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Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Support for a Whole Food Plant Based Diet

By Victoria L. JankowskiPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Eat the rainbow is a good rule for any salad

The whole-food plant-based lifestyle is growing in popularity, but some still question its validity; Fortunately the more research that is done the clearer the picture supporting this eating style becomes.

Already Many people are questioning the food they eat, where it comes from, and just who exactly, is profiting from their buying decisions. The ultimate decision about what food goes in one's mouth is very important. No matter what conclusion one comes to, or what they decide is livable for them, It should be well-informed.

A whole food plant-based diet is based on the idea that plant foods are just better for you, it may not seem feasible to some. That said any steps a person can take towards eating fewer animal products, and more plant-based foods will most likely lead to improvements in both current, and long- term health outcomes. Even if animal products were not actively damaging, the use of animal products to displace plant foods in the diet is enough to consider leaving them at the store.

Current Research suggests plant based foods actively help the body live longer and better. The most apparent difference, is the fiber. All plants have some. All animal products have none, and supplementation is ineffective at best. Fiber moves food through the digestive system, helping the body rid itself of carcinogenic and other problematic substances by 'scrubbing' them from the intestines. In the analysis of multiple studies it was concluded there was evidence of a significant inverse dose-response association between dietary fiber intake and breast cancer risk. There is research that suggests that the body uses liver bile to rid itself of these substances, but slow-moving digestion hampers this process by giving the bowels time to reabsorb the problematic substances. Fiber helps regulate gut flora, allowing the body to better digest food, and produce more energy, and even some vitamins. Out of balance gut flora leads to bloating, infections, and even possibly cancer.

( https://youtu.be/-0rX4dvuhrc )

Fiber also helps regulate satiety, and over time adequate fiber intake curbs cravings. When one considers that ancient man may have consumed as much as 100 grams of fiber a day , the modern average intake, of 15 grams among adults in the United states seems far from adequate.

( https://youtu.be/Vkg2nrVPQEU )

That said a growing body of research is suggesting that animal foods are in fact directly damaging to the body. Some of the startling findings include a direct link with saturated fat consumption only found in animal products and processed oils; and insulin resistance, the per-cursor to Diabetes. The research suggests that the muscle cells in the body can only process either fat or sugar, and if they have fat in the cells they will refuse' the sugar in the blood. In another study authors concluded even in the short-term saturated fatty acids enriched diet induced whole body insulin resistance. This can lead to high blood sugar and all the terrible things that come with it

(https://youtu.be/Nujyif7MkMA ).

Another concerning correlation is between Dairy consumption and breast cancer ; The study found a direct on and off association between dairy protein and cancer expression in rats, and the research suggests human respond similarly. In addition to having no beneficial fiber, animal foods also actively interfere with the development of healthy gut flora and satiety response . Many people believe that protein is something they need to get from animal foods. Unfortunately, animal protein appears to act almost like a poison in the body. In a study of patients with chronic kidney failure; Authors concluded this study demonstrates that the source of protein has a significant effect on phosphorus homeostasis in patients. In other words, animal protein causes the kidneys to start to go into hyper filtration and in some cases eventually fail completely.

( https://youtu.be/QLAmpWmuUk0 )

This is not a new idea; a well known Doctor in his time Doctor Kempner is known best for his '˜Rice Diet' treatment in the 1930s, which successfully reversed almost 99% of his patients renal failure.

( https://youtu.be/GQb5Fe6hZXw )

Also, he successfully treated people with coronary artery disease. As did Dr. Nathan Pritikin in the 70s and 80s treating Deaths door patients.( https://youtu.be/OCTUuOsAWGY ) Another Doctor., Dr. Ornish showed in 1998 that heart disease could be reversed with diet and life style, using coronary imaging he showed the first and only existing proof of reversal of atherosclerosis the underlying cause of most heart disease. He is still doing research to this day, his latest research is showing promise in slowing, and possibly improvement in dementia and Alzheimer's.

( https://youtu.be/WKRNbN4NvlM )

Another problematic attribute of animal foods is the presence of excessive A.G.Es(Advanced Glycation End Products) substances that are now being linked strongly with disorders like Alzheimer's disease and Dementia. In one study. It was concluded there was a significant temporal correlations between high circulating A.G.Es and impaired cognition, as well as insulin sensitivity in older humans*. Not only are animal food higher in A.G.Es but they are, exponentially, higher, in some cases, millions of times higher; than most plant-based foods. An extensive list of the A.G.E. content of food was published in ‘Advanced glycation end products in foods and a practical guide to their reduction in the diet

( https://youtu.be/uptETdDvDzQ )

A conversation on plant foods would not be complete without discussing phytonutrients. New research shows that these can protect and even regrow telomeres, the protective ends of our DNA that allow cells to reproduce better, potentially allowing us to live longer healthier lives. In the pilot study authors noted Comprehensive lifestyle changes significantly increase telomerase activity and consequently telomere maintenance capacity in human immune-system cells Other phytonutrients also have been either directly or indirectly connected to a plethora of positive health outcomes. And yet again supplementation is not only bad at getting the same result, it can even be dangerous

( https://youtu.be/sLTUump770A )

Another consideration for plant-based foods is that they are not as calorie dense. When, or where, starvation is an issue, food that is more calorie dense is important. In the modern United States this is seldom the issue. Even in food insecure areas being malnourished is more common than out right starvation. Calorie dense foods are often nutritionally empty. But plant foods pack a punch when it comes to nutrients and a person can eat plenty and still keep their caloric intake under control. And even where calorie deficiency is a consideration calorie dense plant foods like rice, beans, and grains are often more affordable, and still have more nutritional density than animal products, with comparable calorie density.

The argument to eat more plants and fewer animals has been in the public eye for years, but never has such a large body of research been available to the general public. In a society where cutting off parts of people stomachs or prescribing medications that will ultimately destroy the liver and kidneys, and arguably cause premature death, is considered common and acceptable, but eating just plant foods is considered extreme, Perhaps these priorities need some exploring.

(https://youtu.be/_1Ve5djUesU )

In the end, a person must do the research and come to their own conclusions. Thanks to the internet this is easier than ever if one knows where to look. The videos presented here are a good place to start, this is a site I came to after over three years of searching because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, there is a reference section in each and looking at the transcripts can give you the words to start your searches with. It may seem like a bit of a rabbit hole,; but it is worth it too deep dive a subject that could very possibly impact both the length and quality of life for so many. Food will always be a very personal decision, but one that should be made with a full understanding of the existing body of research.


About the Creator

Victoria L. Jankowski

Trying to get better a writing and also express my self! I am a disabled parent and a vegan who is also learning to garden and who has a strong interest in social justice and environmental issues.

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