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Interpretations of The Last Unicorn

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By Alice AbyssPublished about a year ago 3 min read
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The Last Unicorn, written by Peter S. Beagle, is a timeless fantasy novel that explores themes of loss of innocence, age, and the power of imagination through the story of a unicorn who sets out on a quest to find her kind. The novel begins with the iconic line, "The unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone," setting the stage for the journey that unfolds.

One of the most striking elements of the novel is the use of the unicorn as a symbol of purity and innocence. The unicorn's decision to leave her peaceful home in the lilac wood to discover the truth about her kind serves as a metaphor for the loss of innocence that occurs as one grows older and faces the harsh realities of the world. This theme is reinforced through the character of Schmendrick, a magician who is unable to use his powers effectively, representing the loss of imagination and wonder that often comes with age.

Loss of innocence is mirrored in the character of Molly Grue, who is initially filled with hope and wonder at the prospect of meeting the unicorn, but ultimately becomes disappointed and bitter when she realizes that she has missed her chance to meet the unicorn in her prime. The book explains that young virgin girls have the innocence necessary to tame a unicorn, to ride them through the woods. Molly waited for the unicorn as a young girl, but she never came until she was old. A reader could interpret her name as “Molly Grew”, furthering this point. Despite her disappointment and bitterness at having missed her chance to meet the unicorn as a virgin girl, she is still willing to risk everything to help the unicorn on her journey.

Feminine rage and power is important throughout the book. Molly is able to touch the unicorn and make a connection with her in a way that Schmendrick, a male character, cannot. Additionally, when the unicorn is trapped in a traveling circus, only one other creature has real magical powers. That creature is the harpie, who is her own symbol for feminine rage and power.

Age and timing plays a significant role in the novel beyong Molly Grue. The carnival ends with the personification of old age as the scariest creature of all, highlighting the fear and dread that many people feel about growing older.

The novel also explores the theme of the power of imagination and the ability to see the world in a new light. Schmendrick's eventual mastery of his magic and the unicorn's transformation into a human woman, are both examples of the transformative power of imagination and the ability to see beyond what is immediately apparent.

Another powerful symbol in the novel is the Red Bull, a terrifying creature who is hunting the unicorns and represents the destructive forces of nature. The Red Bull serves as a reminder of the fragility of existence and the importance of protecting what is precious.

In the end, the novel's climax is the return of the unicorns to the world, representing the idea of hope, renewal and the power of imagination. All the other unicorns have been obscured in the ocean, a feminine force, and the unicorns were hidden in tides, like periods, representing the cyclical nature of life. Overall, Last Unicorn is a masterful fantasy novel that explores a wide range of themes through the story of a unicorn's journey. With its evocative writing and powerful symbolism, it is a must-read for fans of fantasy and those interested in exploring the deeper meanings of the stories we tell.


About the Creator

Alice Abyss

Adventure is calling...

My debut novel is coming soon <3

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