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Matrix Sanctity

“Tiny spots of a greater, much larger picture”. A mini meditation in free verse

By Grz ColmPublished 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 2 min read
Matrix Sanctity
Photo by Maxime VALCARCE on Unsplash

Tiny spots of a greater, much larger picture,

A matrix of sanctity,

It’s this interconnectedness,

The nourishing interconnectedness of all things,

Soft whispers tell you this in the breeze,

Don’t feel alone, it says - you’re not,

It’s no coincidence you are here,

We are more or less the same you & I,

Connecting with each other even we are seemingly not,

We can even meet in dreams.


You find yourself shifting to an alternate plane -

You are at a field with a few bushes, yet

Mostly quite open & desolate,

Walk into the field and

in the distance

You will see a large tree burn -

It’s branches alight in flame,

Walk towards it, but not too close,

Then suddenly the fire stops and the branches transform

manifesting the most magnificent flowers-

Violet coloured with a golden inner hue,

Don’t touch these particular ones yet.

Just observe these and how they make you feel?

Then begin to feel their force,

Shut your eyes,

And imagine holding the flowers’

power in your hand

(as you naturally follow your breath..)

A surge of energy erupts from your midsection,

Towards the top of your head,

Your shoulders begin to relax &

Your fingertips feel as light as feathers, before a

translucent golden light miraculously

shoots out from each of your fingertips,

Into the atmosphere surrounding you,

You feel warm, relaxed and safe,

Explore how this makes you feel for a moment..

Next, hold your palms to you Heart Space,

Or a pain you might feel in your body,

Try it for a few minutes and keep your palms at the spot,

Breathe deeply & imagine the golden light

coursing from your fingertips,

Allow it to Seep

into this part of your body,

Relax & give thanks and

See how you feel after..


Are we able to integrate these energetic powers

into helping and healing others? -

I don’t yet know, but that would be my wish,

Our journey is just getting started…


Quick note: This piece was inspired by a number of things, including some experiences I’ve had in group meditations that I attend, as well as our gifted & inspirational meditation teacher. ☺️

I’ve also been inspired by Paul Stewart’s warm and encouraging meditation-style poems & free verse poetry here on Vocal - as well as Kristen Balyeat’s joyous and thrilling, meditative poems on topics such as the natural world and our place in it etc. Both writers (I believe) have said they often use ‘stream of consciousness’ to write, where the ideas and words just flow forth. I have tried this a few times when inspiration strikes, so this is my attempt at that process (I hope) with a bit of my own flavour. 😊 You can check out a couple of their swell pieces below.

Here are a couple of my favourites of Paul Stewart’s you will like:

A couple of Kristen Balyeat’s pieces you should check out!

Thanks for reading.

surreal poetryperformance poetrynature poetry

About the Creator

Grz Colm

Film and TV reviews, 🎞 as well as short stories and free verse poems.

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  • D.K. Shepard2 months ago

    Excellent piece! The use of second person in a narrative poem isn’t something you see often and it was such a wonderful fit for inspiring calm in the reader. Very well done, Grz!

  • Real Poetic7 months ago

    I absolutely adore this style of poetry. Beautifully done. 🩵

  • Daphsam7 months ago

    Very beautiful.

  • Donna Fox (HKB)7 months ago

    Grz, this was a beautiful meditative piece!! A great way for me to start my morning, with some peace and calm before my storm of a day! The only thing this was missing was some soothing music to play in the background!! Great work!

  • Cathy holmes7 months ago

    This is so calming, and it reads like a dream. Fabulous.

  • Kristen Balyeat7 months ago

    OH my goodness, Grz! This is absolutely stunning and may be one of my favorite pieces by you! This was a beautiful meditation, reading was an experience, and like others, I would LOVE to hear a recording of this so I could sit back with my eyes closed and indulge! I loved that visualization exercise- your descriptions were so immersive and led me right into a feeling of peace and healing. Thank you for writing this! It is a work of art to be proud of! And- THANK YOU SO MUCH for your incredibly kind words and for linking to my work! What a huge compliment to be mentioned by you, and next to Paul, one of my meditative stream-of-consciousness faves! Such an honor! I'm very grateful to you for this, Grz! I truly hope to see more pieces like this from you- it is incredible and I'm very inspired!

  • Novel Allen7 months ago

    I felt like i was doing a meditative yoga class. I must check out those writings. Sounds so calming. Happy meditation and may calm ever be your guide.

  • Paul Stewart7 months ago

    Where to start, sir? This was stunning. I felt a nice warmth and calm over me and would echo others that have said you should record it! Your descriptions just helped me easily imagine it all and follow it without even having to think too much. Also, thank you for the shout-out and links, and to be included alongside one of my main influences (from Vocal) on my free-verse, Kristen, is high praise indeed. Well done on this, definitely one of my favourites by you, Grz!

  • This poem would be amazing to have read aloud while meditating. Great Job!

  • Rachel Deeming7 months ago

    I felt like you were talking me through a shared dream. Amazingly, I actually felt calmer after reading it. I will check out the poems you've recommended too.

  • Babs Iverson7 months ago

    Awesome surreal poem!!! Loved it!!!💕❤️❤️

  • I would absolutely love to help and heal others! That's my ultimate dream! Your poem was so divine! Violet coloured with an inner golden hue. That image is burned into my brain. So breathingly beautiful! So soothing, so smooth! Gosh I love this so much!

  • Beautiful guided meditation. I would love to have you record it for us so that we can experience it the way it deserves to be experienced.

  • Tiffany Gordon 7 months ago

    Lovely work G! Very thought-provoking!

  • Very interesting. I like the part: "We can even meet in dreams." Good job.

  • Hannah Moore7 months ago

    This felt more like a stream of unconsciousness - there was a dreaminess to it throughout, though it was anchored in the half awake I think.

  • Mother Combs7 months ago

    Great poem, Grz

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