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Who Am I?

Here's who I think I am...

By DaJa WatsonPublished 7 years ago 2 min read

Who Am I?

I don’t know how to answer that question because I don’t know who I am.

I know who I want to be and who I was.

I grew up in a small town in Chesapeake, Virginia. talk about town

My mother used to work for this magazine company and would take me with her to fly and live all around the world taking pictures and writing about the culture of the country we were in.

I always had a calling for taking photos.

Throughout my younger years, I have delt with many different issues that made me very suicidal.

I was beaten, raped, and abused in many different ways from many different people.

There was also a time period where I was bullied because of the way I looked, my feelings for changing my sex because I was confused, and my sexual attractions for both males and females.

Song If I Were a Boy- Rihanna

Those situation caused me to be diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety.

My life was never easy, but having my best friend, Ariel Hewitt around me made things so much easier.

From her I learned how to deal with my anxiety and pushed forward with my dreams.

Dancing, sports and film were my escape from the pain I faced growing up.

One night I was watching Inception and there was a moment while watching that movie I decided I wanted to further my education in film.

In high school I was accepted in this program at the Chesapeake Center for Science and Technology.

There I was taught a few techniques about filming.

I never fit in with the students in my class, but was more focused on perfecting the craft.

During high school I started doing forensics (public speaking) and that helped me a lot as well.

I fell deeper into depression when I realized I was here miles away from home after being accepted into Full Sail University, but found my happiness being alone and thinking about all that I have overcome.

Poem by Da’Ja Watson

Throughout my life there was so much pain, but I overcame everything day by day.

Now I am happier than ever because I know that everything I went through can help someone else.

Full Sail has taught me so much about film but also myself.

I want to help people whether it’s through documentaries I hope to make very soon, and/or my work with the local churches I live around to spread positivity and peace.

My future is still undetermined, but I know with time it can be everything and more that I’ve always wanted.

My future is bright and I am going to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

In order for me to leave a legacy as one of the greats i must act like one of the greats…


I don’t know who I am, but I know that I am me and that’s good enough to leave a legacy worth leaving.

humanitymental healthquotes

About the Creator

DaJa Watson

Throughout my life there was so much pain, but I overcame everything day by day.

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