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The Heart + Head in Alignment

Heart vs Head: Part III

By Brooke GallagherPublished 14 days ago 4 min read
Follow your heart, then surrender into alignment. Life will do the rest.

The first part of my life, I was wrought with confusion and very good at asking the wrong questions. Amidst my existential crisis, six years ago, I wrote a post based on books I had read: “Should you follow your head or your heart?”

Three years ago, I wrote a followup post based on life I had lived: “You should always, always, under any circumstance follow your heart.”

It only seems appropriate, in keeping mathematically compliant (3x3x3), that I follow up with another post on the ‘Head versus Heart’ analysis. Today, I present to you, a post on the things I've read, aligned with the things I've lived.

When I dove headfirst into the theory that the heart always knows best, I wasn't entirely off the mark. Yet, little did I know the rollercoaster ride awaiting me on this path. All I had to go on was the simple truth that following my heart made me happier.

Fast forward about four years into my 'follow-your-heart' journey, and voilà! I've stumbled upon a harmonious blend of head and heart, like a perfectly mixed cocktail of inner and outer coherence.

But hold the phone! All this time, I've been agonizing over whether to listen to my head or my heart, only to discover it's a tag team effort! So, the question was never: should you follow your head or your heart? The real question was: how do I bring my head and heart into alignment and agreeable with one another.

Step one: Follow your heart with a ferocity and tenacity like your life depends on it (because it does)! Dive into what feels right with a gusto that scares off most bystanders but nourishes your own soul.

Step two: There is no step 2 for you! By staying true to yourself—cliché alert!—you unlock the secrets of your own authenticity, achieving the elusive head-heart harmony through natural alignment. The universe will work its magic as your brain begins to energetically align with your heart after a time period and habitual effort in honoring your feelings.

Above all things, be good and kind and gentle to yourself, and to those around you. When you change your thinking, you change your world. In coherence, you will discover your purpose has been with you all along. So tune out and tune in. You need you. The world needs you too- the TRUE YOU.

And Voilà! I have some tips and tricks for you to create an ultimate sanctuary for coming into coherence as swiftly as possible.


1❣️ Follow your heart.

See previous post here.

2❣️ Feel it to heal it.

Create an incubation space and time period for healing. Healing is such a buzzword these days, but that is truly the best way to describe becoming your best self. Get clear on your feelings through living a holistic and balanced life. Cultivate a peaceful surrounding, as much as possible, while you incubate yourself in order to hear your feelings without distraction.

Be gentle with yourself and those around you. Know that everyone heals at various rates, so be gentle with yourself. Healing is not linear growth. You will rise and fall and rise more again. Know that in becoming truly authentic, all of the people, places and things that are not in alignment with your true self will begin to disappear. Be okay with loss, as it creates space for true fulfillment in abundance.

3❣️ Slow burn mornings.

Start your day off right with non-negotiable stillness sessions. Make use of self awareness practices, such as: journaling, affirmations, music, and/or meditation as you slowly rise to your day. Pick your healing cocktail and stick to it. Reminder, choose your personal healing ingredients by listening and honoring your feelings, as well as, noticing which practices bring you results.

4❣️ Move with life.

When feelings of stress arise due to life circumstances, or even unknown sources, make use of Somatics to release these anxieties or even snap out of depression by increasing your endorphin levels through moving your body. Activity is never a chore, it is a privilege. (See future post on becoming active, despite physical pain).

Liberate yourself with movement to fully enjoy the dance of life.

5❣️ Brute force regulation is sometimes necessary.

Blow emotional blockages out of the water through use of a cold plunge. Sometimes we need to push ourselves harder to exit a funk or confront ourselves fully. When you notice blocks to your focus, your enthusiasm for life, or something ‘just feels off,’ jump in the cold to snap out of it.

6❣️ Cultivate a sense of belonging through community.

It is true that your vibe attracts your tribe. There will be periods of isolation as you become your most true and authentic self. Revel in this cocoon knowing on the other side, you really get to fly. Nourish the people who nourish you.

7❣️ You are what you eat.. and what you see, and what you hear, and what you feel.. you are what you think.

We’ve all heard the old adage: garbage in, garbage out. But so too, goodness in, goodness out. And furthermore, garbage in, transmute, goodness out.

Whenever possible, feed yourself with nourishing meals, conversations, relationships, music, entertainment, etc. Nutrition is more than food or dietary sustenance. When you are unable to feed yourself healthily, just know that you will want to transmute that at some point to prevent future problems. (This transmutation process will be clearly explained in a future post.)

It all aligns when you begin to tune out to tune in.. surrender.. and allow life to do the rest.

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About the Creator

Brooke Gallagher

Business by day, philosophy by night.

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