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Quick Lunch Dates For Couples on the Go

Want love, have no time? Never fear. These quick lunch dates will allow you to get some love in — even during the busiest of weeks.

By Ossiana M. TepfenhartPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

My partner and I get very little free time to see each other. Between my 90-hour work weeks and his crazy schedule, actually finding the time to be together can be pretty hard to do. However, where there's a will, there's a way — and we've definitely mastered the art of cramming in quality time, even when one of us is working.

If you want to date, but rarely have the time, these quick lunch dates will make it possible to find love regardless of how hectic your schedule can be.

Starbucks coffee runs are a good start.

Starbucks, Cosi, or whatever coffee place you have nearby can be a great place to have a quick date. Every single town has a coffee place that offers quick service, good snacks, and great coffee. That's why it's one of the best ideas for quick lunch dates, regardless of where you work.

If you haven't met your date yet and are suspicious of whether they are for real, a coffee date is your best bet. This is also true about Tinder dates, or similar risky online dating matches. Overall, this is the best first date idea you can have.

Go for a quick walk outside near work.

If you work in a city, or in a very nice suburban area, a quick walk outside of work can be a good way to get in quality time with your partner. Just being able to talk to them about the craziness in the office can be refreshing, and unlike other quick lunch dates, this one won't cost a penny.

Go for a cruise (in your car).

This is one of my favorite lunch dates out there, primarily because I absolutely love riding in cars. This low-cost date only requires a car, some good music for car karaoke, and a close proximity to wherever you have to be next. If you're near the beach or near picturesque areas, this can be one of those quick lunch dates that can turn really romantic, really quick.

Drop off lunch at their workplace.

Does your partner have time off for lunch at work? If you're not working, prepping them a nice lunch and enjoying a picnic for two outside of their workplace with them can be a great way to show you care — and an excellent way to bond without impeding on demanding schedules.

Hit up a spa for an hour-long couples' massage.

Say what you will about the price tag, but hitting up a spa for a couples' massage still ranks highly as one of the nicest quick lunch dates you can have. After all, a massage only lasts 30 minutes to an hour, so it's definitely a time-friendly option.

That being said, how long you've been together also plays a factor in how good an idea this date can be. Obviously, this isn't a good first date choice, but for couples who have been together for awhile, this is an amazing escape to enjoy during lunch time.

Hit up a karaoke bar.

The fun thing about karaoke bars is that you don't have to spend too much time in them to get a ton of great memories. In fact, most karaoke bars don't even require you to purchase liquor — and if you live in a big city, many will be open throughout the day.

Go ahead. Belt out that terribly difficult rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody." If anything, this will be one of those quick lunch dates that your partner will be sure to remember, even if they aren't a musician.

Go to a brunch (or lunch) venue together.

Obviously, one of the easiest quick lunch dates out there is to hit up a local cafe or restaurant that offers a nice meal with quick service. After all, nothing quite beats having awesome conversations, a great meal, and a mimosa (or two) with your sweetie.

Hit up a local park's events.

Most parks in major cities will have events thrown at them from time to time. It's not unusual to have a carnival, a daytime music show, or even an art festival at your local park. Many of these kinds of events are perfect quick lunch dates for couples who want to have fresh air, fun, and quality bonding time.

Hit the gym together.

You can get an amazing workout in only 30 minutes to an hour of time — and who better to help you get a better body than your date? Working up a sweat helps both of you feel better, and also can help you get in the mood.

The benefits of going to the gym are many, and it also makes a great first impression on health-conscious dates. So, it's one of the few quick lunch dates that has benefits that keep on giving.


About the Creator

Ossiana M. Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer based out of NJ. You can message her via Twitter on @bluntandwitty or via Instagram on @ossiana.makes.content. She's always looking for freelance work and collabs!

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