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x. The Raw Truth About Mental Illness

We all know someone who's told us they have something.

By Liquid PerspectivePublished 7 years ago 4 min read

Oh mental illness.

We all know someone who's told us they have something.

Dyslexia? Schizophrenia? ADHD? Bipolar? The list is pretty endless.

Or is it ourselves when we are told by a physician that we have it.

It's to be understood that mental illness is the same as cutting one's self.

No not autism no not birth defective illnesses, but I am talking about hearing voices, seeing images, seeing demons, seeing devils... Being in the darkness of it all.

It is a self harm, albeit an unconscious one.

People who tell others that they have one of these psychological problems really and truly feel that they DO HAVE that problem... it is real... very real. That is because we've been given a beautiful imagination.

You see, imagination is a perspective something far beyond any conceivable reality can offer. It is more real then real, it is the only truth.

And a person who truly imagines that they are the king of the world, truly in their hearts, will be the king of the world in their reality. Because there is no other reality then our perspective.

A man with no legs or arms on the side of the road with a few pieces of bread to himself daily, with utmost gratitude for life can truly feel at ease, at complete peace and happiness,

while a man with all the riches and luxuries and beauties in the world can feel emptiness of 1000 hells.

It is all perspective and the case of mental illness is too of course.

There once was a man, he was very philosophical. He theorized about god and devils daily, he theorized about sun and moon and light and dark and up and down and left and right, all the intelligence of the world he pondered, he was very intelligent, but in the end all he felt was an emptiness inside. Demons began playing around in his heart and mind and body. He started hearing sounds and seeing visions and not even being able to know true from false. This is not really a story... this is actually a very large population of people...

And the problem is that semantics are endless.

You can forever go on about philosophy. Questioning existence, questioning yourself and the universe in a multitude of ways for all eternity... and you will never come to any true understanding or conclusion. Even in your final moments after a million eons, you will decide to change your whole idea of truth just in that last second.

Philosophy is just like this.

Semantics are just like this.

They are not stable...

What one should seek if he feels that emptiness inside is a PASSION.

A flame... a torch... a focus...

So that the focus be so external... such a bullet of a vision that no focus is directed onto oneself... no focus is left into query and the darkness.

The great OSHO said once that if you leave a man blindfolded for a number of days, he will start seeing things. Leave him with earmuffs for a number of days he will start hearing things.. and they will seem REAL.

The problem is that people have no real EXTERNAL FOCUS in this day ... everyone is concerned with petty things...

Oh, how I look in the mirror... oh how i feel ... oh how i think... oh how i want to be something different something else... When all focus is internal, all that remains is darkness.

When one is inscribed in the GOOD KARMA of the universe, he dedicates himself or herself to a charitable lifestyle, to helping the poor, to helping animals, to stop killing of animals, to stop killing of people, to make the world a heaven... life does not become a hell anymore. Not externally or internally.

That is because internal doesn't exist at that point. It never did and never will...

It only begins to exist when there is no focus.

There is an emptiness...

an emptiness that's developed because you seek to RECEIVE.

For the person that seeks to receive from the universe, you will receive nothing. Even at your lowest points in your life you may receive a few crumbs but that is it.

For the person that seeks to GIVE to the universe, you will receive the bounty of it all without even asking for it. Gifts of happiness and even material gifts will be showered upon you, and you will never have any feeling of internal query because all your focus is in EXTERNAL GIVING.

Of course the person that cuts himself only does so because his subconscious mind knows that he will one day show the cuts to someone... the cuts will be seen... the other person will give hugs and comfort

so he cuts...

Same thing with mental illness.

No person with a "mental illness" will ever keep it to themselves.

They HAVE to tell someone. they will almost tell every single person.

thats because if they didn't tell then theres no point of having it

they only keep hurting themselves so they can tell anyways....

My dear loved ones of the universe, if you are a cutter

mental or physical cutter,

doesnt matter,

Focus yourself on GOOD KARMA.

Take on meditation, give MONEY and give your TIME to charities and organizations that you are proud of, take on vegan (non-bad karmic) diets, take on love and meeting and growing in happiness with others. Take on the life of Non- Seeking. Not focused on receiving. But focused on giving. and know that you will be taken care of by good karma.

For those of you who are trying to "Solve" your mental illness, know that it can never be solved. even when you are 99 years old it wont be solved.

Because its not even real in the first place.

You cannot fight with the darkness....

You can bring focus, external focus into something, ANYTHING, that you love, and I guarantee you with my whole being that your problems will vanish because they aren't even real.

You don't need drugs, you don't need meds, you don't need pity... seek the light of good karma, love and focus.

Bless you



Liquid Perspective.

[email protected]


About the Creator

Liquid Perspective

free, generous, not afraid

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