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To my far away lover

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

By Phil FlanneryPublished about a year ago 3 min read
To my far away lover
Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

Dearest one,

The days are long without you near, I worry I won’t make the year, so till I see your face again, I think of how our love began. With puppy love the catalyst, our dog leads getting in a twist, that random meeting in the park, led to covert meetings after dark.

But your visit was a fleeting one, only here to see your Mum, then racing back to your home state and leaving me to contemplate, the parting words you left with me, “when will you come to visit me?”

But our lives are not our own alone, and we’re settled in our respective homes, you have your work and I have mine, we barely even have the time to talk on phones or text or emails, just to share our daily details, those boring bits of information essential to the navigation of our getting ever closer, sharing pieces of our culture. Let’s not forget that distance brings the difference in our time zoning.

There were those cheeky video calls, my heart still races as I recall the sexy side that you revealed, those memories forever sealed in the recesses of my mind, just waiting there for me to find, and then to open when I need, if my data I do exceed.

I could fly over on a whim, our love rekindled once again, but work commitments do intrude, and my random visit may seem rude. I do not want to be too clingy, so I resolve to just keep singing that song we chose to be our own, I sing it loud when I’m alone.

‘And I would walk five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more, just to be the man who walked one thousand miles to fall down at your door’.

Though I’d be walking kilo-metres, all hail to the great Proclaimers.

Long distance love can get quite gruelling, sometimes I worry that we’re fooling with the love, we’ve put on hold, forsaking others who wish to hold your lovely hand, your heart your mind, some days I find myself inclined, to encourage you to find one who’s nearer, who’s intentions may seem clearer. Then I panic at the thought of losing you and I’m distraught and realise this thinking’s folly and I really should be feeling jolly, because you said you love me only; I am only feeling lonely. Of course, this is to be expected, now and then to feel dejected.

These letters are my only way of telling you from far away how strongly my love grows for you, like Missy says, ‘We are the special two’.

At last, I’m working on a plan to move to you, across our land, to bridge the gap, the great divide and be forever by your side. I need to butter up my boss, convince him it won’t be a loss, I can work from home you see, Zoom will be the remedy.

So tell me love, tell me truly, if at all you think that you’ll be, happy with my master plan and you will let me be the man, who’ll come to you with heart wide open I send this letter ever hoping that you’ll see the sense of this, because I miss your lips to kiss and you will be forever more the only one that I live for. Unless of course we have some sprogs, a cat a bird a couple of dogs, I would live for all of them too, as long as it’s ok with you. This life is long and so unsure, without something to lose, what’s life for.

You have my heart,

Mr Schnookums


Because I had so much fun with rhyme, I am seriously inclined, to rap this poem to you all, I need to steal some beats is all.

[I would like to acknowledge my reference to that great 80's Scottish duo, The proclaimers. More importantly for me as an Aussie, the wonderful, talented Missy Higgins (I highly recommend her). Lastly for those who could not determine the meaning of 'sprog', it's a child.]

love poems

About the Creator

Phil Flannery

Damn it, I'm 61 now, which means I'm into my fourth year on Vocal, I have an interesting collection of stories. I love the Challenges and enter, when I can, but this has become a lovely hobby.

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