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Best 'Stranger Things' Funko Pop! Figures Arrive

The first wave of the best 'Stranger Things' Funko Pop! figures make you feel as nostalgic for the 1980s as the show did.

By Stephen HamiltonPublished 7 years ago 6 min read

In 2016, Netflix transported us back to the 80s, with the classic tube socks, feathered hair, but with better television quality. Stranger Things rocked the streaming service and became one of the top watched shows of the summer. We followed a group of boys as they searched for their missing friend, gained the friendship of a young girl turned government experiment, and experienced the demogorgons in all their dangerous glory. Most of the audience may not have much in common with the school aged kids, or the 80s, but the show was a hit. And like any pop culture phenemonon, enter Funko Pop! to immortalize the characters for fans! Each of the boys, kickass Elle, Joyce, and her lights and even Barb are portrayed in 3 3/4" figures that you can keep on your desk, dresser, or right next to you on the couch when Season 2 premieres in 2017!

Fans became ecstatic and the show gained more viewers when Netflix renewed Stranger Things for another two seasons. Stranger Things has the power to create a community of fans that will financially show their support in any way, within means, of course. For a show to have figurines designed for it so quickly is definitely rare, but then again, Stranger Things is not your typical kind of show. Netflix has really raised the bar for science fiction/fantasy shows. All in all, Stranger Things became so popular that Funko Pop! decides to dedicate a whole line of vinyl POP! figurines to it, which is unheard of this early in the game.

Previously in August 2016, the company Funko revealed to awaiting fans the prototype dolls of Stranger Things characters. Eleven was the first to be shown, but Funko was kind enough to allow fans to pitch in for future characters.

A huge majority, about 40 percent, wanted the figure of Dustin. He's such an essential character to the show and a fan favorite because of the way he properly does his job at such a young age. He doesn't let his speech impediment come in between himself and his job. Dustin is an integral part to the original trio and acts as a mediator when erratic fights occur. His figure would be a warm reminder of forgiveness and leadership. Also, out of the trio, Dustin was the most likable character. He had a kind nature that will ensure his character's success in the show and his popularity as one of the best Stranger Things Funko Pop! figures

The first character that Funko decided to release to the public is an all-time favorite, Eleven. In fact, Funko let the fans choose from three different versions, one with each of Eleven's hairdos. In the end, Funko released all three versions, but it was nice to see which one would be the most popular. One of the best Stranger Things Funko Pop figures features Eleven with her pre-wig pixie cut and has an authentic look to it. The figure certainly captures Eleven’s innocent, yet deadly, appearance. She even has the Eggos she loves so much included on her hands. The blond version of the Eleven figure will have you reacting like Mike when he first saw Eleven in that very same outfit, in shock. Even better, Funko is releasing another version of Eleven where she is in her tortuous chamber in the government’s lab. If you were a collector, all three pieces would be valuable memorabilia of the show.

The rest of the poll was up in the air and involved random characters. Well, the Demogorgons were essential to the backstory of the game the trio would play in Stranger Things. Even more importantly, the Demogorgon was the evil entity that would take humans away to the Upside Down and eat them. Having the main villain as a figurine is a honorable token. In fact, 29 percent of fans thought it would be a good idea for Funko to release the Demogorgon as a next potential figure. The Demogorgon as a vinyl Pop! figure would be an interesting task for the Funko’s excellent design team. They actually released two different versions of the Demogorgon, with exceptional detail made to the hideous face portrayed in the show. One figure has its mouth open with the tentacles and all the gory stuff on display, and another has a more toned down version, with its mouth closed. Still, both figures are realistic enough that they look like prototypes the creators of the show would have made. In fact, creators of the show have commended Funko for their attempt on displaying the best Stranger Things Funko Pop! figures.

One of the characters who tragically died in the Upside Down World, Barb, was also one of the most talked about characters. The creators of the show used Barb as the example of what would happen if you were to get stuck in the Upside Down World with no escape route. Barb’s typical 80s outfit will bring a nostalgic feeling to anyone who was a teenager then, making her one of the best Stranger Things Funko Pop! figures. The actress does a perfect job embodying a sad teenage girl who is about to perish in an unknown land, and that is what the figurine of Barb personifies. Everyone who saw the show could relate to Barb on some level, so a vinyl Pop! figure for her was well deserved.

Will Byers was the boy who started the whole man hunt towards revealing classified government information and experimentation. He was honored with two different versions of the vinyl Pop! figurine line. He was stuck in the Upside Down for the longest out of all of the characters, but somehow did not die. Now the fan gets to choose which Will they prefer, the Will Byers on planet Earth, or the Will Byers in the Upside Down. His character looked very ghastly when found down there, which some fans find a central moment in the show. The Will Byers in the Upside Down was pivotal to the show, and the Will Byers on Earth will soon be. The ending of the first season clearly shows that Will has a larger role to play in the upcoming season. Thus, investing in his figurines might be a good move. In the show, Will Byers is essential for the character growth of his mother Joyce Byers, played by Winona Ryder.

Onwards to other characters who became essential for the show. Joyce Byers' character is identifiable by most mothers or people who have a maternal instinct towards someone else. A lot of fans might buy this figurine because of the actress who played this role. Winona Ryder has been a successful actress almost all her life, starting from the 1980s. In fact, a majority of the people who are expected to purchase her figurine are fans of the actress herself. The figure is spot on with the character on the show. There’s so much detail applied that even the christmas lights she uses to talk to her son Will are included on the figure. Joyce Byers figure has the same tired but determined look on her eyes that will be appreciated by any fan of Stanger Things, making her one of the best Stranger Things Funko Pop! figures.

Lucas is the last member of the boy gang to be featured on this list and made immortal in all his Funko glory as one of the best Stranger Things Funko Pop! figures. Recognized for his bandana, Lucas Sinclair is an important part of the group for his skepticism and honesty, and hits the boys with a dose of realness when they are blinded by the veil of fear or magic. Always prepared, he comes back and saves the day and his friends in a bandana wearing, bicycle riding, warning call rage!

Some characters are minor, while others shaped the fates of others in the show. Jim Hopper is the police officer who was essential in finding out what was actually going down in the government secret lab. Without him, none of the children would have been able to survive. Also, he was essential for Joyce Beyers mental well being, since he knew what she was going through at the time.

A character people are surprisingly demanding as a vinyl POP! figurine is Troy, the kid who Eleven made pee his pants. No one knew what to expect from Eleven at that scene, and no one would expect Funko to make this a figure part of a massive figurine line. In Stranger Things, that scene allowed so much comedic relief that the figurine would be a nice reminder a funny moment. Plus, the figure would be so random that people would feel more inclined to buy it.

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About the Creator

Stephen Hamilton

Definitive movie buff. Quickly realized that it was more financially prudent to write about film than trying to beg for millions of dollars to make his own.

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