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Something out here 3


By Shamshath BegamPublished 2 months ago 3 min read


The two men looked inside the car, but they couldn't see the driver. They saw right away that the steering wheel was bloody. It was an old car, so it most likely didn't even have an airbag. Even if it had one, it was obviously not working.

They noticed that the right-hand door wasn't where it should have been. It was ripped out of its hinges and was lying about five yards away between the trees.

The impact didn't look so forceful for the door to be that far away. Even for a wreck of a car like that pickup truck, it appeared impossible.

'What the hell happened here?' asked Jake and threw his hands in the air.

'I dunno, man. Ain't no sign of the fat dude...'

They looked around the car and under it. The men even searched the surroundings, but they found nothing. Jake's guts were twisting and turning. The sight of the red- eyed shape came back to him. If it were only for him to see it, it would have been fine. The really unnerving fact was that the fat guy had also seen something and was even closer to the station. What if that thing reached the station? Maybe the road lights turning off were a sign that it was here.

It's a mess, man,' said the clerk, looking confused.

'Yeah, but where the hell did he go?'

'Yo, I don't know, but let's not just stand here. I'm gonna call emergency.'

"That's a good idea because I heard a scream and that door... something took him.'

Yeah, man. Somethin' big,' said the clerk, and his eyes were open wide in amazement, but I ain't gonna wait here to see it.'

'All right, let's get back inside.'

The men were heading back towards the station, but right before turning from the main road onto the driveway, they met the woman and her daughter.

'Hey, what are you doing? It's not safe here,' said Jake, but saw that both of them were trembling.

'Mister, the lights went out,' said the girl and pointed towards the building.

Yeah, continued the woman, 'we thought it was strange, so we came outside. We didn't feel safe inside.'

'We heard something...' said Clara.

'Yeah,' continued her mother,' there were sounds coming from the back.'

'All right,' said Jake, 'let's get back first, then we'll see.'

They all went back to the station. The clerk was in front with the flashlight; the girls were behind him and Jake in the back. For a short time, he turned and walked backwards.

He kept his eyes on the road but couldn't see a thing. The night was still, and nothing moved on the moonlit road. Not a car passed since he arrived. It really seemed like an abandoned road.

He was wondering why the owner of the gas station hadn't gone out of business. It seemed sure that the owner made little money out here.

Jake turned and found himself staring at the woman's hips. He liked how they swayed. She wore tight jeans, which accentuated her curves. A thin jacket made of some material which resembled leather covered her upper body.

A beautiful woman, thought Jake again, then looked away in distaste. The distaste was for him because he began fantasizing about some woman while people were dying. In the end, he thought, primal urges always win.

'My name is Curtis, by the way,' said the clerk without turning.

'I'm Jenna,' said the woman, 'and this is my daughter, Clara. Not the best circumstances to make friends, huh?"

'Definitely not. I'm Jake, nice to meet you.

'I'm gonna check the breaker panel out back,' said Curtis.

'All right, Curtis. I'm staying here with the ladies.'

Curtis went around the building, and Jake remained with Jenna and Clara. The little girl was hugging her mother. Jenna was keeping her hand protectively over Clara's shoulder.

Jake crouched in front of the girl and smiled comfortingly at her. She smiled back.

Thank you for reading my story

It's continue reading in part :4


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