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10 Ways You Can Reuse Cereal Boxes

Did you know that you can turn your empty cereal boxes into desk organizers? These are the coolest ways you can reuse cereal boxes!

By Jennifer VioletPublished 6 years ago 7 min read

Many of us binge on cereal all throughout the week. There are even times when we don't eat cereal in the mornings, but during the nights. Well, I personally prefer eating cereal at night, but that's not the point. Since some of us clean out cereal boxes every week, we're left with multiple empty boxes that we (hopefully!) recycle. And if you're a true lover of cereal, then you definitely go through a ton of cereal boxes every month.

However, what if I told you there's a better way of recycling your empty cereal boxes? Believe it or not, there are so many ways you can use cereal boxes. Since they're simply cardboard boxes, you won't believe the amount of things you can create with them. So, if you consume so much cereal literally every week, these are the coolest ways you can reuse cereal boxes.

Cereal Box Desk Organizer

Whether you have a desk, counter, or any other surface that has piles of paper, notebooks, bills, etc. then you certainly need an organizer. How else are you distinguishing what's from what? And if you have the tendency to lose your papers and pens, because they're all over your desk, then don't look past the idea of getting your own desk organizer.

Instead of having to buy an organizer that can be pretty pricy, why not create your own? And remember all those empty cereal boxes you cleaned out a couple of days ago? Why not use those to create a Cereal Box Desk Organizer! You can be as creative and make how many sections and dividers you need for your desk. This way, you're recycling your cereal boxes and organizing your desk! And this idea is also one of the cheap ways to organize your apartment, as well.

Mini Pocket Notebook

We can all carry a notebook with us anywhere we go. Whether it's for school, work, journal, drawing, jotting down idea, or anything else, notebooks give us the opportunity to express our ideas and thoughts onto paper. You can always go right through a notebook and need another to continue where you left off. Especially for school and work if all you're putting down are notes.

Among the brilliant ways you can reuse cereal boxes, you can make your own Mini Pocket Notebooks! This is a pretty handy idea if you're always going through notebooks easily. So, rather than continuously recycling your cereal boxes, you can use them to constantly create notebooks for yourself or for those who need a notebook!

Cereal Box Trivet and Coaster Set

Coasters are always needed whenever you don't want to ruin any table surface with your beverage. Hot or cold drinks, coasters are crucial to avoid staining and the overall ruining of your best table surfaces. Not to mention that the really cool coasters cost a ton, because they're decoratively designed in unique ways.

But you can make your own really diverse and creative coasters with cereal boxes! From the useful ways you can reuse cereal boxes, you can make your own Cereal Box Trivet and Coaster Set. It's really easy to do, and they'll also last a long time. Since they're made out of cardboard, you can style your coasters into any design you want.

Cereal Box Wall Art

We can always use a little decoration around the house to keep it looking more stylish and lively! And wall decorations can really fill in the gaps around the place. However, art pieces can be expensive and just how many framed photos of your family and friends can you hang on the walls? That's why you need simple wall art to add some color and style into your rooms.

But don't waste your money on wall art that you can easily create on your own. Instead, you can use the empty cereal boxes to make your house look more expensive! Cereal Box Wall Art is definitely one of the coolest ways you can reuse cereal boxes now. With any form of wrapping paper you want, and that goes well with the colors and styles in the room, simply wrap the cereal boxes in your choice of wrapping paper, and you've got yourself gorgeous-looking wall art to hang anywhere in the house!

Cereal Box Picture Frames

Many of us are looking for diverse ways to hang and display our favorite photos. While there are tons of picture frames out there, the majority of them look identical to each other. And who's willing to spend so much on a single, decorative photo frame? Surely, there are much more and better ways to hang our photos.

And there is! Cereal Box Picture Frames is easily among the best ways you can reuse cereal boxes. If your photo is much smaller than the simple frame you have, style it! The cereal box can be used to fill in the gaps in between the frame and your photo. And you can cover the cardboard part with any wrapping paper or any other paper covering to give the frame more color and design as a whole!

Cereal Box Drawer Dividers

I don't know about you, but my drawers always look horrendous. It's not even the drawers in my room, but the drawers in the bathroom, kitchen, and any drawer in the house. Everything is clustered together, on top of each other, and if you're looking for one specific thing, it's like a scavenger hunt while digging through your drawers. And there are even times when we gave up looking for what we were looking for, because our drawers are utterly messy.

This means that we need drawer dividers... ASAP! Drawer dividers are ideal to properly categorize and separate things from each other. And this makes looking for something an easier task. But what better way to get dividers than making them? Cereal Box Drawer Dividers is a brilliant idea to reuse your empty cereal boxes to divide your belongings in all of your drawers. From the bathroom to your bedroom drawers, you'll constantly know where everything is without straining yourself to find one specific thing.

Cereal Box Planters

Putting plants around our house not only gives off energy in our living space, and colors our rooms, too, but it's like allowing nature inside of our homes! So many of us don't appreciate nature as much these days, and the best way to show how much we love our planet is by placing a couple of plants inside of our homes and even planting them outside in our backyards. Wouldn't you want your house to be coated in gorgeous flowers and give off delicious scents, too?

And Cereal Box Planters is the best way to reuse your empty cereal boxes to fill them with beautiful flowers of your choice. As for one of the best ways you can reuse cereal boxes, you can cut the boxes in any shape you like, from a much smaller planter to the whole box, you can fill these with soil and plants and place them around your home to give more life into your atmosphere! Not to mention that this is an eco-friendly life hack to do.

Cereal Box Mail Organizer

When the mail comes, it can throw some of us off. We're getting magazines and coupons from our favorite stores, but then we're also getting the water bills, electricity bills, credit card bills, car bills, and all the bills at once. And if there is more than one person living under the roof, those people are getting mail, too. However, many of us don't actually organize our mail, but we definitely should start. Because if there's a ton of mail piling up, it's an overwhelming sight to see.

Instead, why not create a Cereal Box Mail Organizer to categorize and separate all of your mail? If you live alone, this is a brilliant way to separate your bills from your coupons and magazines. And if you live with other people in the house, use the organizer to separate by people. Put what mail belongs to who in the organizer! This way, you can simply place the mail in the organizer for your roommates or family members to grab on their own.

Cereal Box Magazine Organizers

In addition to organizing your mail, you can also organize your magazines! If you're a magazine hoarder and hate throwing out your favorite magazines, instead of leaving them around the place or consuming space in your drawers, organize them with magazine organizers! You can separate them from the type of magazine, genre, etc.

And what better way to make your own magazine organizers than with cereal boxes? Among the smart ways you can reuse cereal boxes, Cereal Box Magazine Organizers is a genius way to properly store and separate your magazines. If you're obsessed with fashion magazines, and need to keep them for business purposes, store them in your cereal box organizers! Plus, you can decorate your magazine organizers in whatever style and colors you want.

Lastly from the all-time best ways you can reuse cereal boxes is Cereal Box Bird Feeders! The best way to give back to nature is feeding the little, feathery creatures flying and roaming in the air above us. Perfect for the kids, bird feeders are so fun to make and even watching the tiny birds eating right out of them is the best feeling!

And you can easily make bird feeders with the empty cereal boxes that you have. Cut out the boxes in any size and shape you prefer and fill them with bird feeders! Rather than having to build the bird feeders with wood, using cereal boxes makes it way easier to cut and put together. And this a much simpler way for kids to get into, too!


About the Creator

Jennifer Violet

Bakes sweets ever Thursday and donates them to her local homeless shelter. Is an owner to five pugs and can count to 500 in French.

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