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To Future Me

A Letter to My Future Self

By Haley M.T.Published 13 days ago 3 min read
To Future Me
Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

To Future Me,

You might not remember me, but I am the person you used to be. It’s alright if you don’t remember, I used to not remember myself when I was younger too. It’s all a part of growing up, I suppose; getting older, growing wiser, and not remembering the years of what brought you to that moment in time.

Do you remember going trick or treating with your nephews, dressed as Boko No Hero Academia characters? Or the days you lived in an apartment with a roommate, though it didn’t really feel like living in your own place?

Do you remember the nights staying up to create maps or characters for your next campaign? What about the day where you went out of your comfort zone and made a friend? A friend that led to you meeting your future boyfriend? Do you remember when he asked to be your boyfriend?

I remember these moments well, like looking at a picture on the wall or my face in the mirror. I hope you do too.

I wonder what you are like, Future Me?

Are you more confident? Do you feel better comfortable in your own skin? Do you have a different, perhaps better paying job, that doesn’t make you feel drained every day? Have you finally gone to therapy; cause goodness knows you needed it?

Have you made more friends in person, and go out with them to do things? Do you go out and explore the city around you, finding whatever secrets or treasures that lie around the corner? Do you dig your feet into the mud after it rains? Or perhaps you run out into the rain and just enjoy the droplets hitting your skin? Do you feel centered to yourself, and to the world around you? Do you feel at peace?

Does he live with us now? And has he proposed to you, or maybe you both are already married? Do you both travel the world, trying the foods from different cultures? Or do you have a lovely home, or cabin, where you spend most of your days in each other’s arms?

But, most importantly…

Are you happy?

Are you happy with the life you have?

The friends you've made?

Or do you tend to look back, and wish again for the good old days?

I wish I could know what you’d be like, days or years from now, but time doesn’t really work like that. But I know that, no matter who you become or what you do, you’ve done the best you could with whatever circumstance you faced.

Just know this, Future Me, in case no one has told this to you.

I am proud of you, and of the person you became.

Just try to keep your hopes up and keep that fire inside you burning bright. If you don't like the life you have now, just know it's not forever, and you have the power to change it.

After all, I managed to, and I am you!

See you soon,

Your Past Self


This was a self-reflecting exercise that I recently did and figured to share it with fellow writers and readers. I would highly suggest doing this exercise to think of what you might be in the future or want to do, by thinking of the mindset of writing to them like a friend.

I also suggest writing encouragements if you can think of any, and to keep your letter to read in the future.

You can even write a letter back to your younger self afterwards.

wellnessself carepsychologymental health

About the Creator

Haley M.T.

I'm just a simple day-to-day writer just trying to get by in life. No grand past or achievements, simply a Jill-of-Some-Trades enjoying a hobby.

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