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Amanda Gorman

The girl who can climb any hill.

By Donna BolchPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

"The hill we climb" is a poem that will be forever etched in history.

Amanda Gorman is the author of this historic poem.

A beautiful, poised , graceful, and brave young black woman with a hearing disorder, who overcame a speech impediment and became the first person to become the National Youth Poet Laureate... took to the stage at Joseph. R .Biden Jnrs. presidental inauguration in 2021, and announced to the world that she too , aspires to also be President of the united states.

In a world where the chorus has been chanted around the globe that Black Lives Matter..this young lady of colour , has stamped herself into the history books and indeed said , that she and every other person matters.

She wants us all to be brave, inclusive and respectful..to each other,and to the American democracy, and what their forefathers built on, for their nations growth and prosperity.:'We will rise from the windswept Northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution.'

I am a 48 year old, mother of two incredible humans..a son and a daughter. I am disabled and sometimes worry that i am not enough..but watching Amanda read those incredible words..well..they gave me hope.

Hope for all women..that we can do anything we put our minds to ..no matter how we were raised , where we were born, or how much money we have in our bank accounts. We are capable of rising above ourselves and doing the best job we can of reaching and attaining our goals in life.

Hope for the future...a more inclusive one ,where every person no matter their color, race or gender can feel safe, equal and that their opinions matter and that we all can live in harmony with one another.

Hope for the black community..that they can be treated as equals,free from oppression. with no divison, and fear amongst them of being judged and marginalised for the color of their skin.

Hope for the next generation..that their world will be more united, and sustainable, and that their passion, talent and determination for a better world, makes it so. As she quoted :"We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation, become the future."

Hope for a better United States of America... with less division in race, and politics ...She says, 'And every known nook of our nation and every corner called our country, our people diverse and beautiful, will emerge battered and beautiful."

Hope for a better planet and human race..

"Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true.

That even as we grieved, we grew.

That even as we hurt, we hoped.

That even as we tired, we tried.

That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious."

Amandas words made me proud to be a woman and a mother

And that i as a woman..am enough.

And I am learning how brave , strong and determined i am.

I have found i am a mum whose kids respect me , confide in me and come to for love and advice and wants to make the world a better place for my children, and Amanda inspired me even more, to do better, be better ,and i was so proud of her for being such an incredible role model to not only me and my daughter, but to millions of young girls, to say that yes i can do anything that i put my mind too.

I believe that Amanda Gorman, who in her own words, is a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by her single parent..who plans to run for President of the United States in 2036, will indeed succeed in her attempt, and will be a shining light to little girls,all over the globe, no matter their colour , or race..that their dreams can also come true.

And to be given a pair of earrings to wear at the inauguration and the ring that depicted a cage bird , in honor of the great poet Maya Angelou , as a gift from Oprah winfrey and then have ex president Barack Obama sing her praises on twitter, and Hillary Clinton endorsing her to run...well..i think that Amanda Gorman can make it to the top of any hill she wants to climb. especially capitol hill and the steps to the white house.


About the Creator

Donna Bolch

i am the very proud mother of two incredible humans,and the wife of a wonderful husband of more than 20 years,.

i suffer from fibromyalgia and functional neurological disorder.

I love photography, and reaching my goals.

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