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Whispers of Love

Tales of the Heart

By Mr.PoetPublished 12 months ago â€ĸ 1 min read
 Whispers of Love
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

In the depths of the soul, love whispers,

A gentle breeze that stirs the heart's core.

It paints emotions in vibrant hues,

And sings the melodies of forevermore.

Love's whispers caress the tender moments,

They weave tales of passion and desire.

They hold hands in moonlit serenades,

Igniting souls, setting hearts afire.

With each beat, love orchestrates its symphony,

A harmonious rhythm of two souls entwined.

Whispers of affection dance in the air,

Creating a symphony of love that's divinely aligned.

Love's whispers transcend the barriers of time,

They echo through the ages, profound and true.

In tales of lovers, of kindred spirits,

They speak of a love that's eternal and new.

So, listen closely to love's tender whispers,

Let them guide you to love's sacred abode.

For in the whispers of love's timeless symphony,

We find the essence of our souls' ode.

Mr. Poet

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About the Creator


As a poet, I find solace in the dance of words, crafting vivid tapestries of emotions and experiences. Each stroke of my pen unveils a universe, where metaphors bloom and emotions cascade like gentle raindrops upon parched earth.

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