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Independence At Life

All Grown Up

By Chua Yuan HengPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Independence At Life
Photo by Kate Remmer on Unsplash

In the animal kingdom, all animals abandon their offspring as soon as they learnt how to navigate on their own. This is logical, considering that animals by nature can crawl, creep, fly, or run by themselves given their limbs or wings. Logical also, is that they never needed any special teaching, training, or instruction to live out their animal lives. If they can claw, clamp, maul, and bite, they will definitely get something to eat and live on as the creature they are, feeding on another creature, of which they call prey. In the predatory world of animals, they will never easily get hungry if they know where to hunt their next lunch or dinner. Usually, the animal dad or mom will give them their first crash course on hunting their preys.

Unlike the animal kingdom, the human world is much more complex to survive at, in that it requires more than mobility to be able to feast on the next meal. Our parents brought us into this world, only to find that we require all their attentions until at least we have reached the so called adulthood age, usually at 18 years old. Some people left their parents home early, some later, clinging onto their parents for things like further education, accommodations, and sometimes meals.

However, sometimes, we desire independence for ourselves. So that we may, finally feel satisfaction that we aren't anymore dependent on anyone for existing in this world. This feeling is the feeling of a grown up adulthood. A lot of people in this world wants to feel this way, not taken hostage by anyone older, proposing authority over your life.

To be self-dependent, there are 6 views we may look into as following:

1. Look up upon yourself

When you were a child, your parents were the ones you look up upon. How do they go about solving your issues? They imagined the solutions. Unless you cannot imagine anything at all, your brain surely is what you must look up upon because through the use of imagination, you can find the ways to resolving all your life matters. Matters being troubles, questions, problems, conditions, and circumstances you want to get yourself out from. For example, if you are lacking of money, you would imagine yourself being a part-timer at the nearest restaurant to fetch yourself more cash as side income. Ahoy, I imagined myself as a writer for Vocal.Media because I am jobless. Then, you would go on and imagine that you may work harder to grab yourselves maybe another part time job to do. My imagination to work as a content writer stretched from writing until the act of marketing my stories on Vocal Facebook groups. Imagine what you want, and the universe will manifest it for you, embedding it into your spirit, and appearing into your life as reality. And when you have this new reality that could only benefits you, your imagination has served you well in your quest for self-dependence, because you get your own things now, instead of relying on another person to get them. Do you remember how your parents always gossip about another? This is their way of imagining what if they are in the shoes of those people they talked about, be it of good or bad.

2. Understanding Your Surrounding

When you were a child, your parents always reminded you to not touch the hot iron on the ironing board, to not wander out into the streets with passing traffic, and things of sorts. Why is this important for self-dependence? This is very important so that you can protect yourself from harm's way. Besides that, they also clue to you that there are some nice courses or scholarships being offered by some institutions of higher learning nearby. This is an act of understanding the open opportunities in the surrounding. Sometimes, they play lotteries too, because those are opportunities to get some cash winnings.

3. Assess The Dangers Around You

As a sentient intelligent beings, the gossipers we are, we come to find out the dangers surrounding certain things like the bunch of creepy people living there, the over demanding corporations that enslaves people, and also the dangers of over showing or flaunting anything too overtly to others. This is very important in terms of self defense and also sometimes works as a reminder that we must subdue these dangers that could come hitting at us someday. We must in due diligence covers what must be protected, as hidden as the dark side of the moon, using in military terms, what is so called deception or ruse. We must also work fast in neutralizing all kinds of dangers, especially in a corporate environment, where we must stop some nasty characters from flourishing, of that someday that person may pose a serious threat to our continuance in that workplace. It's self sustenance.

4. Make Use Of Tools

Places, things, or people could be tools for your independence. Make use of them, and you will find yourself more independence. Utilize places such as the library, so that you will never gets disturbed by your siblings while doing things such as studying for an exam. You won't have to depends on whether they are quiet or not. Because you know how to go places by yourself, not relying on that one certain place. That, my friend, is independence. If you would utilize a thing properly, like your phone's GPS, then you would be able to go not just the library, but anywhere. Furthermore, people can be utilized too. Make use of your friends' or relatives' knowledge, if you want to know more of certain things in life, such as contacts for a local plumber, electrician, or handyman. These servicemen are people too, of which could be of use to you, as a tool!

5. Do Not Be Afraid

In our world, there surely are dangers. If we would look at them, the nasty consequences of these dangers are from the least devastating to the most dangerous are as following : disappointment, humiliation, poverty, injury, and death. We will go through each of these. Actually, disappointment in itself, could be saddening, but it could also be uplifting, as you learn how to move on from one thing to try on the next things. As for humiliation, you learn not to make the same mistake twice. Also, a gentle humiliation wouldn't hurt, for example, when you were trying to side park by the roadside and you didn't quite get it right, eventually, through humiliation you learned how to do side parking the right way. Poverty, now is quite a scary one, because it could leads to both the last ones, which is injury or death. For example, if you are poor, and couldn't afford a car, you may end up falling from a bicycle while trying to go places. But poverty inspires and motivates you to become a better version of yourselves, in order to get the better things out there. So, do not be afraid of poverty, because it only serves to remind us that we must all do work to eat and have anything at all. It is towards an end of building us up to become an independent human being. Injury and death rarely happens, but if it does, we either gets a battle scar or a rebirth at a new life! A battle scar, tells us that we have been there and done that. It builds experience, and eventually a confident independent nature within us. Death is but a gift, of renewal, towards a new life. But if we are not afraid of death, nothing could stop us. That's independent!

6. Just Be Nice

Being nice is important in being independent. Do not let another superior person tells you that you are bad, hostile, or not beautiful enough and thus you must not be allowed to do this or that in your life. For example, an employer sets out to fire you would say that you are not friendly or nice enough to be in the company and therefore they wouldn't consider you as their employee anymore. This, is psychological independence, in which, you free yourself up from other people's vantage point looking down on you condescendingly. You don't have to be validated, approved, or agreed upon by another person, in order to be a person existing in this fair and righteous justice filled society, be it you wanted to go, be, or do anything at all. You only have to just be nice and you did nothing wrong to anyone. That's independence from being heart or mind controlled by anyone.

That's all of this story about independence. Do you have more to share? Leave a comment, tip, or subscribe to me. Adios!


About the Creator

Chua Yuan Heng

IT Support | Melaka | Malaysia

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  • Davi Maiabout a year ago

    Very insightful. Thanks! :-)

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