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Creating a Flavorful, Long-Lasting Diet

Learning How to Create a Healthy Diet

By Sasha McGregorPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

If you are tired of trying out the latest diet that only produces results when you are on it, you are not alone. There are so many people who try yo-yo dieting, going back and forth between diets and still are not satisfied. Not only does this cause stress on your body, it can also mess with your metabolism and your digestive system.

So the answer to all of this is to create a lifestyle that is sustainable and will not require crazy calorie counting or different shake products. To create something that is going to have a long term impact on your overall health you are going to have to do things a little differently than previous fad diets.

Here are five ways you can make some serious lifestyle changes:

Take a Look at Yourself

Yes, you are going to have to face the music and take a thorough inventory of what and when you eat. This can be hard, especially if you are pressed for time or just do not want to do it. This is normal and the first step is usually the hardest.

Look at what you eat and where you eat. Are you eating out a lot or are you cooking at home? What time do you eat and how much are you eating? These are some basic questions that you can use to gauge where you are at with your diet. Visiting a trusted medical professional can also be helpful to see where your nutritional levels are at.

Think of Your Long Term Goals

It is important to think about your long term goals. This should not be something about fitting into a certain dress or pant size. Make healthy plans about how you want to eat and what kind of lifestyle you want to live. Think about five or even 10 years down the road or where you want to be when you are retired.

Make Small Changes

You do not need to change everything overnight. You are in this for the long run, think of it like a marathon, you are not going to run as fast as you can at the beginning. Now that you know where you are at, you can look at some things that are going to be easy and simple for you to handle.

This could look like making yourself breakfast instead of buying coffee and a pastry. It could also be adding essential oils to your cooking. You can visit why doterra if you are new to essential oils or want to know about their process and how you can use them in your life.

Refocus When Needed

Life can get stressful really quick if you have too much on your plate. There are some things that you cannot avoid such as work, school and family. But there are some things that you can say no to so you can make time for your lifestyle.

Make sure that you have time to go to the grocery store or farmers market to get everything that you need for the week. If you find that you are stressed out by cooking all of the time, cut back and see where you can make adjustments. Start small and work your way up to your goals.

Celebrate Your Progress

No, this does not mean that you can go binge on really unhealthy food, but it does mean that you can celebrate your progress. This may be having dinner with some friends or going however you treat yourself. Keep yourself motivated with your progress and do not lose sight of your goals.

Creating a healthy diet that is long-lasting takes time and consistent effort. You don’t have to be perfect the first time around, you just have to keep moving forward and progressing. What are some things you do to create a lifestyle change with what you eat? Comment below to start the conversation.


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