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Army day

Description about army day in US

By SUGANYA RPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

April 6 is Army Day, which we observe. Every year, we remember the courageous individuals who give their lives to defend our borders and national interests around the world. Working in the military is difficult; lives are at risk, and uncertainty is a constant. Those who opt to serve in the military may find themselves defending their lives and the honor of their country in hostile foreign nations. Every civilian ought to respect the army's function and value each soldier's sacrifice. Army Day honors the contributions made by members of one of the most significant professions in the nation to the country.


How does it feel to be a citizen in a world devoid of troops and weapons? It is a thought-provoking question. However, as we have never seen such a universe in the annals of earthly existence, we are unsure of its precise characteristics. From the beginning of life on Earth, there has been a struggle for supremacy. As life started to proliferate and take on increasingly intricate forms, this battle only intensified.

Human conflict resolution techniques have evolved along with us. Thus, the purpose of armies was to start and end hostilities. According to historians, the Akkadian Empire was the first to have a ready-to-fight standing army. Other empires eventually caught up as well. Huge armies were gathered by the empires of Europe and Asia to defend their territories and conquer others. European explorers came to the United States through colonization and worldwide discovery, seeking fame and fortune. They also introduced the concept of vast armies to the American continent.

The present United States Army was founded on June 14, 1775, by the Second Continental Congress. During the American Revolution, that is. The army's lack of readiness in the early going of the Second World War was demonstrated. Army Day was instituted by Colonel Thatcher Luquer of the Military Order of the World War following Congress's denial of Defense Test Day. The original date was May 1, however it was later modified to April 6. The United States Army is a representation of bravery, heroism, and selflessness in times of war. They bravely defend the pride of the country around the globe. They played a significant role in elevating the United States to the status of one of the world's most powerful nations throughout history. Army Day was instituted in order to raise awareness of national defense and

However, in 1929, April 6, the anniversary of America's entry into World War I, was chosen to replace Army Day. In order to raise awareness of national security and to introduce the public to Army operations, Army Day was created as a national holiday.

The History of Army Day

General John Pershing encouraged the formation of the Military Order of the World War in 1919, a fraternity for veteran officers returning from combat. The organization was founded to give seasoned officers camaraderie, friendship, and a feeling of status.

Army Day was instituted on May 1st, 1928 by Colonel Thatcher Luquer, the head of MOWW at the time, in an attempt to divert attention from a worldwide communist holiday falling on the same date.

On April 6, 1929—the anniversary of the US entry into World War I—Army Day was commemorated one year later.

How Should We Now Celebrate Army Day?

The last time Army Day was formally observed was in 1949. With the introduction of Armed Forces Day, which falls on the third Saturday in May, and the widespread observance of the U.S. Army Birthday on June 14, official celebrations of the uniformed services were phased out in favor of a more inclusive recognition.

An excellent way to honor our veterans on Army Day is to let them know that we value and respect their service.


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I am worker, i live ordinary life, i love to sing and i love go out different places, i having hobby to capture of good photos, love to eat.

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