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Six steps to recovery from depression

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By ABDOPublished 2 months ago 7 min read
Six steps to recovery from depression
Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

It is always said that the experiences of others and their experiences are one of the means to learn and heal, so I put my experience in your hands so that it helps you with all my love

Before I mention my healing journey to you, I want to draw your attention to the fact that we are unique in our experiences and circumstances, especially when it comes to our mental health and methods of healing from psychological problems, I am writing my own experience for you because I want this article to be a specific experience for you and inspiring what the word means to help you in case you suffer from depression or that you know someone close to you who suffers from it،

I also want you to give your full time to read this experience because I deliberately mention details that are shared by all those who suffer from depression, as well as because many who knew my story with depression have asked me a lot to explain the recovery journey and here I am writing it to you with all the love and I intend for every

Reality is not important for a depressed person to know when he began to feel depressed, but more important is to know the reasons that made this disease appear to the surface and hinder his life, depression begins with one moment of sadness after another repeatedly until the person here believes that this is reality, he enters into a cycle of helplessness and conflicting feelings, and the daily struggle

The first step: is acceptance and acceptance

Well, the issue of acceptance and acceptance that I have depression was not an easy and direct process, I have lived for about 3 months of denial, rejection, and disbelief, when there is a person who used to be active, accomplished, a leader and successful who does not accept at all the idea of defeat, breakage, helplessness or weakness, not to mention that the idea circulating in society that the psychopath is crazy and،

Or worse, they accuse you of distancing yourself from Allaah, May he be exalted, and others who call themselves understanding begin to guide you to return to Allaah and accuse you in a direct way that you are deficient in the truth of Allaah, May he be exalted, and increase the feeling of blame that you already suffer

But the idea of acceptance came after noticing and realizing that my rejection and denial were not getting me out of where I am, so I said to myself, What Would I lose if I accepted this disease And how will acceptance and acceptance help me get over it and heal from it And let me tell you a wonderful secret،

I somehow got there and I don't know how, which I believe is divine kindness, until I reformulated the questions I was asking myself, so I started turning my questions from questions to flog and torture myself into questions that arouse in me the desire to search and investigate solutions, the mind became focused on solutions and not on the causes of the problem, so I stopped asking the question I was nothing but a good person, why do people attack me like that?'

Why do they look at me with pity and incomprehension other than the questions in which I was oppressing myself until I reached a stage where I asked myself, ' What lesson does God want me to reach?' It was this question that moved me towards acceptance, my goal was to learn the lesson, which made me not think of illness as a problem, but as a reason to answer this question, and get out of bed

Step two: monitor myself to help her

One of the things I thank the psychologist for is the exercise she gave me, in which she asked me to monitor myself and monitor my mood, as I began to notice the reasons that were bothering me, for example, there were bad messages I received from people who were asking me for their money, some of them were insults, some were threats, and some،

Some even started spying on my bank account, thinking that I was just a swindler or a fraudster, knowing that I could have filed a report on them and put them in prison for doing this, but that wasn't what preoccupied me, I was just thinking to be away from every reason that hurt me and upset me and reduce my self-esteem, especially since these people were not just ordinary people but close, a message from them was enough to make me unable to walk،

Their words, their accusations, and their lack of appreciation of my health status were nothing but deadly deadly poisons, they were about to lose my life if not for the kindness and mercy of God, so that's when I decided to turn off my phone completely, I decided that there would be a period in which I avoid everyone who disrespects me, the time is not right at all, and also confronting them or responding to them will not benefit me at all, my self-monitoring made me make firm decisions such as avoiding what hurts me, this made me accept myself, which I hated because of their poisonous words, it's this distance also made me look for things that made me feel happy, so I started practicing painting after that, where I stayed for a while practicing meditation to draw after that, which made myself feel light.

Step three: surround myself with supporters

Well, I was very lucky and successful, thanks to God, I was surrounded by an understanding, receptive, conscious, and educated family, which contributed to the fact that they were dealing with my seizures and volatile moods without commenting on me, accusing me or feeling that I was different from them, so believe me it is essential to ask for help from those who are close to you،

Tell them that when you retire, get angry, shut up, sleep a lot, or run away this is not an option to choose, but there is a force controlling you that comes from your thoughts that are spinning in your head, ask them clearly, accepting them for your situation will make you not feel sorry for yourself and not blame yourself when you hurt them or

Step four: raise your self-esteem and value by raising your entitlement

Well, the worst thing about depression is a decrease in self-worth and self-esteem by trapping negative thoughts and controlling them, as well as feelings of blame, sadness, and resistance that represent a deadly triangle, so I had to regain control over the way I look at myself, but we all know that it's not enough to tell ourselves that we are sick simply, it's okay،

So I asked myself what could make me feel good, and I found that helping people with the good word is what makes me happy, I discovered my way to that after knowing that the highest way to discover the specific reasons for raising the merit is to increase my effort to be closer to God, I was more than talking to God, I was more than،

This is a reason for Allah to make fun of people who needed my advice, and every time Allah inspired me in the way I help them, which was something that strengthened my confidence in myself because people need you, this means that they feel confident in you and rely on you, and man is based only on those they think that he will not bring them down, and this was enough to renew my vision of life and raise my self-esteem, especially when one of them came to tell me that she was able to solve her problem and that Allah made me laugh for her.

Step five: recovery from medications

When I started to feel better after almost two and a half years of suffering with medications and struggles, I consulted the doctors around me to leave her and I was able to leave her, thanks to God, in just two weeks

Step six: performing thanks to Allah for the permanence of wellness

This is the step that I am trying to live in the current period, I feel grateful and grateful to Allah, Almighty, he was with me on the journey of suffering and because he was kind and merciful to me, he showed me all the ways and answered my questions, so I decided to tell others and help them what I can recover, and make an effort to spread awareness about this disease and help people and like any affliction, we have to face it with patience, satisfaction, and gratitude so that we can get out of it and be among those who have succeeded

Finally, I really hope that everyone who is injured, sad, or suffering can heal and find people who understand his situation, and here I put a link to the journey of suffering for you to share with you, fighter, my experience is also in this link and I know that you are not alone



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