Melodic Milestone Playlist Challenge Winners

An inside look into the Vocal Curation Team's favorite stories from the Melodic Milestone Playlist Challenge

By Vocal Curation TeamPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 3 min read

We were so excited to see this idea presented in our Shape The Future of Vocal Challenges series. We had been kicking the idea of writing about music and playlists around for a while but couldn't think up the right structure for a Challenge. With your help, we got the push we needed to come up with the right formula. Part story, part playlist, this contest was meant to give voice to what so many of us possess- those deeply rooted songs that shaped us and continue to shape us, the ones that give sound to our fondest memories and the tunes that we turn to when we need musical solace.

We received an incredible array of music and personal stories but what really took our breath away was the reaffirmation of how much music means to people. We all know music is important but for so many of our Creators it is a literal lifeline. To get so much out of a piece of music, be it a song or a symphony, made us take another look at our playlists to see what songs we couldn't be without.

As always, thank you for sharing your truth and making the world a more interesting, artistic place. Here are the winners of the Melodic Milestone Playlist Challenge and spotlight on one of the Runners-Up. You can check out the full list of winners HERE.

$1,000 Grand Prize Winner

Stuart Orr for Voodoo Child

Right now it’s dark. All the instruments are still. The musicians are in bed or crashed out on the floor. I’m in the yard, under the sycamore.

The writing in this story was spectacular, so much so that it felt like a classic song, like lyrics that every person knows or will know. It had the energy of a piece of music whose imprint never leaves after you hear it for the first time. There is a grandiosity to this story that extends beyond Orr's personal story. It is a story of seeking, travel, finding oneself, and music was there every step, music was the fuel for this seeking life. Just like a good song, this story feels more like a feeling than it does a story. It's a real piece of art and we're so happy it's published on Vocal so everyone can share in its unique voice and universal message. Congratulations, Stuart Orr!

$250 Second Place Winner

Marilyn Glover for Playlist of a 90's Stripper

Aside from the heart pounding, 90s club music some of us at Vocal still love to listen to, we were enthralled by the the subtle, beautiful story of a stripper. When a writer tells an audience about dancing at a strip club and the dancing is the least exciting part, you know that's a good story. The camaraderie of dancers, the help with childcare, the realities of money and parenting, all of this came through in this story. This was a human story with a killer soundtrack. It was immensely fun, emotional and edifying to read this piece. Congratulations, Marilyn Glover!

Honorable Mention

Alivia Varvel for From the Old Days to Tomorrow

There were so many submissions in this Challenge that provided peeks into childhood that it was really tough to pick an honorable mention. So many backseat rides, private moments tucked into bed with an MP3 player or a Walkman, late nights at summer camp, so many stories that made us feel like kids again. We chose this story because there was something simply visceral about the writing, no pomp and circumstance, just a true telling of what it was like listening to these songs from childhood into adulthood. We also loved the mention of the changing musical technologies. It's those types of small details that make a story real and memorable. Well done, Alivia Varvel!


Learn more about our current Challenges below:


About the Creator

Vocal Curation Team

Collaborative, conscious, and committed to content. We're rounding up the best that the Vocal network has to offer.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (15)

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  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    Congratulations to all!

  • K9 Clinics12 months ago

    Congratulations to the winners of the Melodic Milestone Playlist Challenge! 🎉🎶 Your impeccable taste in music and ability to curate unforgettable playlists have truly set you apart. This competition showcased the power of melodies in creating memorable moments and connecting people through the universal language of music.

  • Alivia Varvel12 months ago

    I'm so humbled you chose to spotlight mine as the honorable mention. To everyone who submitted or anyone who's reading, keep writing and keep going. It may be frustrating to not see yours get picked or mentioned (trust me, I can relate). But nothing is more powerful and more satisfying than creating. So create.

  • Kendall Defoe 12 months ago

    Interesting choices this time... Really should review the stripper list...for professional reasons... ;)

  • ThatWriterWoman12 months ago

    Well Done everyone! Some really excellent stories!

  • Brenton F12 months ago

    This was a good challenge and with the amount of groovy fine tunes played and portrayed - everyone was a winner! Congrats to all!

  • Congratulations To Everyone 🎉

  • Dawn Earnshaw12 months ago

    Congratulations 🎉 everybody, im trying 🤦‍♀️🙏

  • Cendrine Marrouat12 months ago

    Congratulations to all the winners!

  • Heather Hubler12 months ago

    Congratulations to all the winners!! And a big shout-out to all the creators that entered this one :)

  • Cathy holmes12 months ago

    Congrats everyone.

  • Marilyn Glover12 months ago

    Omg! Thank you! What a super pleasant surprise! 💙

  • Paul Stewart12 months ago

    Congratulations, everyone!

  • Naomi Gold12 months ago

    Congrats to the winners! I haven’t read (or heard) any of these yet, except the playlist from Esperanza McMahan that I am thrilled to see placed in this challenge! Looking forward to discovering the other winners’ tunes and memories.

  • sleepy drafts12 months ago

    Congratulations, everyone!! ❤️

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