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A Journey of Spiritual Connection and Transformation

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Myself and Wayne Dyer

I missed writing yesterday, and I want to share why. It has been a challenging time for me as both my parents are currently in the hospital. Their health issues have consumed my thoughts and emotions, making it difficult for me to focus on writing. The weight of the situation has been a bit overwhelming.

Today is March 13th, and this date always reminds me of someone significant in my spiritual journey. While he was not my first spiritual teacher, he was the first whose teachings I immersed myself in completely. His name is Wayne Dyer. I have read every single book he has written and watched countless videos of his lectures on YouTube. Around 10 to 15 years ago, I was deeply engrossed in his work devouring every piece of content I could get my hands on.

One of the most remarkable experiences I had was the opportunity to meet Wayne Dyer in person. It was an incredible moment that I will forever cherish. Wayne Dyer had a unique ritual that I found fascinating. He would wake up every morning at 3:13 am to connect with Source and write in his journal using a purple marker on yellow legal pads. He believed that aligning his waking time with his birth time enhanced his connection to divine downloads.

To remind myself to seek that connection with the Divine, I painted the words "Find your 3:13" on the wall behind my bed. It served as a daily reminder to nurture my spiritual connection.

On the opposing wall, I painted a quote from Wayne's book, "I Can See Clearly Now."

From Wayne’s Book

It was the first thing I would see every morning in my old apartment. That simple act brought me a sense of inspiration and motivation to approach each day with clarity and purpose.

One particular audio recording of Wayne's had a profound impact on my life. You can listen to it below.

It was so transformative that I decided to create a Facebook group for people who were interested in embarking on a 101-day journey of listening to it. If anyone missed a day, they had to start over from day one. Surprisingly, more than 100 people joined the group, and we embarked on this transformative journey together.

During that period, I believe my consciousness expanded more than ever before. I would often listen to the audio at night before falling asleep, allowing it to loop and guide my subconscious mind. Other times, I would listen while taking long walks in my favorite nature park. It was during those moments that I started to perceive life from a different lens.

One quote from that audio resonated deeply with me: "You are not that which you notice; you are the noticer of what you notice." I began to apply this perspective to my own life, especially when faced with uncomfortable feelings. I realized that I am not my anxiety or my low self-esteem, as I used to believe. I am the observer, the one who notices these emotions and experiences. I am bigger than my problems, and I am not defined by my pain. This simple shift in perception allowed me to reprogram my brain and approach life with greater clarity and resilience.

Wayne Dyer's teachings completely transformed my life. Each time March 13th appears on the calendar, it serves as a reminder of the immense growth I experienced because of his work. I am forever grateful for the wisdom and insights he shared, as they continue to shape my journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

In 2021 I was at a festival (a smaller more intimate version of burning man) and I got to lead a New Moon closing ceremony of dance meditation at one of my friend’s events called Expansion. The date happened to fall on 3/13 and so the whole segment was inspired by Wayne’s teachings and I made a playlist to go along with it which you can find here.

The first song on that playlist is the song that plays during the opening scene of Wayne Dyer’s movie The Shift. You can watch the full movie here.

Wayne believed that if every human being watched the movie The Shift, that the world would have a radical shift in consciousness. May we all take the time to honor keeping his work and dreams alive.

self help

About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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