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Homeopathic Remedies for Quitting Smoking

Premature gray hair and death can be avoided by homeopathic remedies for quitting smoking.

By David McClearyPublished 8 years ago 6 min read

Smoking will make your hair gray faster and accelerate aging. But if that isn't enough to make you quit, cigarette smoking is responsible for more than hundreds of thousands of deaths per year in the United States. Homeopathic remedies for quitting smoking may be the solution. Bottom line, there is nothing sexy about smoking. The key component to ditching the addiction is a strong will, but some additional help can’t hurt, either. Homeopathic remedies such as honey, ginseng and herbal cigarettes can aid in the battle against nicotine. There is never a bad time to stop smoking because your lungs will immediately thank you – but telling yourself you’re going to quit is the easy part. What’s truly the hardest part about quitting is the withdrawal that you will experience. Hundreds have tried, but more often than not, they fail. Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which results in harmful effects, such as high blood pressure, lung cancer, cardiac problems, and so forth. It is in your hands to save and restore your health from the harmful chemicals you have consumed for so long. Homeopathic remedies for quitting smoking, coupled with a strong will is a great way to break the habit.


Honey is one of the most effective natural healers. Honey is an exceptional homeopathic remedy for quitting smoking. It contains beneficial vitamins, enzymes, proteins, and amino acids that help make quitting smoking easier on your body. Sweet foods in small quantity reduce the urge to smoke. Take honey in whatever food you can have- juice, tea (if possible herbal tea), sweet dishes, etc. One possible application of honey is applying a layer of honey on your teeth, gum, and between the cheek and teeth. Honey can help heal wounds created by smoking in your gums, teeth, and other areas inside of the mouth.

Herbal Cigarettes

Image via Dropping-Seeds

Herbal cigarettes are a great substitute for regular cigarettes when you just can’t seem to fight the urge to smoke anymore. If you’re an avid smoker, you’re probably accustomed to reaching in your pocket for a cigarette several times a day – and part of the process in quitting is battling that familiarity and comfort of reaching for that cigarette that makes you feel “better”. Herbal cigarettes contain fewer chemicals and carcinogens than those found in your usual cigarettes. More so, they are not addictive like regular cigarettes because they do not contain nicotine. They consist of herbs such as licorice, clover, cinnamon, and mint. However, they do contain carcinogens and should only be used as an aide to break your nicotine addiction.


Ginseng is proven to prevent the nicotine-induced release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is what makes the body feel good after smoking – a reason for nicotine addiction. Fight off those cravings by adding a teaspoon of ginseng powder to your breakfast cereal or shake. Ginseng is a homeopathic remedy for quitting smoking that has the additional benefit of helping smokers adapt to stress. It is known as an adaptogen and been used as a tonic to help increase overall physical and mental performance before. If consumed correctly, the results can include a shortening of reaction time to visual and auditory stimuli; increased respiratory quotient; increased alertness, power of concentration, and grasp of abstract concepts; and improvement of visual and motor coordination.


Image via Wayne Ray

Hyssop can help clear the mucus congested in the lungs associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Homeopathic remedies using Hyssop is also widely known to help fight the common cold. It also soothes irritated mucus membranes in the respiratory system and often used for treating respiratory ailments. It’s also known to lessen anxiety and sometimes even the hysteria affiliated with smoking withdrawals. Hyssop relieves anxiety, soothes the nervous system and boosts mental clarity. It may also help lessen withdrawal symptoms as hyssop is known to help clear toxins in the intestines, bladder, and kidneys in addition to the lungs. Hyssop is a diaphoretic herb – it triggers sweating which helps cleanse your body of toxins.


Smokers usually suffer from a deficiency of a number of vital nutrients. Replenish these nutrients with supplements of Vitamin A, C, and E – which can also help cope with the symptoms of smoking withdrawal. Vitamin A aids the repairing of damaged mucus, Vitamin E repairs damaged cells caused by smoking, and orange juice can replenish your deficiency of Vitamin C. Daily ingestion of Vitamin C improves the body’s ability to resist illness, boosts energy and repairs tissue, bones and blood vessels that have been damaged by cigarette smoking. Vitamins A and E contain antioxidants which restore and repair cellular damage occasioned by smoking, advancing collagen growth and general organ function. Additionally, vitamins support your body with a natural resistance against the addictive and stimulating effects of nicotine – which increase withdrawal symptoms. Vitamin B has a natural calming effect which lessens the withdrawal symptoms of depression and anxiety.


Lobelia helps fight the effects of nicotine withdrawal, often found in many anti-smoking products. Known as Indian tobacco, Lobelia reduces withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with the cessation of smoking. Lobelia has this effect because it contains an alkaloid called lobeline which binds to the same receptor sites in the brain as nicotine. Further research shows that lobeline increases levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain similar to cigarettes – without the damage that nicotine causes. Additionally, it is not addictive or habit-forming. Lobelia has a relaxing effect on the central and autonomic nervous systems, helping ease tension and making it a great homeopathic remedy for quitting smoking. Lastly, Lobelia is commonly used to treat lung conditions such as pneumonia, asthma, and whooping cough – it will help clear the lungs and ease spastic coughing.


This herb is one of the premier sedatives used by people suffering from anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Most known for its effects as a sedative and muscle relaxant, valerian will help you sleep if you experience insomnia or nervous sleeplessness, often related to smoking withdrawal. Valerian is clearly one of the herbs of choice to deal with smoking cessation.

St. John's Wort

St. John’s wort helps reduce the urge to smoke, in addition to treating depression. This will help those going through withdrawal to calm and relax their minds, reduce agitation, and maintain a positive mental attitude. St. John’s wort helps rid of excess mucous from the lungs and bronchial tracts. Often used in treating and healing the lungs, it will help repair damaged lungs caused by over-extended periods of smoking. Taking St. John’s wort accelerates the elimination of toxins in the bloodstream, as a powerful blood purifier and cleanser. In one pilot study, 24 people who smoked 1 or more cigarettes a day received St. John’s wort (450 mg capsule 2 times a day) plus smoking cessation counseling. After 12 weeks, (37.5%) 9 out of 24 people had quit.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is one of the best natural remedies to aid with smoking withdrawal because it helps desensitize the respiratory system to all addictive things such as the tobacco and nicotine. Cayenne pepper helps prevent lung cancer as an antibacterial agent. Foods that include cayenne pepper produce endorphins that help raise mood so smokers can get the same effect nicotine gives them by consuming foods including cayenne pepper. By nature, cayenne pepper helps the body excrete the nicotine and other poisons built up due to smoking over the years. It is a digestive aid that stimulates the production of gastric juices, aids metabolism, and relieves gas. You should include the spice in your diet or mix a few pinches in a glass of water daily.


Oats are a heart healthy food that contain a lot of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, and folate. Eating oats regularly is an age-old remedy and can lower levels of bad cholesterol while clearing arteries, which ultimately help lower the risk of heart disease. They also help reduce stress, strengthen the nervous system, and lower high blood pressure – which can directly help smokers suffering from withdrawal. An extract derived from green oats can ease withdrawal symptoms and decrease cravings. Additionally, you can take a tablespoon of ground oats and mix it in 2 cups of boiled water. Leave it overnight, and boil it the next morning for about 10 minutes. You should drink it after every meal and avoid drinking it at night. Oats help flush out harmful toxins while lowering the cravings to smoke making it one of the preferred homeopathic remedies for quitting smoking.


About the Creator

David McCleary

Holistic health practitioner. Believes in using natural remedies over traditional medications whenever possible. Volunteers at a recycling plant.

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