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Addicts Hurt Themselves and Others 2

Real Stories - Are you addicted to drugs or alcohol? Get help. Now.

By John Charles HarmanPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Story 3

I am having a rough daughter ran away March 8th, she has untreated mental health issues and a drug addiction, has refused help, refused to go to court to testify against her boyfriend for a protection against abuse order.. On that day she got violent, refused to go to court,..when I got back from court..she was gone. She ran away to be with him. He's been abusing her and giving her drugs but she's in denial there's a problem. His mother enables him. Now she wants to get emancipated and.. during this time she never came home.. I only communicated with her a couple of times but tried so many..but she blocked me. I joined Al-Anon to help with my healing but I do miss her and wish we could heal our relationship. I do understand though that she is responsible for her own recovery and has to accept for herself that she even needs help in the first place. It still hurts and breaks my heart though.

Story 4

I left my husband a little over a year ago and our divorce was finalized about a week ago. He is an addict and was emotionally and mentally abusive. And I just couldn't do it anymore because it was literally destroying me. And then He sends this just a little bit ago. Now my emotions are going crazy and I start to feel bad for him all over again and guilty for leaving. whenever I feel like I am doing ok i get a message like this and then my whole day is ruined. I don't even know how to feel or if I should respond.

Story 5

Tonight was by far the worst phone call we’ve had in 5 weeks! My ah is in rehab (5 weeks). We’ve been planning for 5 weeks that I’d come down (Michigan to Florida) with our 5 kids and my parents to pick him up from rehab. However we’re down to less than 14 days could be 6 days and none of our families will watch our dog. Looked into boarding! With no luck! I don’t trust many ppl so for me to ask for help and get no one was upsetting! Our pup survived our house fire! He’s a great dog to everyone and the fact that none of my ah family has stepped up yet just 3 weeks ago his brother in js drove 2 hours away to stay at another brothers house for a week with their dogs is just bothersome! I don’t see myself ever reaching out to them again! Also his mom bought the book I needed for my husband and she said I’ll read it in a day and bring it over! But now won’t go further bc the book told her she was an enabler and she got offended and said she refuses to change! I’m livid! My husband deserves so much better than this women! And if she sees this I hope she reads it 5 times and changes her ways! Her son my HUSBAND requested I picked him up with MY parents! Anyway today I tell him I can’t get a dog sitter (shocker) and we’ll need to change our plans. I explain his mom and how she’s a lump on a log refusing to let our dog out a few times a day when she lives close by.... he gets upset and tries to get off the phone! His mom is a huge issue and yea I didn’t need to tell him all of that but come on... is this like common with alcoholic side of the family? I have no idea what to do he’s pretty upset and I’m feeling for him. I shouldn’t have brought it up. I just hope he sees how they are to us! She wants to get him herself. They have no relationship! He wants me! And bc of how we intend to do this she won’t help! Anyway now he’s saying he’s going to be right at work or be expected to the very next day...... so we couldn’t drive now? Yet first words were about all of us going and after I brought up no one willing to help now he needs to be back like right away. Last week he wanted to go on a date with me now it’s nothing! Idk I’m worried I got to him too much! What what you guys recommend for getting him home?

Story 6

Do any of you deal with constant resentment of a parent? My mother is STILL on my couch (going on 5 years now.)

She knows better than to be drunk in my house now but she still comes in tipsy and with an attitude. She's a bartender, so she has plenty of opportunity to chug her vodka elsewhere. Even when she's stone sober, I still hate her. I can't help it. She's been a selfish asshole, disguised as a wounded, loving mother for my whole life. She shipped me off to Florida to live in a senior community with my grandparents in my freshman year of high school because she couldn't get her shit together. Not with alcohol at this point, just with not knowing or wanting to behave like an adult. Then she finally moves to Florida part time and becomes an alcoholic. She lived with my grandparents when she got divorced. By this time I'd moved back home to Missouri with my new husband. She ruined my relationship between me and my grandmother. My grandmother was more like a mom to me than she's ever been. I just resent every breath she takes under my roof because she knows how much she's putting us out but she just doesn't care! Vodka and Applebees are far more important to her. I don't want her to touch me. I don't want her help with anything. I don't want to share my kids with her. I just want her to go away.....and I hate myself for it. I just don't know what to do! She's making me choose between being the asshole that kicks her mom out in the street or being miserable myself for the rest of her life because I'm the new host to her parasitic lifestyle since my grandparents passed away.

Okay, I'm sorry that was so long but I feel a teensy bit better now. Thanks for letting me emotionally vomit all over you good people.


About the Creator

John Charles Harman

Award winning author/musician in Orlando, Florida. BS Kinesiology UCLA

Popular novels - Romantic/ Crime/Drama “Blood and Butterflies” in production for a TV movie.

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