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Natural Living for 21st Centurlings

12 Radical Steps to Rewild Yourself

By Alice AbyssPublished about a year ago 9 min read
All photos in this article by author, Julie Shetler

Eastern shore of Bali, Indonesia

Rewilding is a term that originated in the conservation movement, referring to the restoration of natural habitats and the reintroduction of native species to areas where they have been lost. In recent years, the concept of rewilding has been applied to humans as well, with the idea that our bodies and minds have evolved to thrive in wild environments, and that we can benefit from reconnecting with nature. The radical application of rewilding to humans involves undoing the effects of domestication and finding wild spaces within ourselves. This can be done by spending time in nature, practicing traditional skills, and reconnecting with our primal instincts. The goal is to find a balance between our modern way of life and our ancestral heritage, and to rediscover the joys and benefits of living in harmony with nature.

Jungle of Northern Malawi

1. Eat Dirt

Eating dirt, also known as geophagia, is a practice that has been observed in many cultures throughout history. It may seem unappealing, but some studies have suggested that eating dirt can have health benefits. Dirt is known to contain a variety of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and aid in digestion. Additionally, dirt can be a source of essential minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc. These minerals are essential for maintaining overall health. One way to incorporate dirt into your diet is by not washing your produce. If you grow your own food and know that it has not been treated with harmful pesticides, you can simply rinse it off with water and then eat it, dirt and all. This can be particularly beneficial for root vegetables such as potatoes, as the dirt that clings to the skin. You may even find yoursef craving dirty veggies!

Jungle on Northern Malawi

2. Go Barefoot

Being barefoot in the earth can provide a sense of grounding and connection to nature. The sensation of the spongy earth beneath your feet can help you focus on the present moment and feel more balanced. By trusting in yourself and your ability to balance, you can let go of any fears or doubts and fully embrace the experience of being barefoot in the wild. This can lead to a sense of wild trust in yourself and your abilities, allowing you to let go of any insecurities and fully embrace the present moment.

Biking at a wildlife reserve in Central Malawi

3. Push Yourself

Pushing yourself, as our ancestors did, can be a powerful way to reconnect with your wild human DNA and tap into the strength and resilience that lies within you. Whether it's biking, running, swimming, kayaking, or horseback riding, getting outside in fresh air and challenging weather can help you tap into this wildness. By going far and pushing yourself beyond your perceived limits, you can discover that you are capable of so much more than you ever thought possible. The wildness of nature and the elements can help you tap into the primal power within you, and inspire you to go further, faster, and stronger than you ever thought possible. Trust your wild human DNA and push yourself to new limits and you will be able to achieve things you thought were impossible.

Mexican Caribbean

4. Swim

The ocean, rivers, streams, and reservoirs all hold a unique energy and wisdom that can be accessed by immersing yourself in the water. The mammalian dive reflex, which is triggered when we submerge ourselves in water, can help us tap into this wisdom and connect with the water on a deeper level. By breathing with the sea, and allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment, you can learn to listen for the fish and understand their different behaviors. The lessons of the ocean are often not something that can be put into words, but they can be woven into your being through the act of swimming. The more you swim, the more you will be able to understand the ebb and flow of the water and the creatures that inhabit it. You can learn to swim so much that you can meet the stingray where it lies based on the phase of the moon. The silence of the water can also be a powerful teacher, it can help you connect to the wisdom of the ocean and the natural world.

Jungle in Northern Malawi

5. Orientation

Frequent the same wild space to learn its ways, is a powerful way to deepen your connection to nature and develop a wild familiarity with a special place in nature. By visiting the same space over time, you can learn the colors of the landscape at different times of the day, and how they change with the seasons. Pay attention to the clouds and the winds, and how they affect the landscape, the sand and the currents, and how they are connected to the creatures living there. Notice where the creatures are at certain times of the day, and how they interact with their environment, this will give you a deeper understanding of the ecosystem and the relationships that exists within it. By developing this wild familiarity, you can learn to read the landscape and understand the rhythms of nature, and how you fit within it. The earth speaks to us subliminally. Take time to listen. Be an observer.

Zebra in Zambia

6. Tracker’s Eyes

Training your eyes to spot wildlife can be a rewarding and exciting way to deepen your connection to nature. One way to start is by studying the animals and their behavior, learning what they look like, where they are typically found, and what time of day they are most active. This will give you a better understanding of what to look for and where to find them. When you're out in the wild, take time to look carefully and observe your surroundings, pay attention to the sounds and movements around you. Look for signs of activity, such as tracks, droppings, or other indications that animals have been in the area. Keep an eye out for movement, and look for shapes and colors that stand out against the background. Try to blend in with the environment and remain still, this will reduce your chances of scaring the wildlife. Also, try to be patient, wild animals are usually elusive and might require a bit of waiting to spot them. Remember that the more you spend time in nature, the better you will get at spotting wildlife.

