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A Symphony of Light

The Dance of Dawn

By Mr.PoetPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
A Symphony of Light
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

In the cradle of dawn, darkness recedes,

As the sun awakens, painting the sky.

A symphony of light unfolds before me,

A dance of colors, a resplendent lullaby.

The horizon ignites in a fiery embrace,

Golden hues shimmer, bathing the world.

Silhouettes come alive, trees and birds,

Embracing the day, their wings unfurled.

With each passing moment, the canvas shifts,

Blending the colors in a masterful display.

Nature's palette at its finest hour,

A fleeting masterpiece, ephemeral and gay.

The symphony of light is a celebration,

A reminder of life's endless rebirth.

In the morning's embrace, hope is renewed,

A promise of new beginnings, of boundless worth.

As the day unfolds, the symphony persists,

Playing on the stage of the.

Mr. Poet

love poemssurreal poetrynature poetry

About the Creator


As a poet, I find solace in the dance of words, crafting vivid tapestries of emotions and experiences. Each stroke of my pen unveils a universe, where metaphors bloom and emotions cascade like gentle raindrops upon parched earth.

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