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Something out here 2


By Shamshath BegamPublished 2 months ago 3 min read


Yeah, man. But haven't you said that you've seen it too?'

'I don't know what I've seen,' said Jake and turned to go.

Jake didn't like this. If there's one more person who had seen the strange apparition, then there might have been something there after all. He didn't see it well and didn't want to draw conclusions.

It might be just a prank by local kids. He remembered a story from his teens. What he saw earlier was eerily similar to that.

A long time ago, he and a few friends cut a piece of cardboard in order to resemble an evil face. Then they folded it up to look like a cylinder. After that, they glued a piece of cardboard to the top and one to the bottom.

It resembled a jack-o'-lantern in the end. They cut a hole in its back and put a candle inside, then they stuck the thing on a tree in the park of their hometown.

After nightfall, a young man and a  girl came to have some fun where nobody could see them. When they noticed it, they got scared and ran away screaming. Jake smiled at the thought, he still saw their scared faces. It sure looked like one of those pranks.

The woman and the girl just arrived at the counter, and the woman wanted to pay. Jake looked at the woman and her child, they both looked back at him and smiled.

He did the same, then headed to the door. Don't even think about it, he thought, you don't deserve it!

The little girl's face struck him. She resembled his late son, Clark. The girl had the same cheeks, a very similar nose, and the look in her eyes was just like Clark's. She was smiling with her eyes too; she was beautiful. Her smile brought back some painful memories.

These memories dated back four years, and Jake hated them as he hated himself. His wife and son were no more because of him. Only death could save him from the guilt he was feeling. He didn't start a new life since their death, he couldn't.

The road was his salvation when he wasn't working. Jake was driving because this way he could avoid the damned bottle. He couldn't drink himself to death when being at the wheel.

His life mattered little to him, but he didn't want to kill anybody else. Sometimes he was fantasizing about saving somebody else at the expense of his own life in order to die at least half at peace.

Jake walked out the front door and saw the big guy driving out of the station. He was driving an old pickup truck. Jake was wondering how it was still in one piece and didn't fall apart a hundred years ago.

The man wasn't hesitating much. He must have stepped on the gas really hard because he was out on the road in no time.  The fat man was speeding away in his decrepit excuse of a car with no working lights, and he disappeared behind the trees.

He didn't get far, however. Jake heard tires screeching and then a loud crashing noise.

The crashing noise was quickly followed by a harsh metallic one, then an elongated scream. Jake couldn't see anything because of the lush vegetation surrounding the station, but he knew it was bad. He rushed back inside right away.

'Hey,' he shouted to the clerk, 'I think the big guy just had an accident.'

'I'm coming right away,' said the clerk and grabbed a flashlight.

He then ran outside, right behind Jake. The woman and the child remained inside. The woman didn't want her daughter to see anything related to an accident. Jake reached the fat man's car.

It looked like the man tried to avoid something on the road, something he saw too late. The car hit an enormous tree and now lay on the side of the road, smoking.

Thank you reading my story

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