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, Russian minds would almost certainly, blame Zelensky. Ukraine has attacked Russian territory with drones. However, the Islamic State Khorasan claimed responsibility for the atrocity. IS-K or Islamic State Khorasan is a branch of the Islamic State.

You may remember that IS-K killed coalition soldiers and hundreds of Afghans. The attack occurred at Kabul Airport as Allied forces were flying out of Afghanistan. The withdrawal of the Americans, UK, Germans, and other forces was let's face it a defeat. It came about through a deal between the US and the Taliban. That for peace, Allied forces would evacuate Afghanistan. It led to the collapse of the Afghan government and forces after the West had spent billions on equipment and training for the lacklustre Afghan forces. The Taliban swept into power and despite promises that the Taliban 2.0 would be more lenient, it all became apparent that was a ruse. The Taliban have clamped down on so many things, especially women's rights.

However, Islamic State Khorasan has become a thorn in the side of the Taliban. The Taliban like the Western Coalition before them, are now facing a guerilla war. You would think that IS and the Taliban would have much in common. Both are Sunni Muslim movements, but no, they are bitter enemies.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt was appearing on Sky's Trevor Phillips' show. Phillips asked Hunt could such an attack occur in the UK. Jeremy Hunt praised the British security services. Mr. Hunt said MI5 and others had foiled many terror attacks, however, "we must remain vigilant".

Phillips then asked Hunt was the UK on alert for such incidents. Hunt replied that the level of the threat from such people as IS or AQ was "Substantial"! However, he wasn't privy to much more information. MI5 has devised a table of threat levels as follows:






One cannot just dismiss groups like Islamic State and Al-Qaeda as a thing of the past. They may have suffered setbacks and defeats at the hands of the West, but they are still out there. Indeed, it was reported a while ago, that Islamic State was actively recruiting members. So obviously, Al-Qaeda will be doing the same.

The Muslim community in the UK and Europe has grown due to many factors. Mass immigration, a high birth rate, and Native European converts are some factors for this. Many of these people are law-abiding, however, there will be a groundswell of support for such groups. Many of the attacks in the UK have been lone-wolf attacks, not supported by AQ or IS but inspired by such groups. Others have been planned operations by AQ or IS operatives in the UK coordinated by these groups. When we remember the awful killing of drummer Lee Rigby, the 7/7 bombings or the Manchester Arena bombing we must remain vigilant. Of course, we must not tarnish all Muslims with the same brush, but at the same, we must be wary. Many think the so-called 'War on Terror' has faded away. However, the Moscow attack shows us that it is not the case.

With the Hamas-Israel War ongoing it's a wonder the UK threat level isn't higher. We don't hear everything about our security. Both MI5/6 will be working in the shadows to tackle and prevent any threat. As will other forces responsible for UK security. However, as they say, no one is perfect and occasionally some attacks get through.

Russia has said Ukraine had something to do with the Moscow attack. Did they? Would Zelensky combine with the Islamic State to launch an attack on Russia a common enemy? As ridiculous and unlikely as that sounds nothing is surprising.

On the other hand, Vlad The Invader would blame Ukraine as it suits His narrative. Putin is like Netanyahu, Netanyahu wants to keep the war on Gaza going. The Israeli Prime Minister knows if the war stops he could be facing charges of corruption. So he needs to keep the war going for his political survival. Putin similarly will keep this war going come whatever for the same reason as His Israeli counterpart.



About the Creator

Nicholas Bishop

I am a freelance writer currently writing for Blasting News and HubPages. I mainly write about politics. But have and will cover all subjects when the need arises.

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