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Dear Mr Schnookums

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By Phil FlanneryPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Dear Mr Schnookums
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Dear Mr Schnookums,

It’s always nice to hear from you, I know what you are going through, these long, long nights can get quite lonely, and you know I want you only.

But I should share some things about me, I like my space and my things around me. I have a dog who is quite needy, for my attention, she is quite greedy. I own my house; I own my car. How is this for you, so far? I love my job it is my life; I don’t think I could be the wife that you have built up in your dreams, I wonder if this really means that I am not the one for you and we are not the ‘special two’. I must tell you that you were quite wrong, that is in fact a breakup song.

But I digress and should continue the fact is that I really like you, but love is just a state of mind, and I don’t want to sound unkind, but do you think you’re acting crazy and you’re lovestruck mind is hazy, considering a change so great, your lust has got you in a state.

I must confess my hesitation at the thought of co-habitation, I like the way I have my things, and worry what this change may bring.

Yes, I’m very happy with my life; I will not open it to strife, but I can get lonely also and would like to touch your torso. I love you yes and our tryst was splendid, that video chat was unexpected, I did not think I had it in me, but is this the best that we can be.

Now that I’ve had time to think, and I’ve had some wine to drink, maybe we should make this so, what else do we need to know, sometimes you have to roll the dice, this could become something nice, there is something I would add to that, would you live in my granny flat.


Dearest one.

love poems

About the Creator

Phil Flannery

Damn it, I'm 61 now, which means I'm into my fourth year on Vocal, I have an interesting collection of stories. I love the Challenges and enter, when I can, but this has become a lovely hobby.

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