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Undekhi Season 3 Ending Explained | Spoilers Alert

So yes, Papaji, who committed a crime in Season 1, has finally been caught by the police.

By Ayush VermaPublished 27 days ago 3 min read
Undekhi Season 3 Ending Explained

After the ending of Undekhi 3, many questions come to mind; for sure, they may be raising in your mind too, like, will the story continue further? If it happens, what will we see in it? Will Papaji be able to come out of jail or not? Will everything be fine between Daman and Teji or not? So we will discuss everything, one by one.

In case you have not seen Undekhi Season 3 yet and you are planning to watch it, then please leave here because you will find a lot of spoilers here.

Undekhi Season 3 Ending Explained

So in the end, Papaji confesses in front of Rinku Paaji that it was he who accidentally murdered Muskaan, which Papaji was not ready to accept.

In the meantime, Rinku comes to know that Rajveer Malhotra is her real father, and in the past, Papaji framed Rajveer Malhotra and sent him to jail. Rinku Paaji's mother died because of Papaji. All these things come to light, and DSP Ghosh is also there.

Even Rinku Paaji, after hearing the truth, fired bullets at Papaji. Seeing this, it seemed that Rinku Paaji had killed Papaji, but it was not so. Rinku Paaji fired bullets around Papaji out of anger. Then DSP Ghosh arrests Papaji.

So yes, Papaji, who committed a crime in Season 1, has finally been caught by the police.

In the meantime, Rinku Paaji suggests Daman go back to America; otherwise, the jungle will eat them. We learn that Daman and Teji have now separated and there is no love left between them.

And then we come to know another thing: that Teji is pregnant.

Rinku Paaji sends the women of her family to Chandigarh so that they stay away from whatever illegal things are going on.

Now Rinku Paaji or her real father, Rajveer Malhotra, both father and son together, are going to do illegal work inside Manali. So now, friends, the Atwal family is completely broken. Rinku Paaji has completely separated from the Atwals, so now if season 4 comes, what will be seen inside it?

See, many possibilities are still left, as we know that Papaji was a negative character, and he's facing consequences for his actions., but Rinku is still alive. No matter how Rinku is presented, it is wrong because he is doing illegal work. So he's going to get punished too.

I feel that Teji is going to play a very important role in the future. She will probably take revenge on Rinku Paaji because of that, Daman got separated from her.

So season 4 is going to completely focus on Rinku Paaji and her real father. In season 4, both of them are going to run a whole cartel together, where perhaps Teji will come to take revenge on them or someone from the past will come back. In the meantime, Papaji is not dead; he is alive inside the jail, so maybe his entry can also be seen in Season 4.

So, friends, this was just my small explanation of the ending of Undekhi 3. For sure, Season 4 will come because it is the most hit show on Sonyliv, and I hope that the makers will once again bring something explosive.

That's it for now. I'll meet you soon. Take care.

Have a nice day.

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About the Creator

Ayush Verma

Nothing is impossible; the world itself says, "I' am possible!" - Audrey Hepburn

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