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A man Travel by Skateboard

By SUGANYA RPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

Professional skateboarder Ritik Kratzel was traveling around India with just his skateboard and a small backpack. He set out from Manali on his skateboard and traveled all the way to Kanyakumari. His Instagram account claims that he finished his quest in 100 days.

People have been observed using a variety of different forms of transportation to travel around the globe. They include cycles, vans, and even autorickshaws.

However, what if we informed you that someone else performed the identical action while riding a skateboard? Interesting, huh?

His Instagram account claims that he finished his quest in 100 days. He uploaded multiple videos of his present location, and his supporters showered him with love and support. He expressed his opinions about the several things he saw in his recordings and reels. Ritik Kratzel's travel has undoubtedly been difficult, with everything from Google Maps not working to thick fog swallowing the highways and preventing visibility.

The first episode of his adventure was posted on Instagram on January 7, 2024, with the comment, "Episode 1 · Pilot (Kullu) Manali to Kanyakumari on Skateboard in 100 days." Hi to all of you. Greetings from my 100-day skate adventure. Using my skateboard, I set off from the charming little village of Manali to Kanyakumari. And today marks the first day of it all. Regards.

"Dude, when I first met you, I thought this journey was tough, which is true, but it ain't as tough as your zeal to conquer it," one person commented. Bravo, Ritik bhai. You've motivated not just me but many others.

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One more person said, "Absolutely great❤️, no showoff, no bullshit." Simple Decathlon Board, no mall grabbing cliché, no clothing that is too "drippy" Bravo, there aren't many individuals on the internet like you. Another person added, "Very impressive! We are so proud of you! You achieved the realization of a large, audacious dream! Many have been enthralled by your boldness, humility, friendliness, and spirit of adventure. Best wishes, Deva Ji!

He finished his voyage and arrived at Kanyakumari on April 1. "Manali To Kanyakumari Skate Journey comes to an end," he commented beside another video he posted on Instagram.

I appreciate each and every one of you being here with me. Without each and every one of you, it could not have happened. And I appreciate you viewing.

In addition to being a recreational pastime, an art form, a career in the entertainment business, and a means of transportation, skateboarding is an action sport that involves riding and doing tricks on a skateboard. Skateboarding has its roots in the United States and has evolved over time under the influence of numerous skateboarders. According to a 2009 survey, there are 11.08 million skateboarders worldwide who generate an estimated $4.8 billion in revenue annually from the sport. It was announced in 2016 that both male and female skateboarding teams would compete in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

Skateparks have been built especially for skateboarders, aggressive skaters, freestyle BMXers, and more lately, scooter riders, since the 1970s. But skateboarding has been contentious in some places throughout.

Wooden boxes, or boards, with roller skate wheels fastened to the bottom, were the original form of skateboards. Skateboards were preceded by crate scooters, which had a wooden crate fastened to the nose (front) of the board to serve as a crude handlebar. The boxes transformed into planks, resembling modern skateboard boards.

The Quarterly Skateboarder, the first skateboarding magazine, was released in 1964 as the sport's appeal started to grow. The magazine's publisher, John Severson, stated in his initial editorial:

The skateboarders of today are the pioneers, the founders of this sport. In skateboarding, history is being produced right now by people like you. The sport is evolving, and we think that making the correct decisions today will ensure that it has a bright future. Opponents of the sport are already raising the threat of a ban or other restrictions, so storm clouds are gathering.


About the Creator


I am worker, i live ordinary life, i love to sing and i love go out different places, i having hobby to capture of good photos, love to eat.

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