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Cowards and Their Resentments

What are they? An Emotional Analysis

By Chua Yuan HengPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Cowards and Their Resentments
Photo by Geronimo Giqueaux on Unsplash

What do you think are cowards? Are they merely people who hide and sulk at their own incompetence, or are they people who are clever but hide their true personality? In this analysis, we will take a look at what constitutes cowardice:

1. Other people are just luckier

Sometimes, coward people think that other people are just luckier, but they do not know that there were much efforts and hard work that have been poured into the works of these people before they seemingly got lucky in their fields of endeavour. The surface successes are often times the end result of what has been culminating from the inside of these people for years or even decades. For a long time, they might have been working really hard to finally show you what is now their outer surface successes. For example, you will never know how much exercises a person may have gone through to get those ripped abs.

2. No one seems to love me

Every time you fall, you must rise on your own, instead of hoping that someone somewhere will be there for you. In fact, a lot of cowards believe that no one seems to love them due to their shortcomings or that humans are just plain selfish. To an end, anyone in this world would first love themselves first and then go on to love others if they are capable of doing so. So, if it you yourself that must love yourself instead of hoping that others would do so for you because everyone else is busy loving themselves. So, when you fall, don't complain that no one loves you and would defends you. In fact, in the animal world, animals usually got abandoned by their parents once they know their basics of survival. Who would be there to love them and defend them when they feel miserable? For example, if you are jobless now, please, love yourself, and go find a new job, instead of hoping that someday, someone, somewhere, would come to your rescue because they are supposed to love you. Everyone usually loves themselves first. That's the cold hard truth.

3. What should I do for myself?

Oftentimes, cowards only thinks of the question "What should I do for myself?". Though, it's true that everyone should only love themselves first then only go on to love another as in the previous point, cowards usually does not make themselves useful for others. Instead of being of a great service to others, they always find ways to fulfill their self-serving agendas. How to get myself more money, instead of how to get the business they worked in more money, is an example of selfish, cowardice at work. Cowards must change their inclination of serving themselves to serve others meaningfully and usefully so that they become a better person as the end result.

4. Please go away as I don't like anyone

Cowards usually say this as they don't like anyone who might be smarter, cleverer, faster, or anything simply better than themselves. In being this way, they lock themselves out of competitions with another, as a way to serve themselves into getting more without the hectic trouble of needing to compete or simply work harder than they think they should. What could be seen from here is that people like this shuts themselves off anything that could come on their radar as not of advantage to themselves. This would make their own self contained little world easier to live in compared to a bigger, more uncertain world.

5. Where are all the good things?

All the good things never seemed to be ever get handed to cowards. There is a way of thinking about this is that cowards never appreciated anything ever given to them as they simply wants more, eventually to the point of hoarding more of what already is given to them. Try to look at the positive sides of things, in a way of appreciating all those things that are already handed to you. This is a way of being grateful and say thanks to Universe, the Almighty giver of all things.

6. No one should be allowed to be better than me

In a way, cowards doesn't like anyone to be allowed to be better than them. They cringe, they sulk, and they jeer as they doesn't like to compliment anything that could be better than them. This is because they doesn't like anything that is outside of their comfort zone. Anything outside of it is flagged as dangerous to their self worth and sometimes self-esteem. That's why cowards do things such as gossiping about the troubles or weaknesses of other people.

Cowards, are you one of them? Or are you a courageous warrior of life that doesn't give in to cowardice? Hope you enjoyed this piece! Like and comment!


About the Creator

Chua Yuan Heng

IT Support | Melaka | Malaysia

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