Foraging on California Coast

7. Hunt and Gather

Hunting and gathering are ancient practices that can be used for rewilding and connecting to nature on a deeper level. By learning to identify and gather wild plants, you can deepen your connection to the land and the natural world. One way to do this is by using apps to identify edible plants. These apps can provide information based on a photo you take of a plant. When gathering plants, it's important to do so in an ethical and sustainable manner. This means only taking what you need, and leaving enough for the plant to continue growing and reproducing. One leaf from a wild plant once a day will allow you to retain its wild essence, it will be enough to connect with the plant and its energy. Similarly, hunting can be a way to connect with the animals and understand the natural cycles of life and death. Again, it's important to hunt ethically and sustainably, only taking what you need and respecting the balance of nature. By learning to hunt and gather, you can deepen your connection to nature, and experience the wildness of the land in a way that is not possible by simply observing it from afar. Be creative. You can even gather algae like seaweed and fungus like mushrooms.

Boody is a bamboo clothing brand

8. Dress Well

Dressing well is an important aspect of rewilding, as it helps to connect you to the natural world and the materials that come from it. One way to do this is by ditching synthetic fabrics such as polyester, and instead wearing clothes made from natural materials like rayon, cotton, bamboo, and wool. Your skin is your largest organ and also the most capable of absorption, meaning that anything that comes into contact with your skin can be absorbed into your body. By wearing clothes made from natural materials, you can reduce your exposure to synthetic chemicals and toxins that are commonly found in synthetic fabrics. This is especially important for intimate clothing, as these fabrics come into close contact with sensitive areas of the body. By dressing in natural materials, you will be able to feel the natural fibers against your skin and be more in tune with the natural world. This can help you feel more connected to nature and the natural materials that come from it. Additionally, natural fibers are more breathable, comfortable, and sustainable than synthetic fibers. Rewilding is not only about being in nature, it's also about being mindful of how we interact with nature in our everyday lives. Dressing in natural materials is one way to make that connection tangible, and to make a small but meaningful change in our relationship with the natural world.

Lake Malawi

9. Meditate in Nature

Meditating in nature is a powerful way to rewild, as it helps to connect you to the natural world on a deeper level. By finding a quiet, secluded spot in nature, you can let go of the distractions of daily life and focus on the present moment. Nature has a way of calming the mind and providing a sense of balance and perspective. When you meditate in nature, you can use the sights, sounds, and sensations of the natural world to anchor your mind in the present moment. You can focus on the sound of a nearby stream, the rustle of leaves in the wind, or the warmth of the sun on your skin. This helps to quiet the mind and bring a sense of peace and tranquility. Meditating in nature can also help you to gain a deeper understanding of the natural world around you. By becoming more present and mindful, you can notice the small details and the subtle changes in the environment that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. Additionally, the natural environment can provide a sense of grounding and connectedness, allowing to feel more rooted and in tune with the world.

Sierra Nevada Foothills

10. Hammock

A hammock can be set up in a secluded spot in nature, allowing you to relax and take in the sights and sounds of the natural world. When you're lying in a hammock, you can take in the beauty of the natural world, from the canopy of leaves overhead to the birds singing in the background. The gentle swaying of the hammock can be soothing and meditative, helping to calm the mind and bring a sense of peace and tranquility. Additionally, using a hammock can give you a different perspective on nature, by being elevated from the ground and surrounded by the environment, you can see things from a different angle and appreciate the beauty of nature in new ways. You may even try sleeping in a hammock.


11. Live by the Moon

Paying attention to the moon is a powerful way to rewild and to connect with the natural world. The moon has a powerful influence on the earth, from the tides to the behavior of animals, and by paying attention to its phases and movements, you can gain a deeper understanding of the natural cycles that govern our planet. By observing the moon, you can become more aware of the natural rhythms and patterns that govern the natural world, and learn to live in harmony with them. The moon can also be a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, and the way in which we are all part of the larger natural system. Additionally, by observing the moon and its phases, you can learn to be more mindful of the present moment, and to let go of the distractions of daily life.


12. Take Time to Watch the Clouds

Taking time to notice the clouds is a powerful way to rewild, as it helps to connect you to the natural world and to understand the patterns and rhythms of the environment. By paying attention to the clouds, you can begin to understand the patterns of wind and weather, and learn to read the signs of an approaching storm. The human brain subconsciously begins to understand what clouds look like a day before rain, this can help you to better predict the weather and to plan accordingly. By taking time to notice the clouds, you can gain a deeper understanding of the natural cycles that govern the earth, and learn to live in harmony with them. It can also be a way to clear your mind, and to appreciate the beauty of the natural world in a simple yet profound way.

Now go out there and live your best wild life!

Secret Beach
Culture of Bali
Hammocking on Lame Malawi
Florida Sunset
Moon through Acacia seed pods
Florida Keys

Baobab Tree

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About the Creator

Alice Abyss

Adventure is calling...

My debut novel is coming soon <3

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